So Who Will Be the Donald's Running Mate?

I like Newt. He has been Speaker of the HOuse, has contacts on both sides of the aisle and knows the ins and outs of politics. He would be a great asset to Trump.

His contacts are mostly gone and he's a lousy candidate. I like Newt but he'd be an anchor on the ticket. His best slot would probably be Chief of between all the dept heads. and a calm voice when the Donald starts going haywire.
I don't agree. However I would agree with you about Chief of Staff. Just hoping that Trump would take his advice. I think if Newt would be VP or Chief if staff, those contacts would open up again.
Rubio would consider the VP slot and he was my choice for the Republican nomination but I have real doubts if he would want to be on a Trump ticket. If this is a Trump Clinton general and it goes as bad for Trump as I think it could I cant think of many who would to attach their name to it.

How the two of them would reconcile Rubio calling Trump a "conman" and making fun of his tiny hands probably torpedoes any pairing. But on the other hand, if Rubio couched a reconciliation in the right way, it might be possible. Somehow the GOP has to get after the latino vote or we lose a generation of them. And what do young people think when they see two codgers like Trump and Hillary screaming at each other? Rubio could be a difference-maker in those demographics. And Trump is 70.....Marco could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Rubio would consider the VP slot and he was my choice for the Republican nomination but I have real doubts if he would want to be on a Trump ticket. If this is a Trump Clinton general and it goes as bad for Trump as I think it could I cant think of many who would to attach their name to it.

How the two of them would reconcile Rubio calling Trump a "conman" and making fun of his tiny hands probably torpedoes any pairing. But on the other hand, if Rubio couched a reconciliation in the right way, it might be possible. Somehow the GOP has to get after the latino vote or we lose a generation of them. And what do young people think when they see two codgers like Trump and Hillary screaming at each other? Rubio could be a difference-maker in those demographics. And Trump is 70.....Marco could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Trump has done so much damage with the Latino vote I don't think anyone could repair that damage in this short of time. I could be wrong but I think this could be a Reublican loss on the scale that Mondale lost to Reagan.
Rubio would consider the VP slot and he was my choice for the Republican nomination but I have real doubts if he would want to be on a Trump ticket. If this is a Trump Clinton general and it goes as bad for Trump as I think it could I cant think of many who would to attach their name to it.

How the two of them would reconcile Rubio calling Trump a "conman" and making fun of his tiny hands probably torpedoes any pairing. But on the other hand, if Rubio couched a reconciliation in the right way, it might be possible. Somehow the GOP has to get after the latino vote or we lose a generation of them. And what do young people think when they see two codgers like Trump and Hillary screaming at each other? Rubio could be a difference-maker in those demographics. And Trump is 70.....Marco could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Trump has done so much damage with the Latino vote I don't think anyone could repair that damage in this short of time. I could be wrong but I think this could be a Reublican loss on the scale that Mondale lost to Reagan.
You have to remember he is bringing out Republican, Independents and some Democratic Crossover votes this year in record numbers
Just joshing about Robb. I really can't see anyone from inside the party who'd be willing to get in the clown car. Of people who are not elected at the national level who have any name recognition nationally, I'd guess Jeff Sessions.

Sessions is hot to trot for Trump....I despise the prick for voting against the GM bailout to protect his jap car plants....plants that were built with taxpayer dollars.
Something else to factor in here and that is that Rubio declined to join the Cruz/Kasich double-team on Trump. Those who don't realize what his 172 delegates might mean to Trump are missing a key element of what could happen in Cleveland. Marco has kept his mouth shut and his powder dry at this cookie.
Rubio would consider the VP slot and he was my choice for the Republican nomination but I have real doubts if he would want to be on a Trump ticket. If this is a Trump Clinton general and it goes as bad for Trump as I think it could I cant think of many who would to attach their name to it.

