Soap, Lampshades, Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms?

Because you inflict suffering on the children of those who suffered in the Holocaust. And I'm not just talking about the six million Jews--though they were Hitler's prime target. There were also the five million others--Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, gays, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, J Witnesses, etc. And the millions of civilians who died in the Nazi war machine. And the millions of freedom-loving soldiers, from around the world, who defeated the Nazis. You piss and spit on all their graves, just because the Jews are more successful than you are personally. That's what causes your pathological hatred. I don't know if you're joking or serious, but either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself Sunni-Man.
I am not sticking up for the nazis nor am I consumed with hatred.

Of course there were millions of people who died during WWII

And yes, many people, including jews, died because of the actions of the nazis.

I just dispute many points expressed in the official narrative of the so called holocaust.

Especially the exaggerations and outright lies perpetuated by the zionist Jews about this alleged historical event. ....... :cool:
"There's no business like "Show" business!!
You mean "Shoah" business. ...... :cool:

Show business involves a literary form----which is DRAMA--
and usually includes music and dance. Civilized societies
develop characteristic forms. -----they are highly developed
in the far east including amongst Hindu, Chinese and Japanise
society and the form that developed in the Americas over the '
past few centuries.....especially the form called the "MUSICAL"
are sublime.
Shoah refers to genocide-----a form that became highly developed
in Christian society for a time but in the past 1400 years is most
developed in muslim society in which genocide is highly prized
as pleasing to the muslim deity and is even now being further
developed in the name of the deity pile of excrement in their sky-
--called "JANNAH"

There's no business like show (Shoah) business.

I understand-----you reject show business but enjoy shoah business. Thus you are having a wonderful time now that there is another islamo Nazi shoah going on right now in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. I prefer the American broadway musical to the blood baths that titillate you. I understand that 1971 was a banner year for you-----some three million biafrans dead of islamo Nazi shoah activity---at least a million infants and more than a million dead in east Pakistan------toddlers stumbling in the dust ----starved to death------for your delight. ISLAMO NAZISM has been good to you ------and counting. Its not my
idea of entertainment but there is no accounting for tastes
Because you inflict suffering on the children of those who suffered in the Holocaust. And I'm not just talking about the six million Jews--though they were Hitler's prime target. There were also the five million others--Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, gays, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, J Witnesses, etc. And the millions of civilians who died in the Nazi war machine. And the millions of freedom-loving soldiers, from around the world, who defeated the Nazis. You piss and spit on all their graves, just because the Jews are more successful than you are personally. That's what causes your pathological hatred. I don't know if you're joking or serious, but either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself Sunni-Man.
I am not sticking up for the nazis nor am I consumed with hatred.

Of course there were millions of people who died during WWII

And yes, many people, including jews, died because of the actions of the nazis.

I just dispute many points expressed in the official narrative of the so called holocaust.

Especially the exaggerations and outright lies perpetuated by the zionist Jews about this alleged historical event. ....... :cool:

I know you do, sunni------I read the islamo Nazi literature as a child and I have been to mosques and I have had many close friends educated in shariah shit holes. I know all about what you believe. I probably know it better than do you. I know it so well that I can correctly predict that which islamo Nazis WILL do. I was criticized on this board for correctly predicting that islamo Nazi scum from all over the world will migrate to the Caliphate shit hole to DEFEND ISLAAAAAM. I also correctly predicted that the scum of Iran would make their way to YEMEN in order to start a JIHAD FOR MECCA ------it's all old stuff-----invented by the lump of shit rapist pig of mecca -----1600 years ago. Nothing new in this era of "arab spring" -------this crap has happened
in various forms several times in history---it will burn out and----sometime in the future, the crap will happen again. Islam is a recurrent sickness--------like endemic cholera
What do you expect from a grown man who spends every single day of his life trolling message forums and spreading hatred of Jews, Blacks and Gays? He's a miserable lowlife who uses the internet to spread lies and hatred to let out the frustration he has over being a failure in life.
Why the personal attack Toastman??

We are just discussing an alleged historical event that may or may not have happened.

And posting derogatory comments towards other posters adds nothing to the discussion. ..... :cool:

I wasn't attacking you, I was giving an accurate description about you.. Sorry the truth hurts :cool:
What do you expect from a grown man who spends every single day of his life trolling message forums and spreading hatred of Jews, Blacks and Gays? He's a miserable lowlife who uses the internet to spread lies and hatred to let out the frustration he has over being a failure in life.
Why the personal attack Toastman??

We are just discussing an alleged historical event that may or may not have happened.

