So who's the leaker?

It depends on what the charge is, of course, but IMO this unprecedented leak is so egregious it should result in disbarment for life. At a minimum.

Disbarment at the minimum with prison time. Also the judge that hired this person should be impeached and removed from office due to their piss poor choices of underlings.
If nothing happens or we never find out who it was, you know groomercrats were behind it.

I like how they had protesters ready with signs.
Seems there are different possibilities here.
One prevailing thought of course, is that it's a liberal clerk, who leaked it with the hope that once the justices see the massive outcry, one or more them might change their vote.

Another, is the idea that it's one of the conservative justices, who not wanting to see another situation like that occurred when Roberts got cold feet and changed his vote reaffirming Obamacare. By leaking the decision, it could put pressure on the conservative justices to stay the course and not be remembered like Roberts will always be remembered.
As soon as I much care...I will let you know.
I'm sure the reflexive right wing loons will jump all over my first sentence only....

What damage does something like this do? It remains unclear what the big deal is. Like if the bailiff is instructed to collect he verdict from the jury foreperson, peaks at it, and hands it to the judge. Does that invalidate the verdict? Nope.

Anyway, what I think should happen to the leaker is, at minimum, disbarment if they are an attorney. If they work for the Court...they broke the rules. Beyond that, if they are not an officer of the court....I'm not sure what could be done on the legal side of the scale. Some on the right think Snowden is a national hero...what they leaked caused much more damage to the ship of state.
It depends on what the charge is, of course, but IMO this unprecedented leak is so egregious it should result in disbarment for life. At a minimum.

If/when the leaker is identified their legal career is over.

I don't think there's a a violation of law here though and certainly not a criminal violation.

It is an egregious breech of Legal Ethics though that should warrant permanent disbarment.
Some of which will make abortion illegal!

No, it isn't. Why stop at abortions? Let's have ALL our health care decisions made by state legislators! Want that Cancer Treatment, well, better have a state legislator to decide if you are living a healthy lifestyle or not!
Some of which will make abortion illegal!

Probably, but, where did the supreme court get the power to grant specific and individual rights in the first place? Where does scotus get the power to make a decision that forces the entire country to accept a specific procedure?

Why stop at abortions? Let's have ALL our health care decisions made by state legislators! Want that Cancer Treatment, well, better have a state legislator to decide if you are living a healthy lifestyle or not!
Healthcare should be a state issue, why does the federal gov need to be involved?

What if the federal government makes a law stating you must have a healthy lifestyle to get cancer treatment? Now the whole country is stuck with it, where if it was states rights, it won't affect you if you don't live in that state.

The problem with federal gov having that kind of unbridled power is, eventually they will make a law that you don't like. Remember, repubs also have majorities sometimes, too.
I'm sure the reflexive right wing loons will jump all over my first sentence only....

What damage does something like this do? It remains unclear what the big deal is. Like if the bailiff is instructed to collect he verdict from the jury foreperson, peaks at it, and hands it to the judge. Does that invalidate the verdict? Nope.

Anyway, what I think should happen to the leaker is, at minimum, disbarment if they are an attorney. If they work for the Court...they broke the rules. Beyond that, if they are not an officer of the court....I'm not sure what could be done on the legal side of the scale. Some on the right think Snowden is a national hero...what they leaked caused much more damage to the ship of state.
All attorneys are "Officers of The Court".
If it's a Republican, will you ask the same question? Yes or no.
I thought of that too. "What if this were a Democrat majority Supreme Court, and a conservative law clerk for a justice leaked an opinion for a radical change to the second ammendment written by a democrat justice", what would the left do?

My guess is, they'd be calling for congressional investigations, prison for the leaker, and the justice they clerked for to be unseated and disbarred.

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