So Why All the Lying About Russia?

So she could simply pretend to be incompetent, not criminal, when she was caught.

However, she forgot..."Ignorance is no defense".

I just hope she's convicted of treason before she dies of whatever creeping cancer she has..

Holy crap. Trumpers are doubling down on crazy with a heavy dose of disgusting

Sold uranium to the Russians.

Worked with Russians to try to overthrow a sitting president.

We know who the criminal is.
Nope. Totally debunked. Start a thread on that and we’ll crush it again. Has no business polluting this thread
No, it hasn't been debunked at all.
This is a thread about Russian collusion. I maintain the only collusion took place between the Obama and Clinton regimes.

Debunk it, or be identified (again) as a lying piece of shit defending the enemies of our country.

but OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! that tired - very old - nothing ever came of that - but desperate attempt at diversion... video.

he pulled out of the deal. generally that implies no deal. no deal is no deal. And technically, didn't try and build a tower.

AFTER he won the election. It was dangled by the Russian Mafia all throughout the campaign (that even Trump didn't think he would win)

NO ONE who deals with the Russian Mob comes out clean...and Trump has been dealing with them and lying about it for years
:dunno: too much james bond for you
So she could simply pretend to be incompetent, not criminal, when she was caught.

However, she forgot..."Ignorance is no defense".

I just hope she's convicted of treason before she dies of whatever creeping cancer she has..

Holy crap. Trumpers are doubling down on crazy with a heavy dose of disgusting

Sold uranium to the Russians.

Worked with Russians to try to overthrow a sitting president.

We know who the criminal is.

Sold uranium to the Russians.

^^^ fake news & debunked 1000x

Worked with Russians to try to overthrow a sitting president.

^^^ fake news - putin hates hillary but has trump bent over & grabbing his ankles .

We know who the criminal is.

^^^ we know who the basket dwelling whackadoodle is.

Actually, it hasn't been debunked. You retards keep saying that, but you can't show where it's been debunked..because it hasn't been debunked.

And I keep asking you to post your evidence..and you apparently think just saying "it's been debunked" over and over again is the same as providing evidence that it's debunked.

Anyway, it hasn't been debunked, and we did sell Uranium to Russia and the Clinton charities made a mint off it.
he pulled out of the deal. generally that implies no deal. no deal is no deal. And technically, didn't try and build a tower.

AFTER he won the election. It was dangled by the Russian Mafia all throughout the campaign (that even Trump didn't think he would win)

NO ONE who deals with the Russian Mob comes out clean...and Trump has been dealing with them and lying about it for years

If no one thought he could win, and even TRUMP thought he couldn't win, why would the Russians bother? Are they stupid?
I wasn't including Russians in that "No one". At the time only THEY knew fully what they were doing...and even there...without the Comey letter to Congress even the Russian interference might not have worked (probably WOULDN'T have been enough).

But they sure tried.

They tried sand lost in France as well with LaPen. Losing doesn't stop them.

And as far as Trump Moscow...they were dangling that at Trump all through the campaign. Who knows if they would have ever let it happen? Trump sure wanted it.

The "dangle" was all the Russians really cared about

Well, we know Trump didn't collude with them, so we're left with them doing what we do all over the planet, only we usually use drones and bombs.
Debunk away, I'll wait.
Wrong thread sock puppet.

Take your beating elsewhere
So you have nothing.

This is the correct thread. Your abject stuipdity is embarassing.

i'll tell you the same thing i've told another whackjob poster not too long ago:

so how many years ago was that exchange again? guess obama is running on CPT huh? when ARE those shenanigans you think are gonna happen anyway? i mean after all - he imposed sanctions on them thar roooskies, AND expelled roooskie spies, AND closed down their compounds. what has donny done? oh yea..... it took a veto proof act of congress to finally imposed even more stringent sanctions. & he didn't he just have one lifted against a russian?

why yes.... yes he did.
Last edited:
he pulled out of the deal. generally that implies no deal. no deal is no deal. And technically, didn't try and build a tower.

AFTER he won the election. It was dangled by the Russian Mafia all throughout the campaign (that even Trump didn't think he would win)

NO ONE who deals with the Russian Mob comes out clean...and Trump has been dealing with them and lying about it for years
:dunno: too much james bond for you
I'm going to put the imbeciles on ignore pretty soon, they're getting boring.
Debunk away, I'll wait.
Wrong thread sock puppet.

Take your beating elsewhere
So you have nothing.

This is the correct thread. Your abject stuipdity is embarassing.

i'll tell you the same thing i've told another whackjob poster not too long ago:

so how many years ago was that exchange again? guess obama is running on CPT huh? when ARE those shenanigans you think are gonna happen anyway? i mean after all - he imposed sanctions on them thar roooskies, AND expelled roooskie spies, AND closed down their compounds. what has donny done? oh yea..... it took a veto act of congress to finally imposed even more stringent sanctions. & he didn't he just have one lifted against a russian?

why yes.... yes he did.

So...yes, Clinton sold Uranium rights to the Russians.

