So You Hate Socialism.......

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:
You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:

You're not able to deal with it, that's the big problem. Comprehension is another one.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:

You're not able to deal with it, that's the big problem. Comprehension is another one.

You truly have gone nutter!!!!

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:

You're not able to deal with it, that's the big problem. Comprehension is another one.

You truly have gone nutter!!!!


Yeah....that's what most nutters do.....project. Go take your Hapinex....:)
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:

I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:

You're not able to deal with it, that's the big problem. Comprehension is another one.

You truly have gone nutter!!!!


Yeah....that's what most nutters do.....project. Go take your Hapinex....:)
And what's even funnier is you honestly believe the crap your spewing right now!!!! :lmao:

(Hint: the old Mertex wouldn't have been so stupid........)
I have to pay for mine, why should I pay for theirs?
Because thats the fee for living in a society where you can make yourself wealthy. I can tell you are a failure at life because you dont understand that simple concept.
I think we can all tell you are a failure at life because you have to depend on others to feed you.
No. I feed myself. I'm not on welfare like you told me you were. I understand that since I have the right to make as much money as possible i have to pay for those that dont understand that concept yet or cant put that concept into action.
When did I tell you I was on welfare?
Please provide a link or stfu and admit that you are a lazy welfare sucking liar.
no offense mind you
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?

I don't mind paying that "fee" voluntarily, but I object to paying it through confiscatory taxes.

I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

Those who rely on socialist freeloading should develop a bit of self-respect and pride and get a job.
So now its welfare if a company gets a tax break?
and if living off of other peoples pay check is so damn hard, how about you go out and earn your own money or shut the fuck up. People living off of life long welfare are getting way more than they are worth. Darwin comes to mind here.

Yes it is welfare.....the same freebee dead beats get. How is that any different from people who work, who pay no taxes and get a EIC check in the end? No difference at all.
Well lets see. A company employs thousands of people that then pay tax, the company provides a service or product that is required for the country to function. That company, while getting a tax break, still ends up paying billions in taxes.
Now, your welfare dead beat provides no service or value to society, he produces nothing, pays nothing does nothing, yet he gets thousands of dollars from the taxpayer that he didnt earn.
If you cant see this you are an idiot.
Wait....They are paying billions in taxes but getting a tax break? Why do they need a tax break? If they are paying billions in taxes then they must be making billions in profits right?
What does their profit have to do with anything?
they pay more in taxes than you or I will ever make. Why should they be forced to give it away to people that do nothing to advance their bottom line?
Their profit has everything to do with it. I dont give charity to people that are billionaires.

If you ever had a job in your life, it was courtesy of a billionaire, unless you were fortunate enough to get a job from a bum.
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
The Right is just shilling on this one; they Only have a problem with socialism due to the equality component that may also provide for bailing out the least wealthy as well.
I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

So your take is the same as so many conservatives.......everyone on welfare is lazy and no good. Just because you were able to make it, everyone else should....regardless of their situation?

20 Things The Poor Really Do Every Day

Maybe you're not a Christian, but it amazes me that the majority of Republicans are Christian and they spew the same nonsense you just did. Why do conservatives hate poor people? Especially the ones that call themselves Christian?
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.

In all fairness, Playtex is just stupid as a stump, not really malicious,

She is manipulated by evil men, and because she really is stupid, fails to recognize the manipulation.
The same day you assumed I depend on others to feed me. Dont get angry just explain why you dont understand that paying for people less fortunate is the fee for living in a capitalistic society?
So I never told you I was on welfare, you admit that you are a liar.
Good enough, now work on it. and there is a huge difference between less fortunate and lazy.
So now your admitting I dont depend on others to feed me? Good boy.

Who said there was not a difference between less fortunate and lazy? They're two different words with different meanings. I asked you why you thought paying for people less fortunate was a bad thing?
I have not yet been convinced of that. You certainly sound like you are afraid others will stop paying for your trips to walmart.
Of course youre convinced. Thats why you told me you were on welfare.

