So with Democrats winning the House, what are the chances Trump will remain President after 2020?

First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

I was going to respond, but your post quickly devolved well below the maturity level of the minimum age requirements of this site.
Your stuck with Trump six more years

Dream on, Trumpbot.

Your Messiah is nowhere near 50% in any respected poll and despite a sub 4% U-3 rate he still lost the House.

Trump is toast in 2020 (unless he starts a war).

He had 306 electoral votes in 2016....he can lose both Michigan plus Pennsylvania and have 270

Only if he gets that one EC vote from Maine again...which is not likely.
To have a chance in 2020 House Dem's have to legislate vs abusing their office to seek revenge. Since Pelosi has already vowed one of the first things they will do is expose Trump's tax returns I think we all know what's going to happen. :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats cannot "demand" to see Trump's tax returns. Can't happen. Even if they pass a law (which isn't happening) it would only apply to future presidents.

Democrats are in a bad position, even with the House under Pelosi. Their actual program for the country is repulsive to anyone with a three digit IQ (outside Academe). Open Borders, massive increases in government spending, economy-crushing tax increases, socialized medicine. Who but the most blinded Leftist wants any of this?

As for 2020, it's all about who comes out on top. They have MANY aspirants, and all of them suck, big time. The Wild Card is the full support of the non-Fox Media. They will try to cook up scandal after scandal for the next 18 months, in a campaign to make Trump so repulsive that...well, let's say more repulsive than HRC was in 2016. A tall order.

I'm so sick to campaign ads and blather, I'm tempted to unplug the TV.
After 18 months of seeing the dems run the House the voters will have a clear choice for 2020. So we have a year or so of noise followed by their re-election posturing. Gridlock + MSM noise
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics
What exactly do you think youre going to find when you see his tax returns?

They won't know what to look for because there are lots of numbers involved. Quite frankly, you could put all of Trump's tax returns in front of 95%+ of the democrats in this country and they would have no idea what they would were looking at. They would simply wait for their favorite hate merchant to tell them what to be upset about, then pretend they were tax experts and be absolutely certain there's reason to go insane.
After two years of obstruction, investigations, and subpoenas, it's put up or shut up time for the left and we know they're not gonna put up anything but more of the same, so I'd say Trump's chances of remaining President after 2020 are pretty damn good.
If it’s “more of the same” as you say, then it would result in the Dems gaining ground as they just took over the house and many gubernatorial races... also considering a razor thin 2016 victory by Trump where he lost the popular vote by millions and only won because of the electoral college i don’t think he can survive dissipating support if a decent opponent runs against him.

And therein lies the rub. Hillary was the absolute worst candidate that could have run against Trump, and the democrats really don't have much of a bench of quality candidates. It all comes down to the power structure being capable of reading the writing on the wall.
The Dems picked up Governorships in 3 states that Trump won in the last election, that is more significant than the Dems winning the House.
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics
What exactly do you think youre going to find when you see his tax returns?
not sure, but didn't he have like a few hundred million dollars and didn't pay taxes on it?
i didn't read too much in the case, but i saw a lot of people saying he should be prosecuted and investigated for it
If you see his tax return, its because its already been looked over and cleared by the IRS. Are you retarded or something?

They don't care. All they want is a line entry somewhere that some second year law student says is questionable and they're off to the races, certain that they got him this time.
If he decides to run I think Trump has a very good chance at re-election.

Especially if things keep improving in the country.

Hell. I thought that Barry wouldn't have made it into his second term as the economy was in the tank and UE higher than a kite. Yet there he was. Elected for a second term.

The country is in far better shape right now so, yes, Trump, if he decides to run has a good shot at a second term.
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

Congress has no right to see his tax returns. Also, remember who appoints the judges!

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