So, who is responsible?

I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.
What is one to expect from immoral morons that can't respect life even in the womb?

We hold our presidents to a high standard. They must not only stop bad things from happening but but cover all possible contingencies

At least that is what Republicans tell us

If we are going to rehash history, you better realize that the 9/11 attack happened because Clinton had handcuffed our intelligence services be blocking communications between the FBI and CIA. Bush had only been in office for 8 months. The 9/11 attacked was planned long before Bush had any control over anything.

Clinton left Bush an anti-terrorism task force. Bush ignored it

Ask Richard Clark

the 9/11/01 terrorists were allowed into this country on student visas approved by Clinton. They received flight training at US taxpayer expense. the WTC attack would not have happened if clinton's "terrorism task force" had done its job.

But your attempt to deflect from obama and benghazi is over.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Look, STOOPID.....

The United States Congress VOTED to give the President what's called an "Authorization to Use Military Force" in Iraq. Hereinafter called an "AUMF".

So did the UN in its Security Council Resolution 1441, passed unanimously

Dayum, but libtards just won't give up on the stupid.

So sick of the stupid
As long as we are engaging in Monday Morning Quarterbacking......

We should all be outraged that Bush did not send help on 9-11 to save 3000 people

you just proved to this forum you are nothing but a fucking idiot troll !! :up:

Monday morning quarterbacking is an effective tool to decide what Bush should have done

He stood by and watched 3000 people die.........just like Obama watched 4 people die
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Look, STOOPID.....

The United States Congress VOTED to give the President what's called an "Authorization to Use Military Force" in Iraq. Hereinafter called an "AUMF".

So did the UN in its Security Council Resolution 1441, passed unanimously

Dayum, but libtards just won't give up on the stupid.

So sick of the stupid
Revisionist history is great isn't it?

You MUST be Republican
Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Look, STOOPID.....

The United States Congress VOTED to give the President what's called an "Authorization to Use Military Force" in Iraq. Hereinafter called an "AUMF".

So did the UN in its Security Council Resolution 1441, passed unanimously

Dayum, but libtards just won't give up on the stupid.

So sick of the stupid
Revisionist history is great isn't it?

You MUST be Republican

If you have no brains, don't despair. Just become a dimocrap.

They ain't choosey. At all.

Congressional actions on the Iraq War prior to the 2003 U.S. invasion - SourceWatch

Senate record vote:
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq (allowing unprovoked U.S. attacks against Iraq)
October 10, 2002
Passed, 75-25, view details
Dem: 28-22 in favor, GOP: 47-2 in favor, Ind: 1 opposed

Three to one in the Senate. Over two to one in the House.

dimocraps continue to bring the stoopid

House record vote:
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq (final vote)
October 10, 2002
Passed, 296-133, view details
Dem: 81-126 opposed, GOP: 215-6 in favor, Ind: 1 opposed


Check it out, STUPID.

dimocraps could have stopped it COLD. They had the numbers in the Senate to do so.

So it was ON THEM.

Suck on reality, liar
Last edited:
Do you blame Bush for the 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq? Has everyone agreed that Bush was to blame?

Look, STOOPID.....

The United States Congress VOTED to give the President what's called an "Authorization to Use Military Force" in Iraq. Hereinafter called an "AUMF".

So did the UN in its Security Council Resolution 1441, passed unanimously

Dayum, but libtards just won't give up on the stupid.

So sick of the stupid
Revisionist history is great isn't it?

You MUST be Republican

time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:
Look, STOOPID.....

The United States Congress VOTED to give the President what's called an "Authorization to Use Military Force" in Iraq. Hereinafter called an "AUMF".

So did the UN in its Security Council Resolution 1441, passed unanimously

Dayum, but libtards just won't give up on the stupid.

So sick of the stupid
Revisionist history is great isn't it?

You MUST be Republican

time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:

The UN did not authorize a US invasion......FACT
Bush, and Bush alone ordered the Iraq invasion.......FACT
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

You see, the idea of taking a break is that you don't actually show up.

The "Phony Scandal" is that Republicans are trying to find some way to blame Obama and not the terrorists who did it. "Well, they blamed the video". Nope. Said it was terrorism right off the bat.

"Didn't send in rescue teams." Yup. They did. Just not in time to do much good.

What amazes me is no matter how many times the REpublicans get slapped down for their GHOULISH pandering on this issue, they keep coming back for more.
Revisionist history is great isn't it?

You MUST be Republican

time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:

The UN did not authorize a US invasion......FACT
Bush, and Bush alone ordered the Iraq invasion.......FACT

is the USA subject to the rule of the UN?

The US congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Both dem and reps in congress voted for that stupid waste of american lives and money
Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

you are at least consistent in your ignorance.
I am currently taking a break from this board, for the sake of my sanity. However, I couldn't help but notice how Obama called the death of four men in Benghazi a "phony scandal." Since nobody in the Obama administration seems to want to claim responsibility for this tragedy - or wants to blame Republicans for cutting security funding, who is responsible?

Who was to blame for this fiasco? Why is it nobody can be taken to task for mistakes that result in the loss of life? Why do liberals sit at their desks on political forums such as this, pointing fingers at their political opponents? I mean, the needless death of someone should make them angry! But for some reason it doesn't. They'll say anything to acquit Obama or his cabinet from any malfeasance of judgement. Anyhow, I couldn't help but make that observation.

Carry on, USMB denizens.

You see, the idea of taking a break is that you don't actually show up.

The "Phony Scandal" is that Republicans are trying to find some way to blame Obama and not the terrorists who did it. "Well, they blamed the video". Nope. Said it was terrorism right off the bat.

"Didn't send in rescue teams." Yup. They did. Just not in time to do much good.

What amazes me is no matter how many times the REpublicans get slapped down for their GHOULISH pandering on this issue, they keep coming back for more.

Kormac discovered that actually trying to defend his own idiotic views was quite a bit more difficult than he anticipated.
time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:

The UN did not authorize a US invasion......FACT
Bush, and Bush alone ordered the Iraq invasion.......FACT

is the USA subject to the rule of the UN?

The US congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Both dem and reps in congress voted for that stupid waste of american lives and money
Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

you are at least consistent in your ignorance.
US Sovereignty means zero to sewerboy...much less Statist creeps that infest this Republic.
time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:

The UN did not authorize a US invasion......FACT
Bush, and Bush alone ordered the Iraq invasion.......FACT

is the USA subject to the rule of the UN?

The US congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Both dem and reps in congress voted for that stupid waste of american lives and money
Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

you are at least consistent in your ignorance.

Guess what can't play it both ways with the UN. Eithet claim they supported you or not. Don't justify an Iraq invasion to enforce a UN resolution and then claim resolutions don't apply

The Commander in Chief ordered the invasion of Iraq.......PERIOD
time for you to leave this one RW, you got your ass kicked big time by people with facts, logic, and common sense.

another flaming loss for the troll known as RW. :fu:

The UN did not authorize a US invasion......FACT
Bush, and Bush alone ordered the Iraq invasion.......FACT

is the USA subject to the rule of the UN?

The US congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Both dem and reps in congress voted for that stupid waste of american lives and money
Bush did not, and could not, do it on his own.

you are at least consistent in your ignorance.

You're lying. The Democrats in the House did not vote for the Iraq war.

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