So, who is responsible?

For the sake of ending the 'argument' I'm going to blame Bush AND every Republican who ever walked the planet.
Heck, I think Bush Sr should be blamed also!

I also blame dilloduck and LuLu...just to round out the blame... ;)
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I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Look in the mirror.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Look in the mirror.

All I saw was my reflection. What is it you see in the mirror? Never mind, everyone can see it from here.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Maybe Obama and his ilk should of voted against funding it, like he does not fund his Federal Workers on furlough today.

Obama defends votes in favor of Iraq funding - The Boston Globe

Plus, Obama keeps elevating Iraq war supporters.. WTF?

Four years ago, Barack Obama campaigned for the Democratic nomination against rivals who had comparatively longer resumes. But he persuasively argued that the experience of Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Joe Biden ought to be discounted, because their support for the 2002 authorization for the use of force in Iraq proved that their judgment was inferior to less experienced hands who nevertheless foresaw the Bush Administration's folly.

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the terrorists were responsilble for our government not trying to help those people when they were under attack??? tell me exactly how that works.

9 House inquiries and Republicans still have been unable to prove that help could have arrived in time

Monday Morning Quarterbacking at its best

Why didn't Bush rescue the people in the World Trade Center?

Then why did Obama, Clinton, and the entire state dept lie about it for weeks? Why was the military told to stand down when they were ready to send help from Tripoli to Benghazi?

your question on WTC is just stupid.

As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people
9 House inquiries and Republicans still have been unable to prove that help could have arrived in time

Monday Morning Quarterbacking at its best

Why didn't Bush rescue the people in the World Trade Center?

Then why did Obama, Clinton, and the entire state dept lie about it for weeks? Why was the military told to stand down when they were ready to send help from Tripoli to Benghazi?

your question on WTC is just stupid.

As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

Bush: I Feared Air Force Had Shot Down Flight 93

Then why did Obama, Clinton, and the entire state dept lie about it for weeks? Why was the military told to stand down when they were ready to send help from Tripoli to Benghazi?

your question on WTC is just stupid.

As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

Bush: I Feared Air Force Had Shot Down Flight 93


Bush knew of the threat of terrorism.......he should have had helicopters ready in case something like 9-11 happened

We need Senate inquiries
As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

Bush: I Feared Air Force Had Shot Down Flight 93


Bush knew of the threat of terrorism.......he should have had helicopters ready in case something like 9-11 happened

We need Senate inquiries

You mean like Obama should of had protection in Benghazi on 9-11?


Bush knew of the threat of terrorism.......he should have had helicopters ready in case something like 9-11 happened

We need Senate inquiries

You mean like Obama should of had protection in Benghazi on 9-11?



We hold our presidents to a high standard. They must not only stop bad things from happening but but cover all possible contingencies

At least that is what Republicans tell us
9 House inquiries and Republicans still have been unable to prove that help could have arrived in time

Monday Morning Quarterbacking at its best

Why didn't Bush rescue the people in the World Trade Center?

Then why did Obama, Clinton, and the entire state dept lie about it for weeks? Why was the military told to stand down when they were ready to send help from Tripoli to Benghazi?

your question on WTC is just stupid.

As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

we are talking about presidential actions AFTER the attack. Bush sent help, Obama did not.
Bush knew of the threat of terrorism.......he should have had helicopters ready in case something like 9-11 happened

We need Senate inquiries

You mean like Obama should of had protection in Benghazi on 9-11?



We hold our presidents to a high standard. They must not only stop bad things from happening but but cover all possible contingencies

At least that is what Republicans tell us

If we are going to rehash history, you better realize that the 9/11 attack happened because Clinton had handcuffed our intelligence services be blocking communications between the FBI and CIA. Bush had only been in office for 8 months. The 9/11 attacked was planned long before Bush had any control over anything.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

:offtopic: :ahole-1: :offtopic: :ahole-1: :offtopic: :ahole-1: :offtopic: :ahole-1:

why do liarberals always go :offtopic: ???????
You mean like Obama should of had protection in Benghazi on 9-11?



We hold our presidents to a high standard. They must not only stop bad things from happening but but cover all possible contingencies

At least that is what Republicans tell us

If we are going to rehash history, you better realize that the 9/11 attack happened because Clinton had handcuffed our intelligence services be blocking communications between the FBI and CIA. Bush had only been in office for 8 months. The (September 11, 2001AD) 9/11 attacked was planned long before Bush had any control over anything.

if we are going to rehash history.., do not forget that Billy Bubba Clintoon signed the student visas for those terrorist to get here and learn how to fly big airplanes into tall buildings.

i wish people would stop saying/typing 9/11.., there are many 911's.., be specific.., very SPECIFIC !! OK ? :up:
Then why did Obama, Clinton, and the entire state dept lie about it for weeks? Why was the military told to stand down when they were ready to send help from Tripoli to Benghazi?

your question on WTC is just stupid.

As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

we are talking about presidential actions AFTER the attack. Bush sent help, Obama did not.

Bush read My Pet Goat

People died
You mean like Obama should of had protection in Benghazi on 9-11?



We hold our presidents to a high standard. They must not only stop bad things from happening but but cover all possible contingencies

At least that is what Republicans tell us

If we are going to rehash history, you better realize that the 9/11 attack happened because Clinton had handcuffed our intelligence services be blocking communications between the FBI and CIA. Bush had only been in office for 8 months. The 9/11 attacked was planned long before Bush had any control over anything.

Clinton left Bush an anti-terrorism task force. Bush ignored it

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