So with GA school shooter dad getting charged


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2023
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's talk all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
you make an excellent point,,
Think of it, whole black families arrested for their dipshit kids and shipped off to Liberia

America would be a paradise
if they knowingly allow their underage children to go out with guns and run around doing criminal things,, how is that different than this??

thats assuming the father knew what he was goin to do,

we dont know that he did,,
if they knowingly allow their underage children to go out with guns and run around doing criminal things,, how is that different than this??

thats assuming the father knew what he was goin to do,

we dont know that he did,,
You make a good point they don't know their dads, chances are they're already in jail

So looks like its mom and grandma taking a boat ride
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
Anyone dumb enough to buy an AK-47 for their kids should go to jail.

It doesn't matter how they vote or what color they are.

But please get your MAGA Nazi groove on.
Did those people supply guns to their unstable child?

If they did, I support such prosecutions. And I'm guessing they've already happened.
Can you name any Black parents being charged with involuntary manslaughter, and second degree murder crimes committed by their children, like as the Colin Gray and the Crumbley family?
Slippery slope dead ahead
I'm not in favor of parents being held responsible and locked up if their child commits murder. It could/would result in another form of gun control where any parent would be reluctant to own a firearm for any reason.

It would all become political and I don't see it stopping any determined mentally unstable kid from shooting up a school. Where there is a will, there is a way. Unless there is proof a parent enabled, encouraged, and assisted their offspring to go in and murder human beings there is no proof that the parent was complicit in the slaughter. The kid broke the law. The parents were abominable in many ways from what I can tell and I wish they were locked up, but did they break any law? The FBI didn't think so in 2023 when they interviewed the parents. Red flags should have gone off and some kind of surveillance should have been monitored and set in place at least for a period of time on the entire family.


Sheriff's deputies interviewed the boy and his father, who "stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them", the FBI said.

The suspect, who was 13 years old at the time, denied making the online threats and officials "alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the subject".

"At the time, there was no probable cause for an arrest or to take any additional law enforcement action on the local, state or federal levels," added the FBI statement.
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside
Goofy. But good that this dad is locked up.
This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right?
No. Everything that black people do wrong are white people's fault. Blacks are not even capable of racism. :uhh:

Is that the precedent this sets?
Without knowing all the details, it sounds like the father didn't use the best judgement in letting his son have a rifle. But then, no father wants to think his kid is going to be a killer. But then, did the school or the FBI use good judgement? Bottom line, they are now trying to blame the dad for something other people did just to cover up the fact that the real problem here seems to actually be the schools themselves.

Arresting and charging the father will not prevent the next school shooting.

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