So You Hate Socialism.......

Nobody ever complains about basic govt services.

Conservatives complain plenty about basic government services.....what is amazing, is they don't realize how many of those government services they enjoy and wouldn't it be the pits if everything was private owned and run.....and everyone had to pay for the services, like the Library?

But, you're missing the point.....conservatives enjoy socialism even while claiming they hate it.
No one lives in a pure economic, sociopolitical system, anywhere.

So why would anyone think that the Democratic party is going to make this a socialized country? That's just plain ignorant.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
Nobody ever complains about basic govt services.

Conservatives complain plenty about basic government services.....what is amazing, is they don't realize how many of those government services they enjoy and wouldn't it be the pits if everything was private owned and run.....and everyone had to pay for the services, like the Library?

But, you're missing the point.....conservatives enjoy socialism even while claiming they hate it.
No one lives in a pure economic, sociopolitical system, anywhere.

So why would anyone think that the Democratic party is going to make this a socialized country? That's just plain ignorant.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........
Conservatives complain plenty about basic government services.....what is amazing, is they don't realize how many of those government services they enjoy and wouldn't it be the pits if everything was private owned and run.....and everyone had to pay for the services, like the Library?

But, you're missing the point.....conservatives enjoy socialism even while claiming they hate it.
No one lives in a pure economic, sociopolitical system, anywhere.

So why would anyone think that the Democratic party is going to make this a socialized country? That's just plain ignorant.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
No one lives in a pure economic, sociopolitical system, anywhere.

So why would anyone think that the Democratic party is going to make this a socialized country? That's just plain ignorant.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:

So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.

The single consistent trait of all formulations of socialism is social ownership of the means of production. If you think the military is socialism, you need to count yourself first in your tally of those who don't understand socialism.

I understand socialism, and the whiny conservatives who claim liberals are socialists are the ones that don't understand "true" socialism, but considering their idiotic definition of socialism most conservatives use, if you want to consider anything socialistic, the military is the one that comes closest than anything else. So, perhaps you aren't one that cries "socialist" at every liberal, but there are plenty of moronic conservatives that do.

There are plenty of morons to go around.

I don't have much patience for debates that center on equivocating over definitions. For what it's worth, I don't see a lot of socialism in what Democrats are up to. But I do see plenty of corporatism, something I consider far worse. That's yet another term we'd have to agree on before we could discuss it intelligently, but in short it's a form of government that replaces the protection of equal, individual rights with the granting of group privilege. It's insidious to liberal democracy and both Democrats and Republicans are blindly embracing it.
Actually, the most socialistic program we have is our National Parks. Saving the very best and most unique for the enjoyment of all citizens is the ultimate in socialism.

True, but it is not typical of socialism.

If we follow the rule of Subsidiarity, the government should only come in to solve the problems that the private sector cannot solve, and it should solve them at the lowest level of government possible.
Nobody ever complains about basic govt services.

Conservatives complain plenty about basic government services.....what is amazing, is they don't realize how many of those government services they enjoy and wouldn't it be the pits if everything was private owned and run.....and everyone had to pay for the services, like the Library?

But, you're missing the point.....conservatives enjoy socialism even while claiming they hate it.
We DO pay for services. We pay for services that we use and for services we don't use. I don't have a problem with police and fire protection or libraries, you know those things available to everyone. What I disagree with is continuing support of people who are capable of supporting themselves.
I don't want to give $1,600/month to a family who's adult members should, at the very least, be scrubbing toilets at the city park in return.

You have to pay at the Library?

You disagree with continuing to support people who are capable of supporting themselves? So now you are talking about Welfare. And you think that everyone on welfare is capable of supporting themselves? People that work (like at Wal-Mart) have to apply for welfare because they don't make enough to live you're saying you don't give a damn if they can't afford to eat, don't eat? Why am I not surprised that you feel that way? And, you think there are enough city parks with jobs cleaning toilets to take care of all the people on welfare? Geez, Ernie, you should know better. Your comment doesn't even deserve a response.
I don't pay AT the library, I pay FOR the library with taxes, the same as I pay for police and fire protection.
Is everything so absolute? Yes I care if people can't afford to eat.
People that work at Walmart make what they are worth to Walmart. It is not Walmart's duty to pay them enough to support children, pay rent and car payments and buy an IPhone. It is THEIR DUTY to make themselves worth more in the labor market if they want to have children, cars and IPhones.
The irresponsibility of Walmart's employees is not my problem, nor is it Walmart's
If you truly feel it is your duty to feed the 5 children by 4 different baby daddies and their high school drop out mother, by all means, hand her a couple $100 bills every other week. I'd rather direct my charity towards someone more deserving and with more potential.
And I do... I do give my time and resources to people who are having trouble making it through no fault of their own.
Do you?
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit
It has nothing to do with earned or given for free, it has to do with the fact that it's taxpayer funded (even though there are co-pays for some) and that it's managed/run by the government, that alone makes it a socialistic construct by definition.
I could tell ya stories myself about the VA but also in their defense (to a degree) most Primary Care Providers are not MDs,that's why they're called PCPs, many are overworked and underpaid but that's not to say they're all bad. Most are good, conscientious and able. They have to follow the government mandated treatment procedures which were often put in place a decade or more ago and haven't been updated since and there are procedures the Government considers "cosmetic" and just will not let them do.
I'm surprised he's getting pain killers as the VA (by government mandate) has been moving away from the old habit of heavily prescribing narcotics. I'm one of those who legitimately need them occasionally and I can't get them which to a certain degree is a good thing, at least I won't end up addicted to the shit.
So why would anyone think that the Democratic party is going to make this a socialized country? That's just plain ignorant.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit

