So with Democrats winning the House, what are the chances Trump will remain President after 2020?

Democrats cannot "demand" to see Trump's tax returns. Can't happen. Even if they pass a law (which isn't happening) it would only apply to future presidents.

Democrats are in a bad position, even with the House under Pelosi. Their actual program for the country is repulsive to anyone with a three digit IQ (outside Academe). Open Borders, massive increases in government spending, economy-crushing tax increases, socialized medicine. Who but the most blinded Leftist wants any of this?

As for 2020, it's all about who comes out on top. They have MANY aspirants, and all of them suck, big time. The Wild Card is the full support of the non-Fox Media. They will try to cook up scandal after scandal for the next 18 months, in a campaign to make Trump so repulsive that...well, let's say more repulsive than HRC was in 2016. A tall order.

I'm so sick to campaign ads and blather, I'm tempted to unplug the TV.
One possible target for the new House Democratic majority: the president’s tax returns.

The House Ways and Means Committee intends to request President Donald Trump’s tax returns once Democrats take majority control of the House, MSNBC’s Ari Melber reported on air Tuesday evening, citing “a senior Democratic source.”

That tracks with reports from last month, when the House Democrat now in a position to chair the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), told the Wall Street Journal that Democrats would request Trump’s tax returns if they won the majority.

As the Journal notes, Trump’s tax returns “would provide a detailed look at his finances, including the sources of income, business partners and charitable contributions.” They could shed light on questions about the Trump Foundation and Trump Organization that have been raised by damaging reporting from the Washington Post and New York Times, respectively.

Though Trump promised in 2014 that he would “absolutely” release his tax returns if he “decide[d] to run for office,” he has broken 40 years of precedent by refusing to do so on the campaign trail and steadfastly continuing to refuse to do so since becoming president.

Congress has the ability, under a law passed in 1924, to inspect tax returns from any taxpayer — including high-ranking officials. Trump, however, indicated before a campaign rally in Indiana on Monday that he may not cooperate if Democrats make moves to scrutinize his taxes.

“I don’t care,” Trump said in response to a question about if he’s concerned about Dems going after his taxes. “They can do whatever they want, and I can do whatever I want.”

During an interview last month, Trump ally and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested the fight over Trump’s taxes could ultimately wind up before the Supreme Court.

“Then they’ll be trapped into appealing to the Supreme Court, and we’ll see whether or not the [Brett] Kavanaugh [Supreme Court] fight was worth it,” Gingrich said on the topic of Democrats possibly subpoenaing Trump’s tax returns.

House Republicans’ ability to protect Trump is coming to an end
In an string of tweets posted Tuesday evening and early Wednesday morning, Trump framed the midterm election resulted as a “Tremendous success,” a “Big Victory,” and took a victory lap about Republican gains in the Senate.
After two years of obstruction, investigations, and subpoenas, it's put up or shut up time for the left and we know they're not gonna put up anything but more of the same, so I'd say Trump's chances of remaining President after 2020 are pretty damn good.

The democrats will, as they always do, overplay their hand....Pelosi is such a dragon woman that the "never Pelosi" froshies will probably go back on their word to not support her, lest they earn her wrath....They will make it very, VERY easy to run against them in 2020.
After two years of obstruction, investigations, and subpoenas, it's put up or shut up time for the left and we know they're not gonna put up anything but more of the same, so I'd say Trump's chances of remaining President after 2020 are pretty damn good.
If it’s “more of the same” as you say, then it would result in the Dems gaining ground as they just took over the house and many gubernatorial races... also considering a razor thin 2016 victory by Trump where he lost the popular vote by millions and only won because of the electoral college i don’t think he can survive dissipating support if a decent opponent runs against him.

And therein lies the rub. Hillary was the absolute worst candidate that could have run against Trump, and the democrats really don't have much of a bench of quality candidates. It all comes down to the power structure being capable of reading the writing on the wall.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
Who knows what can happen in the next two years, that could change everything.

BUT, with the GOP keeping the Senate, and apparently winning a couple extra seats, and despite the utter hysteria happenning across this country, and with a constant anti-Trump barrage from the MSM, and with the Dims going well beyond what they normally would do to get out the vote, there was no blue wave.

This means at this moment in time that Trump will still have a good chance to be re-elected in 2020.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
With Slick Willy losing about 60 seats in the House in 1994 what were the chances he would complete eight years of a Presidency?

