So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

So fucking what that he said boy instead of man. I consider teenagers to be boys. BUT and it's a big deal that he is referring only to those that are of legal age.

You might not like the idea of older men and younger men and/or women BUT if they are the age of consent it is legal.

You don't like it? Change the freaking laws.

Change the laws is your position? It's fucking WRONG. Even if it was teenagers... he said YOUNG BOYS... Jesus fucking Christ you defending him tells me you are just as fucked up as he is.

Teenagers are legal though. What is there to defend? If you are 16 years old in most states you are of age to consent. Male or female.

Whether any of us like it or not. Those are the laws.

Let me fill you in on something else, in most states that have age 16 as the age of consent, the person they have sex with has to be within 4 years of them in age. So a 25 year old fucking a 16 year old would still be illegal.

And? States have varying laws. Milo never once said that anyone should commit an illegal act.

What's your point? We've moved the goal posts from pedophilia at least.

And after a million fucking pages here you still don't understand there is little difference from having sex with a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Congrats on being an absolute loon.

I understand that legally there is a difference. It does not matter what you or I think.

And it doesn't matter legally what you or I think when it comes to age of consent laws. It's very simple here.

I don't like the Romeo and Juliet laws for example that would allow a 14 year old girl to have sex with her teenage boyfriend provided he's 15.

But you know what? It doesn't matter that I don't like it. It's the freaking law.
Change the laws is your position? It's fucking WRONG. Even if it was teenagers... he said YOUNG BOYS... Jesus fucking Christ you defending him tells me you are just as fucked up as he is.

Teenagers are legal though. What is there to defend? If you are 16 years old in most states you are of age to consent. Male or female.

Whether any of us like it or not. Those are the laws.

Let me fill you in on something else, in most states that have age 16 as the age of consent, the person they have sex with has to be within 4 years of them in age. So a 25 year old fucking a 16 year old would still be illegal.

And? States have varying laws. Milo never once said that anyone should commit an illegal act.

What's your point? We've moved the goal posts from pedophilia at least.

And after a million fucking pages here you still don't understand there is little difference from having sex with a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Congrats on being an absolute loon.

I understand that legally there is a difference. It does not matter what you or I think.

And it doesn't matter legally what you or I think when it comes to age of consent laws. It's very simple here.

I don't like the Romeo and Juliet laws for example that would allow a 14 year old girl to have sex with her teenage boyfriend provided he's 15.

But you know what? It doesn't matter that I don't like it. It's the freaking law.

THERE IS NO LEGAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A 12 YEAR OLD AND A 13 YEAR OLD. They are both illegal for a 25 year old to have sex with. :rolleyes:
Teenagers are legal though. What is there to defend? If you are 16 years old in most states you are of age to consent. Male or female.

Whether any of us like it or not. Those are the laws.

Let me fill you in on something else, in most states that have age 16 as the age of consent, the person they have sex with has to be within 4 years of them in age. So a 25 year old fucking a 16 year old would still be illegal.

And? States have varying laws. Milo never once said that anyone should commit an illegal act.

What's your point? We've moved the goal posts from pedophilia at least.

And after a million fucking pages here you still don't understand there is little difference from having sex with a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Congrats on being an absolute loon.

What does that have to do with what he said in his Joe Rogan interview?

1. The Drunken Peasants podcast is what first "emerged".

2. This is the fucking Joe Rogan interview.
Teenagers are legal though. What is there to defend? If you are 16 years old in most states you are of age to consent. Male or female.

Whether any of us like it or not. Those are the laws.

Let me fill you in on something else, in most states that have age 16 as the age of consent, the person they have sex with has to be within 4 years of them in age. So a 25 year old fucking a 16 year old would still be illegal.

And? States have varying laws. Milo never once said that anyone should commit an illegal act.

What's your point? We've moved the goal posts from pedophilia at least.

And after a million fucking pages here you still don't understand there is little difference from having sex with a 12 year old and a 13 year old. Congrats on being an absolute loon.

I understand that legally there is a difference. It does not matter what you or I think.

And it doesn't matter legally what you or I think when it comes to age of consent laws. It's very simple here.

I don't like the Romeo and Juliet laws for example that would allow a 14 year old girl to have sex with her teenage boyfriend provided he's 15.

But you know what? It doesn't matter that I don't like it. It's the freaking law.

THERE IS NO LEGAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A 12 YEAR OLD AND A 13 YEAR OLD. They are both illegal for a 25 year old to have sex with. :rolleyes:

Who the hell is the 25 year old? Who is this imaginary soul?
It must be easy to run as a democrat when the party makes no claim to family or social or moral values. When former democrat representative Gerry Studds (D-Ma.) admitted to having a sexual relationship with a male underage (17 years old) congressional page he received a slap on the wrist from the democrat controlled ethics committee and retained his seat in the House but lost his committee chairmanship (later restored). Later on he received a standing ovation from his fellow democrat representatives for being such a hero when he revealed that he was homosexual.
Well, the toe tapping, wide stance republican dude wasn't ostracized either.
And BTW why was Hillary letting a child molester campaign with her?

lol, that's your defense of Milo, that he might not be the only pedophile in the world?