I agree that the VA could do better. I know some vets get good treatment....and some not so much, and it's not right that we promise to take care of them and then don't deliver. But, the VA still fits the definition of socialism.
Soooo, where did you pull that from out of what I posted........? Oh yeah, it wasn't pulled from what I posted...... Don't forget to wipe...... and flush....... :thup:

Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit

I agree that the VA could do better. I know some vets get good treatment....and some not so much, and it's not right that we promise to take care of them and then don't deliver. But, the VA still fits the definition of socialism.
Run in a piss poor fashion as well.

so yea, I concede that it partially is

and turn it back on you as the result of all socialist ideals

knowing this will be how you get treated, your kids get treated, if socialism takes over

How can you support it?
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit

I agree that the VA could do better. I know some vets get good treatment....and some not so much, and it's not right that we promise to take care of them and then don't deliver. But, the VA still fits the definition of socialism.
Run in a piss poor fashion as well.

so yea, I concede that it partially is

and turn it back on you as the result of all socialist ideals

knowing this will be how you get treated, your kids get treated, if socialism takes over

How can you support it?

Medicare is another so called "socialist" and from what I hear, it treats those on Medicare just fine.......even Republicans like it and don't want anyone messing with it....Carson's supporters must not care about the elderly.

It always amazes me that some veterans still vote Republican.

And if you think Republicans would do a better job with the VA, think again.........if you think it isn't run well, blame the Republican party.....they only care about the military when they're sacrificing their life fighting...once they're done, the Republican party considers them done.

Earlier this year, the GOP had a chance to prove that it could fund veterans' health care as eagerly as it borrowed for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Long before the current VA crisis, an event described as "a gift from God" by Dr. Ben Carson, Senate Republicans had a chance to vote on a landmark bill. Before the Senate vote, organizations devoted to the needs of veterans and their families offered widespread support to the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014.

Therefore, with so much positive feedback from veterans groups about the bill, it's only logical to assume that Senate Republicans would do everything possible to ensure it became law.

Unfortunately, S.1982 was killed by Senate Republicans, with a vote of 56-41 -- only Republicans Senators voting nay and with only two Republicans voting for the bill. The logic behind every vote against the bill being Republican rests in the followingstatement from North Carolina Senator Richard M. Burr:

41 Republican Senators Voted Against a Landmark Veterans Bill in February, Today They Blame the VA
Isn't that what most moronic conservatives think? They call all libs where in my OP did I say there is a pure economic sociopolitical system anywhere? Did you pull that out of your.....did you wipe and flush?
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
So we hear so many Americans claim they hate socialism and don't think Bernie Sanders would have a chance to win if he were selected as the Democratic candidate. I wonder how many truly understand socialism and are even enjoying socialism without even realizing it.

The one that really surprises me is the military......conservatives claim they love the military and don't mind the bulk of our tax-payer money going toward maintaining it....the military, it's the closest to socialism of the many programs we support.


There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare. A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

They imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death. (Giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist and a hippie to think otherwise.)

This is scary stuff!

And it's about to get scarier, because I have some terrifying news for you....

Socialism is alive and well in America and it has been here for a very long time!

Oh, that's not all. it gets much worse! I hope your sitting down...

As it turns out, You love socialism and you use it everyday, and you may not even know it! It may have even saved your life. I know, this is bad...

1. The Military/Defense - The United States military is the largest and most funded socialist program in the world. It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole. From the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge. We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not. This is complete socialism.

2. Highways/Roads - Those roads and highways you drive on every single day are completely taxpayer funded. Your tax dollars are used to maintain, expand, and preserve our highways and roads for every one's use. President Eisenhower was inspired by Germany's autobahn and implemented the idea right here in America. That's right, a republican president created our taxpayer funded, national highway system. This was a different time, before the republican party came down with a vicious case of rabies that never went away.

3. Public Libraries - Yes. That place where you go to check out books from conservative authors telling you how horrible socialism is, is in fact socialism. Libraries are taxpayer funded. You pay a few bucks to get a library card and you can read books for free for the rest of your life.

