So who's the leaker?

DC confidentiality is like a sieve, no one can be trusted. If you want to keep a secret in DC tell no one, not even yourself............
Until this leak, supreme court deliberations were kept confidential. It took 235 years for partisanship and dishonesty to completely eliminate that trust.
Everything about this is wrong!

It is, indeed, our misfortune as Americans that we must endure Trump's legacy. How cruel is fate when the worst President in our history was granted the privilege of appointing three Supreme Court Justices.

It would appear that the Republican dominated Supreme Court will issue a minority decision sometime in June, minority meaning an unpopular decision with respect to the American people.

ABC reports, "Amid reports of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that majorities of Americans support upholding Roe, say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and -- by a wide margin -- see abortion as a decision to be made by a woman and her doctor, not by lawmakers.

"In this poll 57% of Americans oppose a ban after 15 weeks; 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases; and 54% say the court should uphold Roe, compared with 28% who say the ruling should be overturned.

In other words, 28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.

This begs a question. Many wonder how Republican women in the South feel about old, white men dictating health decisions for them ... in so doing bypassing their doctors.

We will never find out. Republicans never talk about the repercussions of decisions made by Republican leaders, and this applies to the judges chosen by Republicans.

Raising a child is no small task. It becomes far more difficult if the mother is a child, a 16-year old girl who hasn't finished school yet. Then, of course, there are other issues to consider, a pregnancy the product of rape or incest for instance.

That said, it is safe to say that poor women will die if the conservative judges void Roe.

CNN reports, "President Joe Biden on Tuesday urged Congress to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade and said a woman’s right to have an abortion is “fundamental,” but said he wasn’t ready to call for an end to the filibuster to push for abortion rights legislation."

ABC reports, "Amid fallout from a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the conservative justices “lied” to the Senate during confirmation hearings when they assured senators the case that since 1973 has allowed abortion access was settled law."

Republican Senator Susan Collins agreed, saying the testimonies of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaug were “completely inconsistent,” meaning they lied.

We know Trump led a coup attempt based on lies to overthrow our elected government. Has he also marginalized the Supreme Court?

"Leaking a draft SCOTUS ruling is worse than January 6th. The Court was the one institution where conservatives and liberals lived in peace and trust," wrote right-wing commentator Mike Cernovich. "You disagreed but the trust was sacred. This completely destroys the Court's inner workings. Totally in shock right now."

Vladimir Putin helped Trump become President in 2016. Is he now getting his wish. Has Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, done serious damage to the American government, a dream come true in Putin's mind?

Republicans expect to win control of Congress in November.
- 66 percent of pro-choice Americans oppose abortion in the third trimester;

- 77 percent of pro-choice Americans oppose removing medical care for a viable child;

- Most Americans reject abortion the day before a child is born (80 percent), abortion in the third trimester (79 percent), and removing medical care for a viable child after birth (82 percent).

The leaker is one of the problems, and nobody is forcing anyone to carry a baby. Overturning roe doesn't make abortion illegal, it just turns it back to the States.

Isn't that the best thing? I mean, what if this right leaning court decided that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed means that national reciprocity is constitutional? Or if they say we vote on election "day" rather than election week, or election 2 weeks? You'd say, those are states rights issues and not for the Supreme court to decide, wouldn't you?

