So with Democrats winning the House, what are the chances Trump will remain President after 2020?

Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics
What exactly do you think youre going to find when you see his tax returns?
not sure, but didn't he have like a few hundred million dollars and didn't pay taxes on it?
i didn't read too much in the case, but i saw a lot of people saying he should be prosecuted and investigated for it

"Not sure" means you are on a fishing expedition, which happens to be illegal and unConstitutional.

Congress has no right to investigate his taxes. That is the responsibility of the IRS.
My prediction:

The house will not do anything right away. They will wait until about 6 to 8 months before the election, and then accusations and investigations will start coming up.

You see, it's not about what you know or what you can prove in these investigations, but rather, how much doubt you can put in the minds of the American public, and say votes.

The thing about trumps tax returns is, I'm sure they have already been scrutinized heavily. The years before his election, the IRS was run by left leaning officials. Likely, they've already seen them and have approved them. If they did see them and there was something illegal happening, and they approved them anyway, why?

I'm sure they would show what we know already, that trump had funding from Russians, which isn't illegal, but due to the whole Russian hacking fiasco, they want to show it in the public so they can say "see, he got money from the Russians, and then they hacked the election so he would win".

If somehow, the house finds a way to skirt around the tax law, and get his tax returns into the public, it will show Russian donations, but they will then have to find the link that show trump was indeed actively encouraging the Russians to sabotage the 2016 elections in his favor.

The issue is, they dont actually have to prove anything, they just have to put enough doubt into people's minds that they will vote him out.

Again, just a prediction, I could be very wrong.
What are the odds Trump remains President to 2020? 100%
My prediction:

The house will not do anything right away. They will wait until about 6 to 8 months before the election, and then accusations and investigations will start coming up.

You see, it's not about what you know or what you can prove in these investigations, but rather, how much doubt you can put in the minds of the American public, and say votes.

The thing about trumps tax returns is, I'm sure they have already been scrutinized heavily. The years before his election, the IRS was run by left leaning officials. Likely, they've already seen them and have approved them. If they did see them and there was something illegal happening, and they approved them anyway, why?

I'm sure they would show what we know already, that trump had funding from Russians, which isn't illegal, but due to the whole Russian hacking fiasco, they want to show it in the public so they can say "see, he got money from the Russians, and then they hacked the election so he would win".

If somehow, the house finds a way to skirt around the tax law, and get his tax returns into the public, it will show Russian donations, but they will then have to find the link that show trump was indeed actively encouraging the Russians to sabotage the 2016 elections in his favor.

The issue is, they dont actually have to prove anything, they just have to put enough doubt into people's minds that they will vote him out.

Again, just a prediction, I could be very wrong.

You already know that Trump had funding from the Russians? You have him confused with Hillary!

Taking campaign contributions from foreign sources is illegal, unless you are Hillary and have the Deep State FBI contingent on your payroll.
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

Nope to all of your ridiculous thread.

The IRS would have to investigate his taxes and if you don't think he's audited every year because of his businesses then you are an idiot.

If there was anything to be found the IRS would have found it long ago.

You sure are stupid.
Love that we are talking about 2020 already.

Can't get enough of this.

It's a tacit admission that the democrats have no solid legislative agenda and will do nothing but try to destroy Trump for daring to deny Hillary her throne.
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.

I agree. If they are smart they won't vote her into the Speakership.

There are plenty of other good people who would make a better speaker than that old hag.
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.

I agree. If they are smart they won't vote her into the Speakership.

There are plenty of other good people who would make a better speaker than that old hag.

Hey! Stop insulting old hags!
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.

I agree. If they are smart they won't vote her into the Speakership.

There are plenty of other good people who would make a better speaker than that old hag.

Hey! Stop insulting old hags!

I'd insult this old hag all day, every day. God what a hag.
not sure, but didn't he have like a few hundred million dollars and didn't pay taxes on it?
i didn't read too much in the case, but i saw a lot of people saying he should be prosecuted and investigated for it

So... make sure you keep on going by what OTHERS say instead of reading and researching for yourself, mmk? Just because a few people follow each other and repeat the same things doesn't mean they are right. In fact, they could be the ones that need to be investigated.
Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics
You know that the Dems can see his tax returns, right?

That's not the issue.

They can't RELEASE his tax returns to the public because it is illegal without his consent.

That's their problem.

They can't make political hay out of his earnings, investments, and deductions and it is making them crazy.


My prediction:

The house will not do anything right away. They will wait until about 6 to 8 months before the election, and then accusations and investigations will start coming up.

You see, it's not about what you know or what you can prove in these investigations, but rather, how much doubt you can put in the minds of the American public, and say votes.

The thing about trumps tax returns is, I'm sure they have already been scrutinized heavily. The years before his election, the IRS was run by left leaning officials. Likely, they've already seen them and have approved them. If they did see them and there was something illegal happening, and they approved them anyway, why?

I'm sure they would show what we know already, that trump had funding from Russians, which isn't illegal, but due to the whole Russian hacking fiasco, they want to show it in the public so they can say "see, he got money from the Russians, and then they hacked the election so he would win".

If somehow, the house finds a way to skirt around the tax law, and get his tax returns into the public, it will show Russian donations, but they will then have to find the link that show trump was indeed actively encouraging the Russians to sabotage the 2016 elections in his favor.

The issue is, they dont actually have to prove anything, they just have to put enough doubt into people's minds that they will vote him out.

Again, just a prediction, I could be very wrong.

You already know that Trump had funding from the Russians? You have him confused with Hillary!

