So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the LGBT groups....


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

For years those so called conspiracy theorist kept warning and warning that sooner or later the pedophiles would try and legalize their so called sexual orientation via the LGBT group. But all those people got were Oh that's not true, Oh that's a conspiracy............... You all better wake up because that is exactly what is taking place before you bleeding heart liberal leftist fed up heads.

And by the way MATTHEW, the girl doing this VIDEO is a TRANNY, and she appeared on Alex you see she's not a fk up who wants to fk up kids lives by being selfish and shoving bs down the throats of people and thier children. Most people love this kid and she is wise beyond her years.
A total sweetheart. The type most can have around because aside from her sexual identity she thinks " NORMAL". ..
So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the church? We already know they did.

You don't see people attempting to repress the fucking church don't you?
Also people that are on HRT can't gain an erection to do as you think. Why the hell would a sicko like a pedophile would wish to give up their ability to hold erections? Learn something as you lack very much in the education department.
So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the church? We already know they did.

You don't see people attempting to repress the fucking church don't you?

I knew you would be the first mother rfkrs over here LMFAO..
So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the church? We already know they did.

You don't see people attempting to repress the fucking church don't you?

Listen to Blair maybe you can learn something , and take the use of the Church card and bite it because it's not just the Church duffs , watch the 2nd video ............... They are openly announcing they're fkn perverts..
I wouldn't trust my children alone in a church after the shit I've heard over the past few decades. Every group of people have their trash....

Stop your war on mine.
Repressing me is against my constitutional rights and I'll sue in a court of law. Period.

Learn to live with us and stop thinking we're going to hurt anyone anymore than a teacher or your pastor.
I believe in the death penalty for people that harm our children...

I'd kill anyone that was harming a child...So please stop judging us this way.
I believe in the death penalty for people that harm our children...

I'd kill anyone that was harming a child...So please stop judging us this way.

OMG are you fucken brain dead, Just as Blair said " SOME PEOPLE" NOT FUCKING ME personally are trying to put these people into the LGBT acceptance.

What part do you see me saying I SAID you all are fucking molesters do you see me saying that NO!!

FKING READ!! ding dong.
Man it looks like that woman has nice DSL.

I have a shrink in my family and have had this discussion with him. Whether nor not the LGBT community wants to be associated with it, true pedophiles, of which there are very few, really don't choose who they are attracted to and so pedophilia really is just like being gay. It just is what it is. I'm not legitimizing it, I'm just stating just like straight men don't choose to be attracted to women, it just happens, pedos don't choose to be attracted to kids, it just happens.

Just food for thought.
Man it looks like that woman has nice DSL.

I have a shrink in my family and have had this discussion with him. Whether nor not the LGBT community wants to be associated with it, true pedophiles, of which there are very few, really don't choose who they are attracted to and so pedophilia really is just like being gay. It just is what it is. I'm not legitimizing it, I'm just stating just like straight men don't choose to be attracted to women, it just happens, pedos don't choose to be attracted to kids, it just happens.

Just food for thought.

She is actually a " HE" =)
Man it looks like that woman has nice DSL.

I have a shrink in my family and have had this discussion with him. Whether nor not the LGBT community wants to be associated with it, true pedophiles, of which there are very few, really don't choose who they are attracted to and so pedophilia really is just like being gay. It just is what it is. I'm not legitimizing it, I'm just stating just like straight men don't choose to be attracted to women, it just happens, pedos don't choose to be attracted to kids, it just happens.

Just food for thought.

that was the point of her video, how these Pedo's are trying to attach themselves to the LGBT group and use it was a mean to acceptance.
Yes, and my point is, they should allow it. Why not? It really is the same thing. This woman has absolutely no psychological education or experience. However, people who do will tell you its not a choice they make. I personally think its just as disgusting for a man to be attracted to a man as an adult to a child, neither are "normal" in todays society but society has chosen to "normalize" this abnormal behavior of men shoving their penises into each other buttholes. That's societies choice. But it doesn't make pedophelia any different, other than kids are involved and not just adults.

Pedophilia is an attraction to kids, not molesting kids. One is an attraction, the other is a crime. They are not related, really. A pedo may never molest kids in their lives and someone who isn't a pedo can be a serial molester. It's a fascinating realm of study if you are a mature adult about it and put your personal views on the subject aside long enough to learn something.
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Yes, and my point is, they should allow it. Why not? It really is the same thing. This woman has absolutely no psychological education or experience. However, people who do will tell you its not a choice they make. I personally think its just as disgusting for a man to be attracted to a man as an adult to a child, neither are "normal" in todays society but society has chosen to "normalize" this abnormal behavior of men shoving their penises into each other buttholes. That's societies choice. But it doesn't make pedophelia any different, other than kids are involved and not just adults.

Pedophilia is an attraction to kids, not molesting kids. One is an attraction, the other is a crime. They are not related, really. A pedo may never molest kids in their lives and someone who isn't a pedo can be a serial molester. It's a fascinating realm of study if you are a mature adult about it and put your personal views on the subject aside long enough to learn something.

I understand the difference for sure. This site here also explains what pedophiles are compared to the molesters those who actually do the act. Either way society has it all balled up into one meaning. Which I'm sure you realize but i'm just saying in general.

But anyway it's B4U-ACT
Well, constant is the difference...A child can't make constant and so it is rape.

Comparing homosexuals to Pedo's is fucking not right.
Nobody is comparing them. People are saying that just like homosexuality isn't a choice, neither is pedophilia. So they should be lumped into the same group, not compared. Nobody is comparing gays to transvestites, but they are in the same group nonetheless.

It has nothing to do with consent. You're tying a crime to an attraction. Stop doing that and things will clear up for you quite well.
The fact of the matter is that there is a HUGE, world wide pedophile ring that also ties in with organ harvesting that ranks third in income just behind guns and drugs. The elites believe that by stealing the innocence of child that they are stealing their energy and that their blood helps to keep them young. The Aliester Crowley and his Ordo Templi Orientis cult of sex majik is the preferred religion among the elites when it is really nothing more than the worship of Baal. It doesn't mean diddly squat if you believe in it or not because THEY do. They are using the LGBTQ to do their dirty work to normalize pedophilia and even using the Kinsey studies to justify it.
But that ring doesn't change anything. The topic is about pedos trying to join the LGBT group. Nothing stated so far would be a good reason why to not let them in.

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