So who's the leaker?

The Constitution says nothing about leaking Supreme Court decisions
So it must be legal
Why should the state decide what your health care treatment should be?

Nobody is getting pregnant because they don't know where babies come from.

I think you are confused. The only people who who will be "ripped to shreds" are women who are forced to get illicit abortions in Jesusland States.

I mean, I know this fake outrage if funny, because SCOTUS just handed Biden a winning issue for 2022 and 2024.

Fuck Critical Race Theory and Trannies, this an issue that has real effects on real people's lives!
State government or federal government? Abortion isn't Healthcare is the murder of a baby.
Seems there are different possibilities here.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.

Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.
No one with a brain would think it was a conservative justice.
I'm curious how informing the American people of a judgement the court was about to make is "treason".

I've said that Roe is based on a fallacy, because there were laws on the books that weren't working, and SCOTUS (including FIVE Republicans at the time) thought they were just wiping a "no Whale Hunting in Oklahoma" kind of law. Little did they realize the Evangelicals needed a fake issue to get asses in pews and to the polls.

Actually, nobody is making you have an abortion, so it's not a good analogy.
?? It's your analogy. I was just responding to it
I am wondering more and more if the leaker was not Roberts or at least that he is connected in some way.

Talking Heads have claimed Robert's was open to banning abortions after 15 weeks but did / does not support overturning RVW.

If he does / did not want it to happen the best way he could push his choice while intimidating / pressuring his fellow judges to go along with it would be to leak the deadt..

In the end it will probably be some liberal extremist aide working for the court, but Roberts leaking it is not a totally crazy idea.
Apparently you haven’t learned that a SCOTUS ruling is not a “right”.
Leftists have been groomed over the past 60 years to believe it’s a right. The majority of them believe it’s in the constitution.
26 states will outlaw abortion or limit it the moment Roe is overturned. One shouldn't have to work to get a right women have enjoyed for 50 years.

Fetuses aren't people.

Yes, I am very worried women will be maimed when they get illegal abortions.
Sterilizing a woman indiscriminately pregnant is the responsible thing to do. We do it to dogs and cats as a responsible pet companion. Of course fetuses are people if they aren't to what species do they belong?
I think your priority is messed up here.

The leaker isn't the problem.

The problem is the court is about to ignore 50 years of precedent to force women to have pregnancies they don't want.

Why do you think it's my "priority"? There are already multiple threads about the potential decision itself, so I wanted to look at another aspect of the story.
Why her in particular?
She is a religious zealot, and she is bat shit crazy. Of course she didn't leak the document, I am going with Brendan Duffy. Of her four clerks he is the only one that has not previously clerked for a SCOTUS justice. It is his first term at the SCOTUS. But it is not his first term clerking for Barrett. His presidency in the Thomas Moore Society a glaring red flag. Like Barrett, he believes he is on a mission from God and neither of them would have any problem engaging in unethical behavior to forward their agenda.
I'm thinking somehow, some way, this will be linked to Justice Thomas. Either a hacked clerk's email or some other nefarious method. The left has been hating on Thomas since the Biden clown show began. The fact the liberal scum media is even presenting the possibility of a conservative plot pretty much guarantees it's some trashy liberal behind it.
Seems there are different possibilities here.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.

Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.
They don't need Roberts' vote. That was the McConnell gambit.
The Constitution says nothing about leaking Supreme Court decisions
So it must be legal
Repubs will follow these things. The Banana Republic is gaining more insect laden near spoiling fruit. The impeachments will be starting next January. Of course the false Repubs may not do a thing.
No one with a brain would think it was a conservative justice.
It almost certainly came from the conservative side of the court. Obviously, some of the conservatives were wavering and the best way to reign them in and solidify their position was to leak the document. Now, if Roe is not overturned and one or more of the conservatives jumps ship they will be doing so in the public eye.
I'm going with a democrat of some sort. They are the ones lately always calling for extreme action, quite a few of them called the mystery leaker a hero, they want rules changed to favor them and so on. I can see them quite easily breaking their vows of the court to get their way and try to piss off people to side with them.

There's a very finite # of individuals that could have done this. Whoever it is will be found out, and if it's a clerk with a very promising future in law, they have destroyed themselves completely. They'll have a cult following however.

Depends, if the clerk is a democrat they will be fine. They will get picked up somewhere. They take care of their own and the more extreme you are and the greater the lengths you'll go the more they want you.
I'm curious how informing the American people of a judgement the court was about to make is "treason".

I've said that Roe is based on a fallacy, because there were laws on the books that weren't working, and SCOTUS (including FIVE Republicans at the time) thought they were just wiping a "no Whale Hunting in Oklahoma" kind of law. Little did they realize the Evangelicals needed a fake issue to get asses in pews and to the polls.

Actually, nobody is making you have an abortion, so it's not a good analogy.
I'm curious how informing the American people of a judgement the court was about to make is "treason".

You shouldn't be. Have you forgotten that the judicial branch is as much a part of federal government as Congress or the President?
The decision had not been finalized and still might have have been changed totally. The leak falsely resulted in misguided threats of violence against members of the Federal government. It's not nice or legal to incite violence against the Federal government. The Supreme Court is charged with making decisions without outside attempts at coercion and in privacy. Treason.

That depends on the origin of the leak and whether any crimes were committed in obtaining the document, such as hacking into a unauthorized computer.

Drafts of Supreme Court opinions are not classified documents like national security files, said University of California, Berkeley criminal law professor Orin Kerr, meaning their disclosure would not automatically trigger a criminal investigation. But even a leaker with authority to handle a draft opinion could potentially be charged with stealing or converting federal government property for their own use, he said.

Anyone who lies to an investigator as part of the court's leak probe could also face a federal false statement charge, said Kel McClanahan, an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School who specializes in national security law.


Chief Justice John Roberts said Tuesday that he has directed the court's marshal to investigate the leak, calling it an "egregious breach." Roberts said the draft decision was authentic but not final.

State government or federal government? Abortion isn't Healthcare is the murder of a baby.
Fetuses aren't people, and one out of four women will have an abortion in her lifetime.

You shouldn't be. Have you forgotten that the judicial branch is as much a part of federal government as Congress or the President?
The decision had not been finalized and still might have have been changed totally. The leak falsely resulted in misguided threats of violence against members of the Federal government. It's not nice or legal to incite violence against the Federal government. The Supreme Court is charged with making decisions without outside attempts at coercion and in privacy. Treason.

Maybe Alito shouldn't have been such a twat when he wrote it, then.

Sorry, man, if it were up to me, EVERYTHING would be leaked. This isn't a state secret, this is stuff they are doing that is going to effect our lives.

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