How would this be any different?
No---it means religious fruitcup areas will be able to manipulate their local areas to outlaw thusly forcing women and girls to have babies that they don't want, that have medical issues, that are the product of rape or incest, or are the product of a narcissitic mother who should never have kids passing along her traits. Think Mormons and their religious nonsense who control the local governments who then would outlaw abortions to girls raped by the members of the mormon church.
It just does not make much sense to me for a leftwing Justice or clerk to leak it. It makes more sense that Roberts did it, perhaps to soften the blow of when the actual decision comes about.
Of course it does, to generate the current outrage to intimidate the justices into reversing this majority before the decision is published.
No---it means religious fruitcup areas will be able to manipulate their local areas to outlaw thusly forcing women and girls to have babies that they don't want, that have medical issues, that are the product of rape or incest, or are the product of a narcissitic mother who should never have kids passing along her traits. Think Mormons and their religious nonsense who control the local governments who then would outlaw abortions to girls raped by the members of the mormon church.
Are pregnant women forbidden to travel either intrastate or interstate?
There is about a 100% chance that the leak is a Democrat source.
The Klanocrats need a hot topic to campaign on and to raise donations with.
It could have even been the FBI (aka the democrat secret police) because they want to help the Dems in the Nov. election.
After all, they have done these sorts of dirty political tricks before.
Considering these announcements are usually made in October, far too late for dem's to organize and fund raise that's pretty solid logic.,
My theory was that Alito leaked it himself, worried Rapey Kavanaugh or Serena Joy Barrett are a little reluctant to go so far as to overturn Roe at this point...
They'd already voted and Alito was assigned to write the majority opinion.,
They don't have to... press shield law, and this isn't classified information.

The real issue here is that 100 million women are about to be deprived of their rights, not that someone leaked a ruling a month early. Sheesh, get a sense of perspective.
Bullshit. Women in the US will always be free to travel anywhere they want to get an abortion.
Look, I read the article. This is a no brainer, this was leaked by Barrett. She is a holy roller from hell. She is an outsider. Why I once thought that a SCOTUS that didn't graduate from an Ivy league school was a plus, she has proven me wrong. She wanted to nail the other conservative justices to support this decision, because let's be honest, she really believes she is doing God's work, when the reality is she is a sick demented little bitch. Felons can be prohibited from voting, but from owning guns, hell know. Alright you stupid shit, I can't vote, but I got my gun, that is my vote. I mean she is about as crazy as a shithouse rat. But in one sense, I am thankful. Thankful that Trump nominated such a stupid little bitch, and thankful that she will yield the death knell for the Republican party, Mark it, save it, because that will be the outcome of this fiasco.
Horse shit, this leak has a much greater potential to get the opposite outcome.

The justices are not bound to their decisions until the final opinion is drafted. With the pressure being put on all of them right now someone very well may cave and change their vote.
I'm thinking if it was a Republican, they did it knowing the democrats would spend all their money fighting this. Instead of campaigning for the up coming election.
Fighting this is probably going to be their number one issue. They sure as hell want to avoid all discussion of the "successes" of this administration and congress.
The Supreme Court is all about the Constitution; not parties. Divulging state secrets is treason and always has been.
Supreme court deliberations are not, "State Secrets". I don't think there's a breech of criminal law in this leak unfortunately.
Why should the state decide what your health care treatment should be?

Nobody is getting pregnant because they don't know where babies come from.

I think you are confused. The only people who who will be "ripped to shreds" are women who are forced to get illicit abortions in Jesusland States.

I mean, I know this fake outrage if funny, because SCOTUS just handed Biden a winning issue for 2022 and 2024.

Fuck Critical Race Theory and Trannies, this an issue that has real effects on real people's lives!
Because every successful abortion kills at least one human being.
No---it means religious fruitcup areas will be able to manipulate their local areas to outlaw thusly forcing women and girls to have babies that they don't want, that have medical issues, that are the product of rape or incest, or are the product of a narcissitic mother who should never have kids passing along her traits. Think Mormons and their religious nonsense who control the local governments who then would outlaw abortions to girls raped by the members of the mormon church.
There will always be a way to get an abortion, it may be that you just have to travel to do it, and I promise, pro abortion groups will have money available to pay for travel and all expenses required to get the abortion.
Fetuses have lived outside of the womb after 21 weeks. So your party is going to run on killing a viable human being?

Less than 1% of abortions are performed after week 21, and if they are, its because the fetus is horribly deformed.

It was never a "right" it was always a bad decision.

All this ruling will do if it holds is to correct that wrong.

Why are you afraid of democracy?

Say the guys who want to keep the darkies from voting.

The reason why we have a bill of rights is because there are some rights that SHOULDN'T be up to a popular vote. Most of those involving personal integrity. You should be able to follow your own religion. You should be able to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures. Yes, abortion was never specifically spelled out as a right, but that was because no one involved in writing the constitution had a uterus, or it would have been.

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