4. Police - Ever had a situation where you had to call the police? Then you have used a taxpayer funded socialist program. Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not. They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same. Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

5. Fire Dept. - Hopefully you have never had a fire in your home. But if you have, you probably called your local taxpayer-funded fire department to put the fire out. Like police, this is state socialism. You tax dollars are used to rescue your entire community in case of a fire. It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire dept. for their service. If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. Sadly, a man from Tennessee had this exact situation happen to him in 2011 because he didn't pay his $75.00 fee. I guess that small town in Tennessee would rather let people's houses burn down that resort to evil socialism. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire dept. to put out your burning home thanks to socialism.

6. Postal Service - Like having mail delivered directly to your front door and paying next to nothing to send mail anywhere you want? Well it's all made possible by socialism.

7. Student Loans and Grants - Did you go to College? If you did, you family might not have been rich enough to pay your way through. So you got your education anyway through student loans and grants from the federal government at taxpayer expense. Of course you have to pay back the loans, but if not the government, did you know anyone else who was going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars? Probably not. So the taxpayers lent you the money and you paid it back with slight interest. The government grants you accepted were gifts from the taxpayer and the federal government that you did not have to pay back. Socialism got you through school.

(and 68 more..............)
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Bernie has nothing from socialists!
My, my my, kinda touchy today ain't we..... Or is it narcissism? You maybe thought I was addressing you?
I'll go with touchy, take some Mydol and get some rest...... Oh and hide all the frying pans to protect your SO........

Well, you were responding to my post........that's the general idea, when we respond to someone's post we are addressing them. I'm not touchy unless I'm insulted, then I can get very touchy. That was downright nasty...........:)
Whatever....... read the posts before my post......... and don't forget the Mydol........ :eusa_whistle:


You have several.....but I did read the one before your first response to my post.....and it was the first post you made...and my response was in line with what you have a good day.....seems like you're the one needing the Mydol.
Ya really should see someone about that persecution complex........

You really think you are good in psychoanalysis, but you're're just in denial of your own persecution complex. Obviously you're in much butt hurt over something since you keep coming back.
You keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night.......... :lmao:
In my opinion, people that accuse Vets of enjoying the benefits of socialism, should be ass raped in a gun free zone.

but that's just an opinion, and according to leftist, like **** for all, it's ok to have a violent desire if it's stated as an opinion.
Not enjoying socialism but the VA is by loose definition socialized medicine. I should know, it's what I have..........
there's a vast difference between getting something b/c you were born and earning something.

and the piss poor manner in which the VA treats Vets is legendary.

Have a buddy that's been limping around for a year now, and all he gets is more pain killers.

The ear he went deaf in? tough shit

I agree that the VA could do better. I know some vets get good treatment....and some not so much, and it's not right that we promise to take care of them and then don't deliver. But, the VA still fits the definition of socialism.
Run in a piss poor fashion as well.

so yea, I concede that it partially is

and turn it back on you as the result of all socialist ideals

knowing this will be how you get treated, your kids get treated, if socialism takes over

How can you support it?

Medicare is another so called "socialist" and from what I hear, it treats those on Medicare just fine.......even Republicans like it and don't want anyone messing with it....Carson's supporters must not care about the elderly.

It always amazes me that some veterans still vote Republican.

And if you think Republicans would do a better job with the VA, think again.........if you think it isn't run well, blame the Republican party.....they only care about the military when they're sacrificing their life fighting...once they're done, the Republican party considers them done.

Earlier this year, the GOP had a chance to prove that it could fund veterans' health care as eagerly as it borrowed for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Long before the current VA crisis, an event described as "a gift from God" by Dr. Ben Carson, Senate Republicans had a chance to vote on a landmark bill. Before the Senate vote, organizations devoted to the needs of veterans and their families offered widespread support to the Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014.

Therefore, with so much positive feedback from veterans groups about the bill, it's only logical to assume that Senate Republicans would do everything possible to ensure it became law.

Unfortunately, S.1982 was killed by Senate Republicans, with a vote of 56-41 -- only Republicans Senators voting nay and with only two Republicans voting for the bill. The logic behind every vote against the bill being Republican rests in the followingstatement from North Carolina Senator Richard M. Burr:

41 Republican Senators Voted Against a Landmark Veterans Bill in February, Today They Blame the VA
I read the first line and new you were going to respond honestly, so I didn't bother with the rest of your lies.

medicaid is horrible, many, if not most doctors, won't accept it b/c of all the issues in dealing with it.
increase cost
delays in payment
not paying for proper treatments
paying for only part of the treatment leaving he provider to eat the cost or pass it on to other people.

yes, socialism is a complete and utter failure, and you want more of it.

it's b/c you're dishonest and unable or unwilling to step from the herd.

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