So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia

Even leftist Coyote attempted to interject a bit of rationality into the leftist hate schpele yesterday, to no avail.

Listen up Soros Soldiers - ONE TIME - pedophiles prey on prepubescent children. Sex with adolescents is NOT pedophilia. Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with adolescents is common in the homosexual lifestyle. He also noted that he was a willing participant when he was an adolescent.

Feel free to carry on with your defense of Milo.

The hate just oozes from you, doesn't it Shortbus?

Your inability to reason makes the world a hostile place full of elements that you fear. :dunno:

Ignorance is not bliss, in your case it's fear and loathing.
Feel free to join TD in her defense of Milo and all he stands for.
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!

Ohh, look at the little Soros thug thinking she is clever.

If any sort of molestation were "ok" (sic) with me, I would have said so, Your slander does not make it so.
I see that you cannot address the elephant in the room that I pointed out.....that it is mostly the males with these issues.

Oh....and back to "Soros".....we know what that is mostly the males who express anti-semitism.

Feel free to carry on with your defense of Milo.

The hate just oozes from you, doesn't it Shortbus?

Your inability to reason makes the world a hostile place full of elements that you fear. :dunno:

Ignorance is not bliss, in your case it's fear and loathing.
Feel free to join TD in her defense of Milo and all he stands for.

You're still stalking and trolling.

I understand, it's not like you have the intellect to carry on a conversation.
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!

Ohh, look at the little Soros thug thinking she is clever.

If any sort of molestation were "ok" (sic) with me, I would have said so, Your slander does not make it so.
I see that you cannot address the elephant in the room that I pointed out.....that it is mostly the males with these issues.

Oh....and back to "Soros".....we know what that is mostly the males who express anti-semitism.

Here dummy, see if you can grasp what was written this time around.

So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

If you're too fucking stupid, just mark the post with a :D

It's your signature meaning "Ize two fucking stoopid to grasp what ewe rote."

Feel free to carry on with your defense of Milo.

The hate just oozes from you, doesn't it Shortbus?

Your inability to reason makes the world a hostile place full of elements that you fear. :dunno:

Ignorance is not bliss, in your case it's fear and loathing.
Feel free to join TD in her defense of Milo and all he stands for.

You're still stalking and trolling.

I understand, it's not like you have the intellect to carry on a conversation.
I am carrying on a conversation with you right now. How about you address the male elephant in the room rather than just fall back to personal insults because you cannot......
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!

Ohh, look at the little Soros thug thinking she is clever.

If any sort of molestation were "ok" (sic) with me, I would have said so, Your slander does not make it so.
I see that you cannot address the elephant in the room that I pointed out.....that it is mostly the males with these issues.

Oh....and back to "Soros".....we know what that is mostly the males who express anti-semitism.

Here dummy, see if you can grasp what was written this time around.

So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

If you're too fucking stupid, just mark the post with a :D

It's your signature meaning "Ize two fucking stoopid to grasp what ewe rote."
Again, you cannot address the male elephant in the room and resort to personal insults. Well, we all know what that inability on your part to even come up with some kind of decent impotence on your part.
So....heterosexual males are not a problem? What about the 1 in 4 girls under 18 that are sexually abused.....many times by hetero male FAMILY members such as FATHERS and BROTHERS and GRANDFATHERS and UNCLES?

This is ok with you? But blame the gays!!!!!

Ohh, look at the little Soros thug thinking she is clever.

If any sort of molestation were "ok" (sic) with me, I would have said so, Your slander does not make it so.
I see that you cannot address the elephant in the room that I pointed out.....that it is mostly the males with these issues.

Oh....and back to "Soros".....we know what that is mostly the males who express anti-semitism.

Here dummy, see if you can grasp what was written this time around.

So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

If you're too fucking stupid, just mark the post with a :D

It's your signature meaning "Ize two fucking stoopid to grasp what ewe rote."
Again, you cannot address the male elephant in the room and resort to personal insults. Well, we all know what that inability on your part to even come up with some kind of decent impotence on your part.

Yep, you were too fucking stupid, as expected.

Good that you added your signature declaring "Ize two fucking stoopid to grasp what ewe rote." :thup:
Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?

THat you have to ask, is not surprising for a lefty.

He is against political correctness and censorship.

He is against feminism.

He is against muslim immigration.

He supports Donald Trump.

Which, by the way, is why your thought leaders instructed you to have a hissy fit over these allegations at the same time the MIlk is revered as a lefty hero.
You left out provocateur and self-promoter
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia

Even leftist Coyote attempted to interject a bit of rationality into the leftist hate schpele yesterday, to no avail.

Listen up Soros Soldiers - ONE TIME - pedophiles prey on prepubescent children. Sex with adolescents is NOT pedophilia. Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with adolescents is common in the homosexual lifestyle. He also noted that he was a willing participant when he was an adolescent.
Dude, that is sick. A psychiatrist may make that medical distinction. But you are making it to imply that there is a significance difference. You can be an adolescent and both be below the age of consent and be psychological an emotionally fucked up forever for engaging in "consensual" sex with a 40 yr old, regardless of how "loving" he seems.

You are one sick fuck.
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia

Even leftist Coyote attempted to interject a bit of rationality into the leftist hate schpele yesterday, to no avail.

Listen up Soros Soldiers - ONE TIME - pedophiles prey on prepubescent children. Sex with adolescents is NOT pedophilia. Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with adolescents is common in the homosexual lifestyle. He also noted that he was a willing participant when he was an adolescent.

