So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

THis is relevant.

Why the Left dominates the national culture.
February 22, 2017

David Horowitz


to fold every time.

Barney Frank had a prostitution ring operating out of his house and masturbated into the president's locker in the Capitol gym. But that didn't prevent him from architecting the incredibly destructive Dodd-Frank bill and the subprime mortgage crisis because Democrats never broke ranks and protected him.

Milo is indisputably the most effective conservative on campus battling the anti-American identity-obsessed, racist Left. He is a victim of sexual abuse himself, which entails confusion on these issues. That conservatives would abandon him - throw him to the wolves - tells you everything you need to know why the Left dominates the national culture and thus the political culture which is downstream.

The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves

He's a carnival act. Performance art. He found out there was money in being obnoxiously rightwing.

Your words are nothing but you expressing your hatred of people who dare think differently than you.

Here is how the lefty feels about a real child molester.

Milk (film) - Wikipedia


"Milk is a 2008 American biographical film based on the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Directed by Gus Van Sant and written by Dustin Lance Black, the film stars Sean Penn as Milk and Josh Brolin as Dan White, a city supervisor who assassinated Milk and Mayor George Moscone. The film was released to much acclaim and earned numerous accolades from film critics and guilds. Ultimately, it received eight Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, winning two for Best Actor in a Leading Role for Penn and Best Original Screenplay for Black."
I am constantly conflicted about homosexuality in the sense I know that biblically it is condemned but from my personal experiences with the gay community is that there are many wonderful souls.

I had friends and associates that I cared deeply about in the entertainment business. Needless to say though, it's conflicting.

So I run with love the sinner and hate the sin. Gets me thru.


I'm a libertarian. I take the general stance that I don't care what anyone else does provided it doesn't cost me money, or infringe on my liberty and lifestyle. So for the most part I just don't care what queers do.

The thing is, as a man I am well aware that men are pigs. The only thing that civilizes us is women. Remove women from the equation and nothing civilizes men.
"Soros".....there's that subtlety again.

Nothing subtle about your Fuhrer, he intends the utter destruction of this nation and you work diligently with your fellow democrat thugs to bring that about.

So tell us more about how wonderful and so misunderstood Milo is.

Milo made the mistake of spilling the beans. When reminded of what male homosexuality really is about, decent people turned from him.

I've known both sides of the gay coin where you have the wild flamboyant lifestyle that is whoa! It usually involves leather and dancing to Donna Summer.


On the other hand many couples who remain monogamous and have long term relationships.

I had a gay friend several decades ago who told me that there is no such thing as monogamous with gay men, that it defies everything they are. He had been with the same partner for years, but that didn't alter the reality of homosexuality.
"Soros".....there's that subtlety again.

Nothing subtle about your Fuhrer, he intends the utter destruction of this nation and you work diligently with your fellow democrat thugs to bring that about.

So tell us more about how wonderful and so misunderstood Milo is.

Milo made the mistake of spilling the beans. When reminded of what male homosexuality really is about, decent people turned from him.
Show us the homosexuals supporting what Milo said. This homosexual thinks what he said is disgusting. RWrs such as yourself, not so much, eh?

I've known both sides of the gay coin where you have the wild flamboyant lifestyle that is whoa! It usually involves leather and dancing to Donna Summer.


On the other hand many couples who remain monogamous and have long term relationships.

I had a gay friend several decades ago who told me that there is no such thing as monogamous with gay men, that it defies everything they are. He had been with the same partner for years, but that didn't alter the reality of homosexuality.
Sounds like a male problem...not a homosexual problem.
Show us the homosexuals supporting what Milo said. This homosexual thinks what he said is disgusting. RWrs such as yourself, not so much, eh?

You troll and stalk because you rarely can compose a cogent response.

Look, we both know you're dumb as a stump.

Here is a scholarly article that details the homosexual involvement with underage boys. As you would know if your IQ were doubled to 40, this is virtually exclusive to male homosexuals, Lesbians are an entirely separate pathology that does not gravitate to under age people.

Oh, and because we both know you are too stupid to read or understand the article, I will point out that it debunks the idea that homosexuals are generally pedophiles, noting the preference is for adolescent boys, not prepubescent.

How Homosexualists Redefine  Homosexual Child Molesting
Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?

What does Milo "hate," Comrade?

It looks to me that the hater is you, and the other Soros thugs.

Is there a grownup version of that post you could put up?
Show us the homosexuals supporting what Milo said. This homosexual thinks what he said is disgusting. RWrs such as yourself, not so much, eh?

You troll and stalk because you rarely can compose a cogent response.

Look, we both know you're dumb as a stump.

Here is a scholarly article that details the homosexual involvement with underage boys. As you would know if your IQ were doubled to 40, this is virtually exclusive to male homosexuals, Lesbians are an entirely separate pathology that does not gravitate to under age people.

Oh, and because we both know you are too stupid to read or understand the article, I will point out that it debunks the idea that homosexuals are generally pedophiles, noting the preference is for adolescent boys, not prepubescent.

How Homosexualists Redefine Homosexual Child Molesting
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia
Feel free to carry on with your defense of Milo.
THis is relevant.

Why the Left dominates the national culture.
February 22, 2017

David Horowitz


to fold every time.

Barney Frank had a prostitution ring operating out of his house and masturbated into the president's locker in the Capitol gym. But that didn't prevent him from architecting the incredibly destructive Dodd-Frank bill and the subprime mortgage crisis because Democrats never broke ranks and protected him.

Milo is indisputably the most effective conservative on campus battling the anti-American identity-obsessed, racist Left. He is a victim of sexual abuse himself, which entails confusion on these issues. That conservatives would abandon him - throw him to the wolves - tells you everything you need to know why the Left dominates the national culture and thus the political culture which is downstream.

The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves

Whoa thanks for the Horowitz piece. For all the crap I've been reading in the past couple of days this article is refreshing.
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!

Ohh, look at the little Soros thug thinking she is clever.

If any sort of molestation were "ok" (sic) with me, I would have said so, Your slander does not make it so.

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