Ewwwww, that is gross...
So why do you condone a sexual predator being honored by Obama with a comemorative stamp? And a pedophile that molested her sister campaigning for Hillary
Inquiring minds would like to know.

I don't even know who the fuck you're fucking rambling on about like a mental patient. Nor do I care.

Really? The obvious thing to do would be to challenge her to back up her claims.

But, you don't really want to go there do you? Because you believe her. Because what she describes is just what you guys are.
The man basically condoned pedophilia. It is an affront to my moral and ethical standards to lend him credence of any sort.

He didn't basically condone pedophilia. Nothing of the sort. And in all these posts in this thread not one person has come up with a quote that has Milo condoning pedophilia.

And even though all the headlines are alluding to a condoning of pedophilia, there's not one quote out there.

That is the way the filthy lying lefties are.

And cons keep falling for it.
He didn't basically condone pedophilia. Nothing of the sort. And in all these posts in this thread not one person has come up with a quote that has Milo condoning pedophilia.

And even though all the headlines are alluding to a condoning of pedophilia, there's not one quote out there.

No he condoned having sex with teens. And you keep defending him. With that said, are you going to dig up dirt to ruin me now?

Teens? Age of consent in Britain is 16. The average age of consent usually runs from 16 to 18. It's legal. He had his affair with the 29 year old when he was 17.

ITS LEGAL. And it's not pedophilia. And am I going to keep defending him. You bet. Because it is a lie that he condoned pedophilia.

A hit job. A smear. By a D front group who have named themselves the Reagan Battalion but they go back to D superpacs last year to stop Trump. Including even running with McMullin.

HE SAID HE WAS AT A HOLLYWOOD PARTY AND WATCHED GROWN MEN FUCK YOUNG BOYS! And he didn't report them and he is protecting them...

He never said they were under the age of consent. This is sort of a biggie here. What's legal and what's not.

Fuck you for trying to defend this piece of shit. He said YOUNG BOYS. Not YOUNG MEN. You are one fucked up individual to let your political views cloud your judgment on sexual assault.
No he condoned having sex with teens. And you keep defending him. With that said, are you going to dig up dirt to ruin me now?

Teens? Age of consent in Britain is 16. The average age of consent usually runs from 16 to 18. It's legal. He had his affair with the 29 year old when he was 17.

ITS LEGAL. And it's not pedophilia. And am I going to keep defending him. You bet. Because it is a lie that he condoned pedophilia.

A hit job. A smear. By a D front group who have named themselves the Reagan Battalion but they go back to D superpacs last year to stop Trump. Including even running with McMullin.

HE SAID HE WAS AT A HOLLYWOOD PARTY AND WATCHED GROWN MEN FUCK YOUNG BOYS! And he didn't report them and he is protecting them...

He never said they were under the age of consent. This is sort of a biggie here. What's legal and what's not.

Fuck you for trying to defend this piece of shit. He said YOUNG BOYS. Not YOUNG MEN. You are one fucked up individual to let your political views cloud your judgment on sexual assault.

So fucking what that he said boy instead of man. I consider teenagers to be boys. BUT and it's a big deal that he is referring only to those that are of legal age.

You might not like the idea of older men and younger men and/or women BUT if they are the age of consent it is legal.

You don't like it? Change the freaking laws.

I sometimes refer to the college students in my area as boys and girls.
Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?
Nazism in its early incarnations had quite a gay contingent.

Godwin loser.

Vapid response.

Sums you and your post up completely.

You give me more to respond to, and I will.

Till then, this is for you.

Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?

THat you have to ask, is not surprising for a lefty.

He is against political correctness and censorship.

He is against feminism.

He is against muslim immigration.

He supports Donald Trump.

Which, by the way, is why your thought leaders instructed you to have a hissy fit over these allegations at the same time the MIlk is revered as a lefty hero.
THis is relevant.

Why the Left dominates the national culture.
February 22, 2017

David Horowitz


to fold every time.

Barney Frank had a prostitution ring operating out of his house and masturbated into the president's locker in the Capitol gym. But that didn't prevent him from architecting the incredibly destructive Dodd-Frank bill and the subprime mortgage crisis because Democrats never broke ranks and protected him.

Milo is indisputably the most effective conservative on campus battling the anti-American identity-obsessed, racist Left. He is a victim of sexual abuse himself, which entails confusion on these issues. That conservatives would abandon him - throw him to the wolves - tells you everything you need to know why the Left dominates the national culture and thus the political culture which is downstream.

The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves
Nazism in its early incarnations had quite a gay contingent.

Godwin loser.

Vapid response.

Sums you and your post up completely.

You give me more to respond to, and I will.

Till then, this is for you.


