So you want better paying jobs?

...Besides Apple, who's been pushing the envelope?

dear, international competition is fierce. If you don't push the envelop harder than the competition you go bankrupt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??

Which completely deflates your "New Invention" sound bite.
MNCs are putting highly credentialed professionals in a race to the bottom.
Why do you believe that?

I'd like examples of MNCs that have really pushed the envelope regardless of profit.
I admire LG and Samsung for smashing the complacent SONY.
Dell, Gateway and HP allowed Apple to speed right ahead of them.
...Besides Apple, who's been pushing the envelope?

dear, international competition is fierce. If you don't push the envelop harder than the competition you go bankrupt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??

Which completely deflates your "New Invention" sound bite.
MNCs are putting highly credentialed professionals in a race to the bottom.
Why do you believe that?

I'd like examples of MNCs that have really pushed the envelope regardless of profit.
I admire LG and Samsung for smashing the complacent SONY.
Dell, Gateway and HP allowed Apple to speed right ahead of them.
how much of a loss can a Firm take by investing in r&D that may not be recovered through sales?
...Besides Apple, who's been pushing the envelope?

dear, international competition is fierce. If you don't push the envelop harder than the competition you go bankrupt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??

Which completely deflates your "New Invention" sound bite.
MNCs are putting highly credentialed professionals in a race to the bottom.
Why do you believe that?

I'd like examples of MNCs that have really pushed the envelope regardless of profit.
I admire LG and Samsung for smashing the complacent SONY.
Dell, Gateway and HP allowed Apple to speed right ahead of them.
how much of a loss can a Firm take by investing in r&D that may not be recovered through sales?

better paying jobs come from the supply of new Republican inventions. A farmer using a stick has a better paying job than a farmer using just his hands.

I pride myself on being able to explain things so even a liberal can sometimes understand.
dear, international competition is fierce. If you don't push the envelop harder than the competition you go bankrupt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??

Which completely deflates your "New Invention" sound bite.
MNCs are putting highly credentialed professionals in a race to the bottom.
Why do you believe that?

I'd like examples of MNCs that have really pushed the envelope regardless of profit.
I admire LG and Samsung for smashing the complacent SONY.
Dell, Gateway and HP allowed Apple to speed right ahead of them.
how much of a loss can a Firm take by investing in r&D that may not be recovered through sales?

better paying jobs come from the supply of new Republican inventions. A farmer using a stick has a better paying job than a farmer using just his hands.

I pride myself on being able to explain things so even a liberal can sometimes understand.

That's why you're always using such state of the art examples?
When you find a Liberal, let me know.
That's why you're always using such state of the art examples?
why am I using state of the art examples????...??????????????

You're NOT.
I was being sarcastic.
Your technology acumen hovers somewhere between hands and sticks, or better said, between -1 on a scale of 1 to 100 and 0 on a scale of 1 to 100.
The saddest part is that if you actually believe you have explained ANYTHING on this forum in a manner befitting a "High Information" Conservative, you have proven that "High Information" Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.
dear, international competition is fierce. If you don't push the envelop harder than the competition you go bankrupt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??

Which completely deflates your "New Invention" sound bite.
MNCs are putting highly credentialed professionals in a race to the bottom.
Why do you believe that?

I'd like examples of MNCs that have really pushed the envelope regardless of profit.
I admire LG and Samsung for smashing the complacent SONY.
Dell, Gateway and HP allowed Apple to speed right ahead of them.
how much of a loss can a Firm take by investing in r&D that may not be recovered through sales?

better paying jobs come from the supply of new Republican inventions. A farmer using a stick has a better paying job than a farmer using just his hands.

I pride myself on being able to explain things so even a liberal can sometimes understand.
dear, it is about social transactions with the (other) People that involve mutually beneficial Trade.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
dear, any Firm wanting to use H1b visas should lose their US, capital gains distinction.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.

"Conservatives are thinkers"...Then there is not such entity as Conservative Media because all I hear from the so-called Conservatives Media AND the Conservatives on this board is that "The Free Market Will work it out."
I love your example of Business Visas...Two guys from DECADES ago.
You have something better in your sound bite arsenal to make up for the almost 4 million Americans displaced by H1-Bs since 1998.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
dear, any Firm wanting to use H1b visas should lose their US, capital gains distinction.

When you are appointed dictator, you can make that happen.
Conservatives are dumb as dog shit.

please give your most substantive example of this or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks

Conservatives require follow up explanations of every post that contains any phrase other then, "The Free Market will work it out."
You and I, for example, have left a trail of dozens of posts where you have continuously asked me to explain the same facts of life over and over.
You never understand anything unless it's placed in an exact sequence where your tight minds can deal with it and then you continue to respond to EVERYTHING with an ad hominem.

For instance..."Highly credentialed Americans and non-Indians are being replaced by Indian Business Visas based upon Legislation handed to our Representatives by their major Contributors."
I am willing to bet you will ask for an explanation of this statement.

Too much Limbaugh, Hannity and FoxNews tightens the Conservative brain just as too much MSLSD heightens ADD amongst Liberals.

Conservatives require follow-up explanations because Conservatives are thinkers. Unlike their liberal counterparts who follow the mantra of the day and march in lockstep with their Socialist masters. You don't need to think, the smart people take care of that for you. Problem is, 'jason@dailycommie' isn't here to tell you in his smart ass way how to handle Conservative thought and this frustrates you. The propaganda isn't working, we're not falling in line like little stupid sheep.

You keep yapping about HB-1 visas.... what do you propose we do, outlaw them? So the next time a Wernher von Braun comes along, we can't bring him here to help us win the space race and put man on the moon because there is no mechanism for it? Great going, Einstein! ...Oh wait, oops.... Who's Einstein? Oh yeah, that other German guy who we couldn't bring here because there was no HB-1 visas.

Is the HB-1 visa program being exploited or abused? Maybe so. We can certainly look at that and fix any problems but 9 times out of 10, this is about political influence. It's one political interest pitted against another and using the power of government to advantage themselves over someone else.
dear, any Firm wanting to use H1b visas should lose their US, capital gains distinction.

When you are appointed dictator, you can make that happen.
dear, if the capital gains distinction is not helping US labor, there is no need for a US capital gains distinction.
to make up for the almost 4 million Americans displaced by H1-Bs since 1998.

The last H1-b I hired from China was worth 5 Americans. I picked him up at the airport at 9:00PM on Sunday night. He was hard at work by 11:00PM that night!! You forget that most Americans have no memory of their family slowly starving to death!! They make companies succeed and then employ people. They have a positive effect on American employment!!

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