Friend, I would bet my last dollar that 99% of the people here who champion rednecks, hate Obama, hate democrats, hate minorities....99% sit on their computers, while waiting on a mail run to get their socialized checks from tax payers....99% of em. Cause real motherfuckers with some real dollars, could give a fuck about the shit these morons whine and I and others here....all we try to do is check these motherfuckers and keep it real!!

In February 1993 I took a 1,500 mile trip to Homestead, FL in response to call to help after the devastation of Hurricane Andrew. Once there, I met about 200 of those lovely people you so hatefully describe as rednecks, all white, all Republicans all from the ultimate fly-over country, the Quad cities of Illinois and Iowa. We worked 10 hour days, mostly on homes of - surprise - African Americans. None of us hated minorities.Most of us saw Democrats as misguided, but there was never any hat for Democrats. Back then Obama was a nightmare nobody with any reasonable mind could ever envision. I saw not a trace of racism, mostly, because I am not a liberal, so I was not looking for any.

None of those people were "morons". All of us were gainfully employed, but decided to give something back. None of us were motherfuckers. That trait belongs in the inner cities. You know, the 99% you are yakking about. WE all had real dollars that we EARNED.

So, now that I am retired, I sit about two hours at my computer, reading hateful posts from hateful freeloading nobodies like you, who are more than willing and ready to slop at the trough provided by people, like me, for freeloading punks like you, just because we DO believe in helping the so called "less fortunate".

Please tell us about the times you devoted any of your vacation time to help the less fortunate.
I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

So your take is the same as so many conservatives.......everyone on welfare is lazy and no good. Just because you were able to make it, everyone else should....regardless of their situation?

20 Things The Poor Really Do Every Day

Maybe you're not a Christian, but it amazes me that the majority of Republicans are Christian and they spew the same nonsense you just did. Why do conservatives hate poor people? Especially the ones that call themselves Christian?

In my earlier life I did most of the 20 things your link lists. I skipped meals. I lived in hovels. I smoked and drank less than others. I avoided having kids until I was married.

Some of those on your list are completely contrived, and nothing but fillers to make your list of woes up to 20.

I am a Christian by my deeds, not like a liberal who only parrots empty words of compassion while being supremely intolerant.
please post proof that the things listed are not accounted for in the constitution, and then explain why all the social BS like welfare and healthcare, free phones, transportation, food, housing etc... are not ever included in the liberal socialism rant.

That free phone you morons are hyped about......120 minutes a month....3 hours of talking for free for a those people got it made,eh?
I have to pay for mine, why should I pay for theirs?
Because thats the fee for living in a society where you can make yourself wealthy. I can tell you are a failure at life because you dont understand that simple concept.


If that's how you fell about it then let's make it available to everyone. Shall we say the government needs to provide... What?... $1,000 a month, how about making it $2,000 a month for everyone. Then if they decide to they can work in the capitalist society you so envy.

Seems fair to me since I know people who work their butts off to make less than a lot of these welfare cases make sitting at home drawing SSI, or SSDI, along with their free government benefits like: free phones, free food, HUD housing, etc...



Sounds good to me. We dont even have to raise taxes. We can just take it from our bloated defense budget. BTW I dont envy the capitalistic system I admire, profit from, and understand it. It allows me to leave a legacy for my family and others I have helped along the way.

The largest portion of your financial legacy will be confiscated by "Death Taxes".

But fear not. You will have left a legacy of hating anyone who is not black, not liberal, not socialist, not a freeloader and not an atheist.

If you took everything from the "rich" and made the world of people totally and completely equal in wealth, you can bet that those who were rich before your ideal world took effect, in less than five years, would be rich again, and those who were poor, would be poor again, but in far less time.

Enjoy capitalism while you may.
I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

So your take is the same as so many conservatives.......everyone on welfare is lazy and no good. Just because you were able to make it, everyone else should....regardless of their situation?