Taking campaign contributions from foreign sources is illegal, unless you are Hillary and have the Deep State FBI contingent on your payroll.
Well no, but didn't trumps son already say they got money from Russians? Also, its pretty certain trump had business dealings with Russians, so it's very likely he did get money from then. Maybe not in the way of campaign donations, but just through business dealings.
My prediction:

The house will not do anything right away. They will wait until about 6 to 8 months before the election, and then accusations and investigations will start coming up.

You see, it's not about what you know or what you can prove in these investigations, but rather, how much doubt you can put in the minds of the American public, and say votes.

The thing about trumps tax returns is, I'm sure they have already been scrutinized heavily. The years before his election, the IRS was run by left leaning officials. Likely, they've already seen them and have approved them. If they did see them and there was something illegal happening, and they approved them anyway, why?

I'm sure they would show what we know already, that trump had funding from Russians, which isn't illegal, but due to the whole Russian hacking fiasco, they want to show it in the public so they can say "see, he got money from the Russians, and then they hacked the election so he would win".

If somehow, the house finds a way to skirt around the tax law, and get his tax returns into the public, it will show Russian donations, but they will then have to find the link that show trump was indeed actively encouraging the Russians to sabotage the 2016 elections in his favor.

The issue is, they dont actually have to prove anything, they just have to put enough doubt into people's minds that they will vote him out.

Again, just a prediction, I could be very wrong.

You already know that Trump had funding from the Russians? You have him confused with Hillary!

Taking campaign contributions from foreign sources is illegal, unless you are Hillary and have the Deep State FBI contingent on your payroll.
Well no, but didn't trumps son already say they got money from Russians? Also, its pretty certain trump had business dealings with Russians, so it's very likely he did get money from then. Maybe not in the way of campaign donations, but just through business dealings.

If you're going to try to make political hay out of a politician legally making money through international trade, you're going to be going a long time, because lots of politicians do exactly that. Heck, the Clinton foundation raked in untold millions as long as Hillary remained a viable political power.
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.

I agree. If they are smart they won't vote her into the Speakership.

There are plenty of other good people who would make a better speaker than that old hag.

Hey! Stop insulting old hags!

I'd insult this old hag all day, every day. God what a hag.

Compared to Piglousy, I love old hags! They should not be compared to her!
My prediction:

The house will not do anything right away. They will wait until about 6 to 8 months before the election, and then accusations and investigations will start coming up.

You see, it's not about what you know or what you can prove in these investigations, but rather, how much doubt you can put in the minds of the American public, and say votes.

The thing about trumps tax returns is, I'm sure they have already been scrutinized heavily. The years before his election, the IRS was run by left leaning officials. Likely, they've already seen them and have approved them. If they did see them and there was something illegal happening, and they approved them anyway, why?

I'm sure they would show what we know already, that trump had funding from Russians, which isn't illegal, but due to the whole Russian hacking fiasco, they want to show it in the public so they can say "see, he got money from the Russians, and then they hacked the election so he would win".

If somehow, the house finds a way to skirt around the tax law, and get his tax returns into the public, it will show Russian donations, but they will then have to find the link that show trump was indeed actively encouraging the Russians to sabotage the 2016 elections in his favor.

The issue is, they dont actually have to prove anything, they just have to put enough doubt into people's minds that they will vote him out.

Again, just a prediction, I could be very wrong.

You already know that Trump had funding from the Russians? You have him confused with Hillary!

Taking campaign contributions from foreign sources is illegal, unless you are Hillary and have the Deep State FBI contingent on your payroll.
Well no, but didn't trumps son already say they got money from Russians? Also, its pretty certain trump had business dealings with Russians, so it's very likely he did get money from then. Maybe not in the way of campaign donations, but just through business dealings.

Ok. So what is your problem with that?

It's perfectly legal to do.
First, Pelosi being Speaker is not yet a lock. Perhaps someone can find out how many first-time Dems have been elected. They, along with those already claiming to be against her, could make enough noise to pass her by.

If they actually replace her, they'll be showing signs of life. If they stick with the dinosaurs, not so much.

I agree. If they are smart they won't vote her into the Speakership.

There are plenty of other good people who would make a better speaker than that old hag.

Hey! Stop insulting old hags!

I'd insult this old hag all day, every day. God what a hag.

Compared to Piglousy, I love old hags! They should not be compared to her!

Well you do have a point. No hag I ever met can compare to Piglousy.

Does Trump's tax returns get investigated?
What about his sexual assault allegations? Or his traitor-like behaviour?
What does this all mean both in the short and long term?
Do you think Donald Trump is crying in his room?

Also, how will you celebrate the Democrats victory?
2018 election: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

Keep in mind I think Trump is a race baiting jerk pulling us back to the 1870's but we knew that is who he was and if voters were rational he SHOULD win again in 2020 if his boys can avoid jail.

Consider: he has not ruined the trends of the Obama recovery (Go look up the long term GDP and unemployment trends if you haven't been shown them a million times).

He has not started a war. In fact he went in the face of the Republican Hawk elite and talked with North Korea. Just that two folks someplace in each administration can call each other and set up a meeting might be enough to prevent a war. Go Donald.

Nothing terrible has happened. We're still fighting all Bush's and Obama's wars but Trump hasn't lost them or made them worse.

Tariffs are sorta working. They were childishly implemented too fast but hey, free trade Republicans hate tariffs, I like them.

No one cares about the debt when a Republican is in office...........

Obamacare is an unenforced mess but Republicans like head in the sand socialized healthcare......

So while I don't think I'll vote for him I think if the public is consistent they will.

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