So Who's Ultimately Responsible for Trumpcare Failing?

Who's responsible for Trumpcare failing

  • Donald J. Trump

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • The Republican Congress

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
The Republican Congress are solely to blame. They should have been working on the bill November 9th and had it ready for Trump to sign January 20th.

The people who voted for Trump and the Republicans in Congress voted for Rand Paul's bill. They should just pass that.

I hope these people are primaried out. I am going to vote in the primary for whoever is running against the incumbent just to hopefully get him out of office.
Cant believe people are blaming democrats when repubs wrote it, there are enough repubs to pass it, and they dont have the votes.
The Republicans are just like the Democrats were responsible for giving us the disaster that is Obamacare. If anything should be learned from these two endeavors it's that there are some things government should stay out of.
It seems to work ok elsewhere, and in the US gummit been in the thing since we had tax cuts for employers back in the 1950s
It might work ok in some places in others it doesn't this is not a one size fits all world.
The Republicans have had almost a decade to up with a replacement, Trump said dozens of times on the campaign trail that he had a replacement policy.

The truth is no policy is going to be acceptable to both Libertarian/Constitutional conservatives and to Republican Senators who come from states that expanded Medicare.

The ideological gap is just too wide.

McConnell would get great credit from a compromise with Democrats that fixed the flaws in the ACA by allowing more flexible plans, keeping the individual mandate, and making it affordable for more firms to offer health cover to their employees again.

Yes the tea party will howl but Trump's base is made up of working class people who want a better quality of life not people with Ron Paul bumper stickers.

Make a deal.
Whoever wrote a bill that almost no one supports is responsible.

Would have been a democrat. It's pretty much still Bammercare.

No, a Democrat did not write the Trumpcare bill. Stop trolling.

The bill is basically unchanged. A democrat wrote it. So yeah, your party wrote it and rammed it through. It's a democrat bill. Stop trolling.

Fine. Name the Democrat(s) who wrote it.
This was the plan all along. Trump is nailing it. Obamacare is going to go down in flames, all on its own.

The Republicans are just like the Democrats were responsible for giving us the disaster that is Obamacare. If anything should be learned from these two endeavors it's that there are some things government should stay out of.
It seems to work ok elsewhere, and in the US gummit been in the thing since we had tax cuts for employers back in the 1950s
It might work ok in some places in others it doesn't this is not a one size fits all world.
We're not going to get gummit out of healthcare and trying to do so would make it worse. Very few have the means to pay for individual care when they get very sick, and all of will become very sick at some point. However, we need to find a way to make actual costs of care bear some relationship to how much we pay for them.
This was the plan all along. Trump is nailing it. Obamacare is going to go down in flames, all on its own.

That's precisely what the dems want. The gop can own it.
Sure it is. That's why y'all are wigging out and squealing. Yet again. Every morning is a brand new hysterical whine fest about #1 how trump is destroying the world and #2 how dems are winning.

Despite the obvious fact that of course dems are flailing and going down, screaming and in flames.
Whoever wrote a bill that almost no one supports is responsible.

Would have been a democrat. It's pretty much still Bammercare.

No, a Democrat did not write the Trumpcare bill. Stop trolling.

The bill is basically unchanged. A democrat wrote it. So yeah, your party wrote it and rammed it through. It's a democrat bill. Stop trolling.

Fine. Name the Democrat(s) who wrote it.

Can't. It was done in secret, and Pelozi said we would see what's in it after they passed it. America saw what was in it and they don't like most of it. Don't know why so many get uppity about this. Costs are never going down no matter what your political elite do. This is why I hope all efforts on helth care fail miserably for both sides. I hope a good many republicans and democrats die this year or move on to be lobbyists for the companionship that made them millions while they were in Washington. Don't feel bad sparky, I hate everyone in Washington, not just the libtards.
The Republicans are just like the Democrats were responsible for giving us the disaster that is Obamacare. If anything should be learned from these two endeavors it's that there are some things government should stay out of.
It seems to work ok elsewhere, and in the US gummit been in the thing since we had tax cuts for employers back in the 1950s
It might work ok in some places in others it doesn't this is not a one size fits all world.
We're not going to get gummit out of healthcare and trying to do so would make it worse. Very few have the means to pay for individual care when they get very sick, and all of will become very sick at some point. However, we need to find a way to make actual costs of care bear some relationship to how much we pay for them.
And you think the government is the one to make healthcare more affordable? Making things less expensive is not something they really excel at.
Whoever wrote a bill that almost no one supports is responsible.

Would have been a democrat. It's pretty much still Bammercare.

No, a Democrat did not write the Trumpcare bill. Stop trolling.

The bill is basically unchanged. A democrat wrote it. So yeah, your party wrote it and rammed it through. It's a democrat bill. Stop trolling.

Fine. Name the Democrat(s) who wrote it.

Can't. It was done in secret, and Pelozi said we would see what's in it after they passed it. America saw what was in it and they don't like most of it. Don't know why so many get uppity about this. Costs are never going down no matter what your political elite do. This is why I hope all efforts on helth care fail miserably for both sides. I hope a good many republicans and democrats die this year or move on to be lobbyists for the companionship that made them millions while they were in Washington. Don't feel bad sparky, I hate everyone in Washington, not just the libtards.

Uh, we're talking about Trumpcare, not Obamacare.
Cant believe people are blaming democrats when repubs wrote it, there are enough repubs to pass it, and they dont have the votes.

Republicans showed the way

Blanket opposition to the opponents healthcare bill. No compromise, no cooperation. Let the Republicans do it on their own. Republicans showed they are incapable of governing

Just as the Democrats suspected

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