Why are you pointing at "Soros soldiers" whomever they may be, when all the ill will directed at Milo Yiannopoulos is being done by the right? He lost his speaking engagement at CPAC, lost his book deal, and lost his job at right wing Breitbart, all that scorn is being heaved on him by the right and you're running around trying to convince the left of his innocence. Do you chase the garbage man when the electric company screws up your bill?
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia

Even leftist Coyote attempted to interject a bit of rationality into the leftist hate schpele yesterday, to no avail.

Listen up Soros Soldiers - ONE TIME - pedophiles prey on prepubescent children. Sex with adolescents is NOT pedophilia. Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with adolescents is common in the homosexual lifestyle. He also noted that he was a willing participant when he was an adolescent.
Dude, that is sick. A psychiatrist may make that medical distinction. But you are making it to imply that there is a significance difference. You can be an adolescent and both be below the age of consent and be psychological an emotionally fucked up forever for engaging in "consensual" sex with a 40 yr old, regardless of how "loving" he seems.

You are one sick fuck.
View attachment 113686

There is a significant difference.

Sexual maturity.

I in no way condone what the homosexual community does, and it is the only reason I oppose them. But the reality is that what they do is not pedophilia, and most of their victims are willing and eager participants.
Let me fill you in on something else, in most states that have age 16 as the age of consent, the person they have sex with has to be within 4 years of them in age. So a 25 year old fucking a 16 year old would still be illegal.

And? States have varying laws. Milo never once said that anyone should commit an illegal act.

What's your point? We've moved the goal posts from pedophilia at least.

And after a million fucking pages here you still don't understand there is little difference from having sex with a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Congrats on being an absolute loon.

I understand that legally there is a difference. It does not matter what you or I think.

And it doesn't matter legally what you or I think when it comes to age of consent laws. It's very simple here.

I don't like the Romeo and Juliet laws for example that would allow a 14 year old girl to have sex with her teenage boyfriend provided he's 15.

But you know what? It doesn't matter that I don't like it. It's the freaking law.

THERE IS NO LEGAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A 12 YEAR OLD AND A 13 YEAR OLD. They are both illegal for a 25 year old to have sex with. :rolleyes:

Who the hell is the 25 year old? Who is this imaginary soul?
Well Harvey Milk was 33 screwing 14 year olds with the democrats blessings..maybe he is confused. :)
And BTW why was Hillary letting a child molester campaign with her?

lol, that's your defense of Milo, that he might not be the only pedophile in the world?

Ewwwww, that is gross...
So why do you condone a sexual predator being honored by Obama with a comemorative stamp? And a pedophile that molested her sister campaigning for Hillary
Inquiring minds would like to know.

I don't even know who the fuck you're fucking rambling on about like a mental patient. Nor do I care.

Really? The obvious thing to do would be to challenge her to back up her claims.

But, you don't really want to go there do you? Because you believe her. Because what she describes is just what you guys are.
Because he knows democrats support child molesters and he can't deny it.
The man basically condoned pedophilia. It is an affront to my moral and ethical standards to lend him credence of any sort.

He didn't basically condone pedophilia. Nothing of the sort. And in all these posts in this thread not one person has come up with a quote that has Milo condoning pedophilia.

And even though all the headlines are alluding to a condoning of pedophilia, there's not one quote out there.

That is the way the filthy lying lefties are.

And cons keep falling for it.
Yep. Until conservatives learn to grow a spine they are going to keep being played by liberals.
LOL, Mark Foley was 52, when he was busted in the Congressional Page scandal and plenty of Republicans knew what was going on.
Why are you pointing at "Soros soldiers"

Because you are the ones causing the problems in this nation, on behalf of your Fuhrer.

whomever they may be, when all the ill will directed at Milo Yiannopoulos is being done by the right?


Now THAT is one fantastical lie.

He lost his speaking engagement at CPAC, lost his book deal, and lost his job at right wing Breitbart, all that scorn is being heaved on him by the right and you're running around trying to convince the left of his innocence. Do you chase the garbage man when the electric company screws up your bill?

He certainly did. Sex with underage boys is no-no, unless you are a Barney Frank. Or maybe Harvey Milk, in which case the left will make you a hero.
Ok so let's get this right. Milo says in the interview that he agrees with the age of consent AND that he would never defend pedophilia BUT he's not only accused of defending pedophilia but that the left has NOW turned him into a pedophile.

Wow. Just wow. I guess that's the new best label since "racist" has lost its luster.

"You don’t understand what pedophilia is if you are saying I’m defending it because I’m certainly not.”

READ: Transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos Video on Pedophilia

Even leftist Coyote attempted to interject a bit of rationality into the leftist hate schpele yesterday, to no avail.

Listen up Soros Soldiers - ONE TIME - pedophiles prey on prepubescent children. Sex with adolescents is NOT pedophilia. Milo acknowledged the fact that sex with adolescents is common in the homosexual lifestyle. He also noted that he was a willing participant when he was an adolescent.

Why are you pointing at "Soros soldiers" whomever they may be, when all the ill will directed at Milo Yiannopoulos is being done by the right? He lost his speaking engagement at CPAC, lost his book deal, and lost his job at right wing Breitbart, all that scorn is being heaved on him by the right and you're running around trying to convince the left of his innocence. Do you chase the garbage man when the electric company screws up your bill?
Parrots don't really think logically. When they are taught to squawk "Soros"....that's pretty much the extent of their whole debate.

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