Thank you!
So she could simply pretend to be incompetent, not criminal, when she was caught.

However, she forgot..."Ignorance is no defense".

I just hope she's convicted of treason before she dies of whatever creeping cancer she has..

Holy crap. Trumpers are doubling down on crazy with a heavy dose of disgusting

Sold uranium to the Russians.

Worked with Russians to try to overthrow a sitting president.

We know who the criminal is.

Sold uranium to the Russians.

^^^ fake news & debunked 1000x

Worked with Russians to try to overthrow a sitting president.

^^^ fake news - putin hates hillary but has trump bent over & grabbing his ankles .

We know who the criminal is.

^^^ we know who the basket dwelling whackadoodle is.

Actually, it hasn't been debunked. You retards keep saying that, but you can't show where it's been debunked..because it hasn't been debunked.

And I keep asking you to post your evidence..and you apparently think just saying "it's been debunked" over and over again is the same as providing evidence that it's debunked.

Anyway, it hasn't been debunked, and we did sell Uranium to Russia and the Clinton charities made a mint off it.

uh yep. it has. hillary clinton was one of 9 agencies involved with uranium one.

The Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States
The Committee on Foreign Investments has nine members, including the secretaries of the treasury, state, defense, homeland security, commerce and energy; the attorney general; and representatives from two White House offices (the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy).

The Facts on Uranium One -

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating proposed foreign acquisitions for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can.

All nine federal agencies were required to approve the Uranium One transaction before it could go forward. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton “never intervened” in committee matters. Clinton herself has said she wasn’t personally involved.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Because uranium is considered an asset with national security implications, the 2010 sale to Rosatom was subject to approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an intragovernmental agency that includes input from the Departments of State, Treasury, Justice, Energy, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security, as well as the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One deal

Debunk away, I'll wait.
Wrong thread sock puppet.

Take your beating elsewhere
So you have nothing.

This is the correct thread. Your abject stuipdity is embarassing.

i'll tell you the same thing i've told another whackjob poster not too long ago:

so how many years ago was that exchange again? guess obama is running on CPT huh? when ARE those shenanigans you think are gonna happen anyway? i mean after all - he imposed sanctions on them thar roooskies, AND expelled roooskie spies, AND closed down their compounds. what has donny done? oh yea..... it took a veto act of congress to finally imposed even more stringent sanctions. & he didn't he just have one lifted against a russian?

why yes.... yes he did.

So...yes, Clinton sold Uranium rights to the Russians.

Thank you!

uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
There has been a thread created to argue this long debunked bullshit.

Take it there.

This thread concerns the reasons for all the lying about Russia by virtually everyone associated with Trump
There has been a thread created to argue this long debunked bullshit.

Take it there.

This thread concerns the reasons for all the lying about Russia by virtually everyone associated with Trump

you're right - but i knew i could shut her up & just had to do it.
There has been a thread created to argue this long debunked bullshit.

Take it there.

This thread concerns the reasons for all the lying about Russia by virtually everyone associated with Trump

Fuck you, if you can debunk it, do it. We are discussing Russian collusion.
Trump is exonerated.

But the thread is still about the left's lies about Russian of which is to pretend Hillary and Obama weren't neck deep for real.
There has been a thread created to argue this long debunked bullshit.

Take it there.

This thread concerns the reasons for all the lying about Russia by virtually everyone associated with Trump

Fuck you, if you can debunk it, do it. We are discussing Russian collusion.
Trump is exonerated.

But the thread is still about the left's lies about Russian of which is to pretend Hillary and Obama weren't neck deep for real.
I know what the thread is about you friggin tard. I started it.

It's asking why all the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION LIES about Russian meetings were told.

Can you answer that or are you going to continue to troll like a Russian troll bot
There has been a thread created to argue this long debunked bullshit.

Take it there.

This thread concerns the reasons for all the lying about Russia by virtually everyone associated with Trump

Fuck you, if you can debunk it, do it. We are discussing Russian collusion.
Trump is exonerated.

But the thread is still about the left's lies about Russian of which is to pretend Hillary and Obama weren't neck deep for real.
I know what the thread is about you friggin tard. I started it.

It's asking why all the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION LIES about Russian meetings were told.

Can you answer that or are you going to continue to troll like a Russian troll bot
You just said "So Why All the Lying About Russia".

We have established that Trump hasn't lied, he has been exonerated.

So why does the left continue to lie about Russia?

Because they're covering up their own criminal collusion, while trying to make it seem like *everybody's doing it*.

Except, of course, they didn't prove that Trump was doing it.

So why do they continue to lie about it?
Trump is reveling too much in this victory. he's celebrating not being a felon? big whoop! Get to work you fatass! Close the DAMN border. Reagan closed it just just too irk the Mexican government when they were not assisting with the Kiki Camarena investigation.
You REALIZE that you are quoting Ann Fucking Coulter right?

The witch that was responsible for the SHUTDOWN?
She's batshit crazy and you're a troll

Let's see if you say something trollish or respond to the thread

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