How the two of them would reconcile Rubio calling Trump a "conman" and making fun of his tiny hands probably torpedoes any pairing. But on the other hand, if Rubio couched a reconciliation in the right way, it might be possible. Somehow the GOP has to get after the latino vote or we lose a generation of them. And what do young people think when they see two codgers like Trump and Hillary screaming at each other? Rubio could be a difference-maker in those demographics. And Trump is 70.....Marco could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Trump has done so much damage with the Latino vote I don't think anyone could repair that damage in this short of time. I could be wrong but I think this could be a Reublican loss on the scale that Mondale lost to Reagan.
You have to remember he is bringing out Republican, Independents and some Democratic Crossover votes this year in record numbers
True but his numbers with women, African American, and Hispanic voters is worse than what Romneys were in 2012 so that could cancel out these crossover votes. It seems he still hasn't learned making comments like Hillary would be at five percent if she were a man is not going to help you in a general election it fires up his die hard supporters but it could also drive those crossover voters right over to Hillary.
I am not yet ready to concede that "The Donny" is inevitable.

But, I guess we will see more clearly after the Indiana primary.

If Trump is denied a majority by the first ballot, there is very good reason to believe he will not get the nod.
True but his numbers with women, African American, and Hispanic voters is worse than what Romneys were in 2012 so that could cancel out these crossover votes. It seems he still hasn't learned making comments like Hillary would be at five percent if she were a man is not going to help you in a general election it fires up his die hard supporters but it could also drive those crossover voters right over to Hillary.

I don't believe Trump thinks Hillary will be the candidate....and neither do I. If Obwana turns on her and lets Lynch indict her, his boy Biden will be the one....and that's an easy win for Trump.
True but his numbers with women, African American, and Hispanic voters is worse than what Romneys were in 2012 so that could cancel out these crossover votes. It seems he still hasn't learned making comments like Hillary would be at five percent if she were a man is not going to help you in a general election it fires up his die hard supporters but it could also drive those crossover voters right over to Hillary.

I don't believe Trump thinks Hillary will be the candidate....and neither do I. If Obwana turns on her and lets Lynch indict her, his boy Biden will be the one....and that's an easy win for Trump.
I don't see Hillary getting indicted anyone of us would but they will come up with someway to chastise her for her poor judgement while claiming technically she did nothing wrong.
I don't see Hillary getting indicted anyone of us would but they will come up with someway to chastise her for her poor judgement while claiming technically she did nothing wrong.

He said at the joke-fest over the weekend something about the next president "whoever she may be" so there's that. But on the other hand, Willy has been taking shots at Obama and he may be ready to ambush her. If the FBI recommends an indictment, Lynch refuses, Comey resigns in disgust, and she gets the nomination in spite of it all, she'll lose....too much stink on her carcass for even the diehard rats to stomach.
I don't see Hillary getting indicted anyone of us would but they will come up with someway to chastise her for her poor judgement while claiming technically she did nothing wrong.

He said at the joke-fest over the weekend something about the next president "whoever she may be" so there's that. But on the other hand, Willy has been taking shots at Obama and he may be ready to ambush her. If the FBI recommends an indictment, Lynch refuses, Comey resigns in disgust, and she gets the nomination in spite of it all, she'll lose....too much stink on her carcass for even the diehard rats to stomach.
Obamas a party first guy so I don't see him doing that Comey is the wildcard in all this everyone I hear talk about Comey says he is a standup guy and non political so if indictment is recommended and the Justice Department refuses then all bets are off.
Something else to factor in here and that is that Rubio declined to join the Cruz/Kasich double-team on Trump. Those who don't realize what his 172 delegates might mean to Trump are missing a key element of what could happen in Cleveland. Marco has kept his mouth shut and his powder dry at this cookie.
I think Marco's a distinct possibility ... assuming he'd team up with a guy who called him names. But, Little Marco seems to be a man without a spine. Rubio is done politically, so he'd have nothing to lose, and potentially gain 8 years of a really cushy job.
I don't see Hillary getting indicted anyone of us would but they will come up with someway to chastise her for her poor judgement while claiming technically she did nothing wrong.

I'm not so sure...there's plenty of evidence to convict her....6,000 counts of mishandling classified information. :badgrin: And there's no love lost between the Kenyan and Willy Jeff. Also Obama knows she'll shit-bomb him if it looks like he had a hand in her demise. My bet is she agrees to leave the race for the WH in return for a full pardon and Biden jumps in.....senile, odd, a groper, a plagiarist, and a loudmouth. Trump would bury him....landslide.

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