So you want better paying jobs?

to make up for the almost 4 million Americans displaced by H1-Bs since 1998.

The last H1-b I hired from China was worth 5 Americans. I picked him up at the airport at 9:00PM on Sunday night. He was hard at work by 11:00PM that night!! You forget that most Americans have no memory of their family slowly starving to death!! They make companies succeed and then employ people. They have a positive effect on American employment!!

I will give you credit for hiring someone from China.
I liked most of the Chinese I worked with; very cooperative and clever.
Over 98% of H1-Bs and Business Visas of other Categories come from India and are incompetent.
I will allow the trail of postings we have left to show onlookers that you are dense.

translation: I'm independent of brains and lack the IQ to confute any of them.

I know you are.
I'm still waiting for anything from you that doesn't come from a book.
If you own or are running a business you MUST have SOMETHING real to say.
Let's start with the Industry and the Region.
I will allow the trail of postings we have left to show onlookers that you are dense.

translation: I'm independent of brains and lack the IQ to confute any of them.

I know you are.
I'm still waiting for anything from you that doesn't come from a book.
If you own or are running a business you MUST have SOMETHING real to say.
Let's start with the Industry and the Region.

dear, cut the BS and say something intelligent against conservatism or admit you lack the IQ to he here.
I will allow the trail of postings we have left to show onlookers that you are dense.

translation: I'm independent of brains and lack the IQ to confute any of them.

I know you are.
I'm still waiting for anything from you that doesn't come from a book.
If you own or are running a business you MUST have SOMETHING real to say.
Let's start with the Industry and the Region.

dear, cut the BS and say something intelligent against conservatism or admit you lack the IQ to he here.

I already have but you're too stupid to know it.

Let's start with the Industry and the Region.
Or...we'll all know you're a liar.
I mean you're such an idiot you couldn't possibly even run a low profile business with H1-Bs.
Perhaps you own a Taxi Business.
I will allow the trail of postings we have left to show onlookers that you are dense.

translation: I'm independent of brains and lack the IQ to confute any of them.

I know you are.
I'm still waiting for anything from you that doesn't come from a book.
If you own or are running a business you MUST have SOMETHING real to say.
Let's start with the Industry and the Region.

dear, cut the BS and say something intelligent against conservatism or admit you lack the IQ to he here.

I already have but you're too stupid to know it.

Let's start with the Industry and the Region.
Or...we'll all know you're a liar.
I mean you're such an idiot you couldn't possibly even run a low profile business with H1-Bs.
Perhaps you own a Taxi Business.
dear, cut the BS and say something intelligent against conservatism or admit you lack the IQ to be here and are indeed independent of brains.
please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
dear, any Firm wanting to use H1b visas should lose their US, capital gains distinction.

When you are appointed dictator, you can make that happen.
dear, if the capital gains distinction is not helping US labor, there is no need for a US capital gains distinction.

We have a reduced cap gains rate to encourage investment in new industry. Billions of dollars each year are used for that purpose because the cap gains taxes are low. Bring them up to regular income tax rates and the capital gains will simply transfer to tax-free municipal bonds with less risk and no tax liability. The person with the capital doesn't give a shit... they have money. But suddenly, you have no capital available for investment and industries don't open or expand due to lack of investment.

Again... in order to get to better paying jobs, we have to create an abundance of new jobs so that there is a demand for labor. When demand surpasses supply, the pay rates go up.
Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
dear, any Firm wanting to use H1b visas should lose their US, capital gains distinction.

When you are appointed dictator, you can make that happen.
dear, if the capital gains distinction is not helping US labor, there is no need for a US capital gains distinction.

We have a reduced cap gains rate to encourage investment in new industry. Billions of dollars each year are used for that purpose because the cap gains taxes are low. Bring them up to regular income tax rates and the capital gains will simply transfer to tax-free municipal bonds with less risk and no tax liability. The person with the capital doesn't give a shit... they have money. But suddenly, you have no capital available for investment and industries don't open or expand due to lack of investment.

Again... in order to get to better paying jobs, we have to create an abundance of new jobs so that there is a demand for labor. When demand surpasses supply, the pay rates go up.

maybe, but that requires a change in finance strategy; and, no capital gains preference whenever positions go unfilled for more than a quarter, is more immediate and direct as a correlation for rational choice theory.
maybe, but that requires a change in finance strategy; and, no capital gains preference whenever positions go unfilled for more than a quarter, is more immediate and direct as a correlation for rational choice theory.

I have no idea what this means. Positions go unfilled for more than a quarter? Correlation for rational choice theory? What the fuck are you talking about? We were talking about capital gains taxation and why that rate is lower than traditional income tax rates.

Cap gains is money you make from use of your wealth. Some argue this should be taxed at the same rate as other earned income. However, there are numerous ways you can protect your wealth assets from taxation. The most popular way is through tax-free municipal bonds. These are not going to change because municipalities and governments rely on the money to fund infrastructure projects that could not happen otherwise. Then there is foreign investment, whereby the wealth asset leaves the US entirely. These options may provide less return but the tax liability is virtually eliminated and there is little or no risk.

However, we do not want to encourage wealth to be socked away in a tax-free security. We had rather the wealth be used to fund venture capitalism. This is so that when a business or industry needs to open or expand, there is money available through the banks to do this. If we are going to tax that money at the same rate as earned income, the motivation for the wealth holder is no longer there. They will, instead, utilize one of the aforementioned options to avoid the taxation.

All that said, there is one 'loophole' we need to close with regard to cap gains taxation. It is the exploitation of cap gains rule by people like Hillary's son-in-law, the hedge fund managers. They should not be able to use the tax law to their advantage this way and we need to change that. We can do this without raising the cap gains rate.
the hedge fund managers.

Let's not forget that most hedge funds lose money and most of the money they do make comes from capital gains so I don't mind leaving them alone when they sometimes make money.

Well, I had rather eliminate ALL income taxation and replace it with a consumption tax. This resolves the problem if there is a problem.
Well, I had rather eliminate ALL income taxation and replace it with a consumption tax. This resolves the problem if there is a problem.

I would not object to that in concept but in reality a sales tax would be in addition to the income tax (since they would not repeal the income tax) and thus give them the opportunity to take more from us in a seemingly less painful, more spread out way.
Well, I had rather eliminate ALL income taxation and replace it with a consumption tax. This resolves the problem if there is a problem.

I would not object to that in concept but in reality a sales tax would be in addition to the income tax (since they would not repeal the income tax) and thus give them the opportunity to take more from us in a seemingly less painful, more spread out way.

Oh, they would have to repeal the income tax. I would never want to have BOTH.
Well, I had rather eliminate ALL income taxation and replace it with a consumption tax. This resolves the problem if there is a problem.

I would not object to that in concept but in reality a sales tax would be in addition to the income tax (since they would not repeal the income tax) and thus give them the opportunity to take more from us in a seemingly less painful, more spread out way.

Oh, they would have to repeal the income tax. I would never want to have BOTH.

ah but they never would repeal it!! We'd have both; thats why it's best to be careful with that one.

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