With that asshole Obama losing about 60 seats in the House in 2010 what were the chances he would complete eight years of a Presidency?
Your stuck with Trump six more years

Dream on, Trumpbot.

Your Messiah is nowhere near 50% in any respected poll and despite a sub 4% U-3 rate he still lost the House.

Trump is toast in 2020 (unless he starts a war).

I'd suggest let's wager on it, but being wrong is a democrat comfort zone, so you wouldn't learn from it anyhow.
I'd say his chance at reelection just went way up.
Now liberals are free to show their ass to the American people once again guaranteeing Trump a 2nd term.
So with Democrats winning the House, what are the chances Trump will remain President after 2020?
The House won't be the deciding factor. What will matter is who the Democrats put up against him in 2020.

And so you can expect in the next day or two to see an explosion of manufactured bullshit topics originating from the right wing propaganda mills for the parroting rubes to tell us how Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden ate some dead babies in George Soros's living room last Christmas.

And these will continue unabated until November 2020.

What? Did you expect to get a breather after the midterms?

Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

Actually, the Democrats controlling the House may end up helping him and your own post is exactly what I mean. If it's the intention of your party to put the crazies in charge of the asylum the next two years and you waste that time doing frivolous investigations instead of actually trying to accomplish something you may very well get him reelected.

Time will tell.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
Save the hyperpartisan hyperbole. I see you drank a lot of the Koolaid. I don’t think she is the most honest politician, she’s definitely got her fair share of shade, which is why I wasn’t a fan. But all the hyperbolic criminal talk was campaign BS.
Obama.........2010.........-72 seats
Truman........1946.........-64 seats
Clinton..........1994........-63 seats
Ford.............1974........-52 seats
Johnson........1966........-50 seats
Reagan.........1982........-26 seats
Trump...........2018.......-23 seats (so far)
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
Save the hyperpartisan hyperbole. I see you drank a lot of the Koolaid. I don’t think she is the most honest politician, she’s definitely got her fair share of shade, which is why I wasn’t a fan. But all the hyperbolic criminal talk was campaign BS.
Sure, pal. Just ignore the evidence and destruction of evidence. But you know what? I don't care about your opinion anymore anyway so I won't waste any more time arguing against your ignorance.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
Save the hyperpartisan hyperbole. I see you drank a lot of the Koolaid. I don’t think she is the most honest politician, she’s definitely got her fair share of shade, which is why I wasn’t a fan. But all the hyperbolic criminal talk was campaign BS.
Sure, pal. Just ignore the evidence and destruction of evidence. But you know what? I don't care about your opinion anymore anyway so I won't waste any more time arguing against your ignorance.

Faux News isn't evidence.

Guilty until proven innocent?

Yeah that's what I thought.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
Save the hyperpartisan hyperbole. I see you drank a lot of the Koolaid. I don’t think she is the most honest politician, she’s definitely got her fair share of shade, which is why I wasn’t a fan. But all the hyperbolic criminal talk was campaign BS.
Sure, pal. Just ignore the evidence and destruction of evidence. But you know what? I don't care about your opinion anymore anyway so I won't waste any more time arguing against your ignorance.

Faux News isn't evidence.

Guilty until proven innocent?

Yeah that's what I thought.
Sessions is gone now, asshole. Stay tuned.
I wasn’t a big Hillary fan but let’s be honest, she wasn’t that bad. Trump is a master brander and he painted her as a criminal and did a masterful job at it. But she was highly qualified and extremely accomplished. Her major fault was centered around an e-mail server which is rather silly if you think about it.
You've got to be kidding!
Nope, a lot of people drank a lot of koolaid on that one.

That said, I didn’t vote for Hillary, she wasn’t my cup of tea, but she wasn’t as bad as you on the right like to paint
She's only the most corrupt politician in American history, but I know you'll never acknowledge any wrongdoing on her part. No one on the left ever does, in spite of all the evidence there is against her.
Save the hyperpartisan hyperbole. I see you drank a lot of the Koolaid. I don’t think she is the most honest politician, she’s definitely got her fair share of shade, which is why I wasn’t a fan. But all the hyperbolic criminal talk was campaign BS.
Sure, pal. Just ignore the evidence and destruction of evidence. But you know what? I don't care about your opinion anymore anyway so I won't waste any more time arguing against your ignorance.
LIke I said, all this fuss over a stupid email server. You’re too deep down the rabbit hole to see the absurdity

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