20 Things The Poor Really Do Every Day

Maybe you're not a Christian, but it amazes me that the majority of Republicans are Christian and they spew the same nonsense you just did. Why do conservatives hate poor people? Especially the ones that call themselves Christian?

In my earlier life I did most of the 20 things your link lists. I skipped meals. I lived in hovels. I smoked and drank less than others. I avoided having kids until I was married.
And your point? That parents in that predicament should suck it up and let their children skip meals? Many already live in hovels and I'm not a bit surprised by your overtly greedy "conservative" response.

Some of those on your list are completely contrived, and nothing but fillers to make your list of woes up to 20.
You know this because you have investigated every single poor person in the US, right?

I am a Christian by my deeds, not like a liberal who only parrots empty words of compassion while being supremely intolerant.
Your deeds, bemoaning the small amount of your paycheck that goes to welfare, is not Christian at all. And, your accusation that liberals only parrot empty words is laughable, since we're the ones supporting Planned Parenthood, which provides valuable services to women all over the US that can't afford it, who support SNAPs which provides food for children and the elderly and many other programs you stingy conservatives want to do away with while promoting more loopholes and tax breaks for the wealthy?
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........

If you get something that you earned, it is NOT socialism.

You earned your VA benefits by doing your service for your country.

When you lack self-respect and take something you have not earned it is socialism.

Getting Social Security is NOT socialism, you earned it by contributing your share for 50+ years.
I sleep well, thank you.......but you seem to have a big problem. And I used to think you were nice.....hmmmmm.
Big problem? How is dealing with people making wrong assumptions (and being nasty about it) a big problem.......? :eusa_whistle:

You're not able to deal with it, that's the big problem. Comprehension is another one.

You truly have gone nutter!!!!


Yeah....that's what most nutters do.....project. Go take your Hapinex....:)
And what's even funnier is you honestly believe the crap your spewing right now!!!! :lmao:

(Hint: the old Mertex wouldn't have been so stupid........)

Wow! The REAL Ringel105 finally showed up......thanks for proving my point....and I won't be wasting any more time responding to your inane comments.....obviously you're pretty butt hurt and you obviously can't hold back your repressed it the lack of luster from the Clowns that has you upset, or the fact they're so amusing with their food fights in everyone of their debates, or the fact that your hero T-Chump is losing to Carson?

Don't bother answering the last's probably a combination of all, and like I said, I won't be wasting any more time with you.

Have a good day, Sad Sack.
I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

So your take is the same as so many conservatives.......everyone on welfare is lazy and no good. Just because you were able to make it, everyone else should....regardless of their situation?

20 Things The Poor Really Do Every Day

Maybe you're not a Christian, but it amazes me that the majority of Republicans are Christian and they spew the same nonsense you just did. Why do conservatives hate poor people? Especially the ones that call themselves Christian?

Everybody is able to make it, but some WANT it more than others.
I was "less fortunate" when I immigrated as a seventeen year old to a new country, not knowing the language, yet in the 59 years since then I never relied on someone else paying my rent, food, phone, education, entertainment, car, mortgage, medical care, or any other stuff that is paid for hopeless slugs by robbing a large chunk out of my well earned pension.

So your take is the same as so many conservatives.......everyone on welfare is lazy and no good. Just because you were able to make it, everyone else should....regardless of their situation?

20 Things The Poor Really Do Every Day

Maybe you're not a Christian, but it amazes me that the majority of Republicans are Christian and they spew the same nonsense you just did. Why do conservatives hate poor people? Especially the ones that call themselves Christian?

Everybody is able to make it, but some WANT it more than others.

Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that to ease your conscience.....and better still, tell it to the handicapped.

Various surveys since its enactment show that between 32 percent and 44 percent of TANF recipients of report having impairments or chronic health problems. The difference in estimates, most of which are based on national surveys, is in part due to differing definitions of disability used in the surveys and possibly also to timing. Because persons with disabilities often have substantial barriers to employment, TANF work requirements and time limits potentially could have a more pronounced effect on them.
Disability, Welfare Reform, and Supplemental Security Income

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