So who's the leaker?

100 million? Really? You seem unaware that overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal. It has no effect on all (100%) of women in states where abortion is legal. The real issue is a violation of the integrity of the Supreme Court.

If you don't like it, get the law in your state changed.

26 states will outlaw abortion or limit it the moment Roe is overturned. One shouldn't have to work to get a right women have enjoyed for 50 years.

Cancer treatment does not kill a third person. You are afraid that some states will make abortion illegal. You don't want people to vote do you. How dare people in a state vote to make abortion illegal. Take that vote away.

Fetuses aren't people.

Yes, I am very worried women will be maimed when they get illegal abortions.
The first thing I think of is ethics. This was unethical at the very least, to leak a supreme court justices unpublished writings. This might have been something that was in the process of working its way through their system, and now it's been leaked, and therefore it's going to be hotly debated and could influence the supreme court decision.

Now, I'm sure you are going to say that's a good thing in this case. Do you really want law clerks doing things that can have adverse affects on the justices?

It also creates a trust issue. Now the justices are going to have to look over their shoulder on everything. Who's going to be the next person to leak one of our drafts?

It'd a bad thing when you have 1 unappointed law clerk that can upend the entire supreme court.
Yes, and a clerk to the Supreme Court should exemplify the highest of standards. The leaker is guilty of an attack from within, and should be brought to justice.

I suspect the charges will be determined once the traitor is identified, and I suspect if it’s a Republican, the Dems will be screaming for insurrection charges and life in prison. If it’s a Democrat, they will be holding him or her up as a hero, and elect him to Congress next session.
The punishment should be about the sane as for any other traitor.

I'm curious how informing the American people of a judgement the court was about to make is "treason".

Probably, but, where did the supreme court get the power to grant specific and individual rights in the first place? Where does scotus get the power to make a decision that forces the entire country to accept a specific procedure?

I've said that Roe is based on a fallacy, because there were laws on the books that weren't working, and SCOTUS (including FIVE Republicans at the time) thought they were just wiping a "no Whale Hunting in Oklahoma" kind of law. Little did they realize the Evangelicals needed a fake issue to get asses in pews and to the polls.

Healthcare should be a state issue, why does the federal gov need to be involved?

What if the federal government makes a law stating you must have a healthy lifestyle to get cancer treatment? Now the whole country is stuck with it, where if it was states rights, it won't affect you if you don't live in that state.

The problem with federal gov having that kind of unbridled power is, eventually they will make a law that you don't like. Remember, repubs also have majorities sometimes, too.

Actually, nobody is making you have an abortion, so it's not a good analogy.
I'm thinking if it was a Republican, they did it knowing the democrats would spend all their money fighting this. Instead of campaigning for the up coming election.

Actually this decision is the best thing that could have happened to Democrats for the upcoming election. Now every congressional election will be about a woman's right to choose. All those suburban Karens who were horrified their little angel was about to learn about imaginary CRT now has a REAL problem to worry about.

The Supreme Court is all about the Constitution; not parties. Divulging state secrets is treason and always has been.

How is a decision they are about to inflict on us a "State Secret". This decision WOULD have come out in June. The only effect MIGHT be that Congress might vote to enshrine Roe into Federal Law before the decision is released, rendering it moot.
Yes, and a clerk to the Supreme Court should exemplify the highest of standards. The leaker is guilty of an attack from within, and should be brought to justice.

I suspect the charges will be determined once the traitor is identified, and I suspect if it’s a Republican, the Dems will be screaming for insurrection charges and life in prison. If it’s a Democrat, they will be holding him or her up as a hero, and elect him to Congress next session.

So let me get this straight. You are fine with the government policing women's wombs... but five justices being outed for what theywere up to is a gross violation of privacy!
Seems there are different possibilities here.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.

Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.
the other justices and their clerks---would know better and haven't leaked like this before. The logical conclusion is Jackson and her clerks.
Actually this decision is the best thing that could have happened to Democrats for the upcoming election. Now every congressional election will be about a woman's right to choose. All those suburban Karens who were horrified their little angel was about to learn about imaginary CRT now has a REAL problem to worry about.

How is a decision they are about to inflict on us a "State Secret". This decision WOULD have come out in June. The only effect MIGHT be that Congress might vote to enshrine Roe into Federal Law before the decision is released, rendering it moot.
It won't make abortion illegal. Just puts it to the states to decide. As it should be. Also need to do it with education also.
26 states will outlaw abortion or limit it the moment Roe is overturned. One shouldn't have to work to get a right women have enjoyed for 50 years.

Fetuses aren't people.

Yes, I am very worried women will be maimed when they get illegal abortions.
Apparently you haven’t learned that a SCOTUS ruling is not a “right”.
Everyone notice that the Dems are OK with the leaker performing this egregious, unethical, and possibly illegal attack on the Supreme Court because they think the ends justifies the means - and, on another level, they hate America and are fine with ripping its institutions to threads?
It won't make abortion illegal. Just puts it to the states to decide. As it should be. Also need to do it with education also.

Why should the state decide what your health care treatment should be?

Nobody is getting pregnant because they don't know where babies come from.

Everyone notice that the Dems are OK with the leaker performing this egregious, unethical, and possibly illegal attack on the Supreme Court because they think the ends justifies the means - and, on another level, they hate America and are fine with ripping its institutions to threads?

I think you are confused. The only people who who will be "ripped to shreds" are women who are forced to get illicit abortions in Jesusland States.

I mean, I know this fake outrage if funny, because SCOTUS just handed Biden a winning issue for 2022 and 2024.

Fuck Critical Race Theory and Trannies, this an issue that has real effects on real people's lives!
If Democrats really do have dirt on Roberts, maybe concerning pedophile island, they can make him do whatever they want. When Trump is President again, he should devote the first month to draining the swamp. For starters, he needs to abolish the speech police, remove McCarthy and McConnell from leadership, and replace Roberts with a law-abiding judge that has nothing to hide.
If Democrats really do have dirt on Roberts, maybe concerning pedophile island, they can make him do whatever they want. When Trump is President again, he should devote the first month to draining the swamp. For starters, he needs to abolish the speech police, remove McCarthy and McConnell from leadership, and replace Roberts with a law-abiding judge that has nothing to hide.

Yup, you guys aren't crazy.
If Democrats really do have dirt on Roberts, maybe concerning pedophile island, they can make him do whatever they want. When Trump is President again, he should devote the first month to draining the swamp. For starters, he needs to abolish the speech police, remove McCarthy and McConnell from leadership, and replace Roberts with a law-abiding judge that has nothing to hide.
I always found it strange how Roberts twisted himself into a pretzel to interpret Obamacare as constitutional. The Dems have something on him.
I always found it strange how Roberts twisted himself into a pretzel to interpret Obamacare as constitutional. The Dems have something on him.
He's a closet gay.... Which nowadays in itself isn't so bad.
The problem is that I have seen what appear to be photographs of him entering a hotel with young men during his marriage.
He's a closet gay.... Which nowadays in itself isn't so bad.
The problem is that I have seen what appear to be photographs of him entering a hotel with young men during his marriage.
Could be true. They certainly have something on him. That’s how Dems operate: blackmail.
That’s to be determined. But violating the confidence of the Supreme Court, when one is a lawyer uphold to certain behavior, is certainly grounds for dismissal from the profession for life.
Very true but not criminal

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