The analogy was that at least in the early years, the Nazis tolerated gays who were sympathetic to the Nazi cause, much in the way we are seeing people like you willing to tolerate Milo's endorsement of pederasty,

only because you perceive him to be on your 'team'.
Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?

THat you have to ask, is not surprising for a lefty.

He is against political correctness and censorship.

He is against feminism.

He is against muslim immigration.

He supports Donald Trump.

Which, by the way, is why your thought leaders instructed you to have a hissy fit over these allegations at the same time the MIlk is revered as a lefty hero.

Show a post by me that ever defended Harvey Milk for having sex with minors, if in fact he did.
THis is relevant.

Why the Left dominates the national culture.
February 22, 2017

David Horowitz


to fold every time.

Barney Frank had a prostitution ring operating out of his house and masturbated into the president's locker in the Capitol gym. But that didn't prevent him from architecting the incredibly destructive Dodd-Frank bill and the subprime mortgage crisis because Democrats never broke ranks and protected him.

Milo is indisputably the most effective conservative on campus battling the anti-American identity-obsessed, racist Left. He is a victim of sexual abuse himself, which entails confusion on these issues. That conservatives would abandon him - throw him to the wolves - tells you everything you need to know why the Left dominates the national culture and thus the political culture which is downstream.

The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves

He's a carnival act. Performance art. He found out there was money in being obnoxiously rightwing.
MAN: If I knew someone around my age that was like had sex with a 13-year-old I would be creeped out. Honestly.

YIANNOPOULOS: What is your age?

MAN: I am almost thirty-five.

YIANNOPOULOS: Ok, well I am talking about 28-year-olds.

MAN: Oh that changes everything? [Laughter]

YIANNOPOULOS: I am guessing, I haven’t told this publicly … we are talking 13 – 25, 13 – 28. These things happen perfectly consensually. Often by the way it is the women who suffer. What normally happens in schools very often is older woman with this younger boy. And the boy is predatory in that situation. The boy is like let us see if I can fuck the hot gym teacher or the maths teacher. And he does. The women fall in love with these young men, these athletic young boys in their prime. And end up having their long life destroyed. Their schools, whatever. I would say, that situation I am describing on Joe Rogan show I was very definitely a predator on both occasions. As offensive as some people would find that I don’t much care. That was certainly my experience.

MAN: Milo hold on a second. Ben, you said you would be creeped out if someone came to and said they had sex with a 13-year-old. But what if they said, you know the 13-year-old, they were the predator. He came on to me. Is it that unbelievable to have some really horny 13-year-old that just like … [interrupted number of people talking].

YIANNOPOULOS: Seriously, is it any wonder I was sexually precocious, fucking look at me. The point of all this stuff we get hung up on abuse. This is a controversial point of view I accept. We get hung up on this, this child abuse thing. To the point where heavily policing even relationships between consenting adults, Graduate students and professors, at universities.

The Law is about probably ok. but, there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age. I certainly consider myself to be one of them. People who are sexually active younger. I think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way. And in many cases those relationships with older men, this is one of the reasons I hate the left. They have this stupid. This sort of arbitrary culture.
Full Unedited Video Of Milo Yiannopoulos “Defending Pedophilia”

Yiannopoulos is clearly saying he thinks age of consent laws are wrong, and that 13 year olds are capable of giving consent to sex with 28 year old men. And he blames LIBERALS for age of consent laws!

Stop pretending you have not seen evidence of Milo condoning pedophilia, tinydancer

It's sickening to see just how depraved Trump's Chumps have become.

It spans through numerous tapes. There are podcasts of him from 2015 laughing about ritualized child rape ("making them drink sperm, ejaculating in their asses" ) on very young boys and Milo saying : "Sounds great. It sounds fantastic.”
Nazism in its early incarnations had quite a gay contingent.

Godwin loser.

Vapid response.

Sums you and your post up completely.

You give me more to respond to, and I will.

Till then, this is for you.


The analogy was that at least in the early years, the Nazis tolerated gays who were sympathetic to the Nazi cause, much in the way we are seeing people like you willing to tolerate Milo's endorsement of pederasty,

only because you perceive him to be on your 'team'.

There is no analogy. There is you lefties and your constant vile lies and hate mongering and panic mongering.

For you, you godwin loser.

Someone this morning pointed out something very significant but never addressed...

...what even makes Milo a conservative? What are his views on the major issues? Other than his appeal as a hater, why do RW'ers revere him?

THat you have to ask, is not surprising for a lefty.

He is against political correctness and censorship.

He is against feminism.

He is against muslim immigration.

He supports Donald Trump.

Which, by the way, is why your thought leaders instructed you to have a hissy fit over these allegations at the same time the MIlk is revered as a lefty hero.

Show a post by me that ever defended Harvey Milk for having sex with minors, if in fact he did.

NOte that I made no such claim.

Note that you asked a question, and ignore the answer.

That you do not know that Harvey Milk, Lefty hero, had a thing for underage drug addicted runaways, is not surprising. Not important because after all, he was a lefty. So, he gets a pass.

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