So Who's Ultimately Responsible for Trumpcare Failing?

Who's responsible for Trumpcare failing

  • Donald J. Trump

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • The Republican Congress

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
The Republican Congress, or the Trumpster himself?


Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Both Congress and Trump failed or succeeded depending on your point of view. It seems that the left is calling it a failure, yet they didn't want the Republicans to change it, I would think that is a success for the left but now you are calling it a failure.

So to you is it a success or a failure?
Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Lil' Marco, Miss Piggy all thank you
Not sure how you all can't see this power play by the democrats. Are you doubting me yet about this being a single payer trojan horse from the beginning? I know most of you that think like me know this.

What many of you don't know or didn't believe is when I said the moment it was passed (john Roberts gets the blame) was the day the country will be fast tracked to socialism.

There was nothing the republicans could do. A flat repeal would not have worked. Just wouldn't have. Again, it is not the bums that sap the system. They are middle class republican voters with preexisting conditions that were kicked off their private insurance that were forced onto obamacare that were the problem.

Now, the press will predictably blame the republicans for the failure of obamacare which was created to fail in the first place.

No different from how they blame the republicans for the housing bubble of 2008, even though it was in fact democrat socialist policies that caused it.

Not hard to follow. All of this, is John Roberts fault.
Only in right wing fantasy. Y'all had every opportunity to have a better solution at lower cost, instead of being worth-less in the non-porn sector, by having nothing but repeal.
The Republican Congress, or the Trumpster himself?


Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Both Congress and Trump failed or succeeded depending on your point of view. It seems that the left is calling it a failure, yet they didn't want the Republicans to change it, I would think that is a success for the left but now you are calling it a failure.

So to you is it a success or a failure?
Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Lil' Marco, Miss Piggy all thank you

I guess if you are childish enough to play the "he did it first" game, then you drop to that level and you are no better than those you play the game with.
when you would rather send tweets, and bitch about fake media you deserve to have Obamacare shoved up your ass.

Fuck Trump
The Republican Congress, or the Trumpster himself?


Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Both Congress and Trump failed or succeeded depending on your point of view. It seems that the left is calling it a failure, yet they didn't want the Republicans to change it, I would think that is a success for the left but now you are calling it a failure.

So to you is it a success or a failure?
Don't know what a "Trumpster" is, but name calling is a lefty strong point.

Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Ted, Lil' Marco, Miss Piggy all thank you

So is the Republicans not passing health care a success or a failure, because earlier the left was crying about repealing the ACA.
Congress for the most part, but the GOP in general is responsible. There shouldn't be a "replace" only a repeal. Repeal it and remove the government regulations that have prevented free enterprise from working.

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