And posting derogatory comments towards other posters adds nothing to the discussion. ..... :cool:

I wasn't attacking you, I was giving an accurate description about you.. Sorry the truth hurts :cool:

toastie-----he has no grasp of reality-----he is islam primed.
I learned about islam primed long ago-----in fact it was more
than 45 years ago. I interacted with lots of medical school graduates from abroad---mostly southeast asia and some from
Iran and a few from the middle east-----among them lots of muslims. Islam is not a religion----it is a whole other
dimension in which ISLAMO-NAZI propaganda is the only
reality. Muslims not only believe------they "KNOW"----no matter how absurd the content of the KHUTBAH JUMAAT----
they "KNOW" it to be absolutely true with the same absolute faith
that four year old Christian children believe that Santa flies around on Christmas eve in a reindeer drawn sled. There is a term for this phenomenon in the analysis of literature and drama-----SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF-----for muslims, suspension of disbelief is an act of piety. A good muslim MUST believe utter nonsense with perfect faith----

this farce has to stop

I normally stay out of this arena, but I wanted to see that vid all the way through.

just to see if it started to make any fucking sense at all.

ok, the guy made up his story, got it.

But that had absofuckinglootly NOTHING to do with the rest of it and nothing to do with the holocaust

Well, all I know is that all my uncles, aunts and cousins were from my mom's side. My dad must have had quite an imagination to explain the fact that his family was non-existent. All those stories of his parents and brother sent to a death camp, his married sister and brother-in-law joining the partisans after his baby niece was killed and never making it out alive, his other sister committing suicide after her hiding place was discovered, etc... Either he fabricated these stories or his former Polish neighbors had lied. Or maybe his family had disowned him, which caused him to make up these stories. He was pretty convincing choking up when he told these tales! And that measly $100 dollars he got a month from the German government--wasn't that worth all those wild stories?

I know people that went through it was well.

not sure what your on about though

you know people who survived the so called "gas chambers"?


the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

I knew an old man that had the tattoo of a prison. Maybe he made up all the stories, as well as all the pictures, and the german witnesses, and the buildings and etc, etc etc

this farce has to stop

I normally stay out of this arena, but I wanted to see that vid all the way through.

just to see if it started to make any fucking sense at all.

ok, the guy made up his story, got it.

But that had absofuckinglootly NOTHING to do with the rest of it and nothing to do with the holocaust

Well, all I know is that all my uncles, aunts and cousins were from my mom's side. My dad must have had quite an imagination to explain the fact that his family was non-existent. All those stories of his parents and brother sent to a death camp, his married sister and brother-in-law joining the partisans after his baby niece was killed and never making it out alive, his other sister committing suicide after her hiding place was discovered, etc... Either he fabricated these stories or his former Polish neighbors had lied. Or maybe his family had disowned him, which caused him to make up these stories. He was pretty convincing choking up when he told these tales! And that measly $100 dollars he got a month from the German government--wasn't that worth all those wild stories?

I know people that went through it was well.

not sure what your on about though

you know people who survived the so called "gas chambers"?


the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

I knew an old man that had the tattoo of a prison. Maybe he made up all the stories, as well as all the pictures, and the german witnesses, and the buildings and etc, etc etc

thumbs -----you cannot fathom the islamo Nazi mindset. They really do believe that just about everything related to JOOOOS
is a giant fraud. -------with a minor exception-----muslims also believe that everything related to Christians is a GROSS EVIL---they ADDITIONALLY believe that the PRIME DIRECTIVE for
both jews and Christians is "DESTROY ISLAAAAM" Thus the reason for the holocaust "lie" is to challenge islam In fact the reason for the crucifixtion "lie" is ALSO to challenge islam. I learned this stuff in a mosque-----the visiting genius
Imam was from AL AZHAR U. -------which is the institution sunni muslims generally consider authoritative on sunni "beliefs"

the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

The buildings they say were gas chambers were air raid shelters, they weren't in any way appropriate for gas chambers.

the shit you post is not appropriate for humans---cock -sucker. Now provide the specs and tell us how APPROPRIATE they were as "air-raid shelters"----and then let me know what your filthy kin did with my cousins----Nazi WHORE
Hey, did you hear about the one man gas chamber in... France :ack-1:



Below is the reverse of the photograph, which shows that it was approved for propaganda purposes by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces, although, interestingly, not in the U.S. or Britain.

"There's no business like "Show" business!!
You mean "Shoah" business. ...... :cool:

Show business involves a literary form----which is DRAMA--
and usually includes music and dance. Civilized societies
develop characteristic forms. -----they are highly developed
in the far east including amongst Hindu, Chinese and Japanise
society and the form that developed in the Americas over the '
past few centuries.....especially the form called the "MUSICAL"
are sublime.
Shoah refers to genocide-----a form that became highly developed
in Christian society for a time but in the past 1400 years is most
developed in muslim society in which genocide is highly prized
as pleasing to the muslim deity and is even now being further
developed in the name of the deity pile of excrement in their sky-
--called "JANNAH"

There's no business like show (Shoah) business.

terrific song. "There's no Business, Like Show Business"------terrific song-----My high school did the play "annie get your gun" when I was a Junior ------believe it or not---I played the violin (not well---in fact barely) in
the school orchestra for that play-----It was written ---ie the song-----by Irving Berlin----a jew----like me ------well---not entirely like me----he had lots of talent in music. There have been lots of jews with talent in music-----I am not one of them. Music and song have been very important to jews (and other civilized people) for millennia I was surprised to learn how important it is in HINDU culture and
religion. Hindus have something like musical plays too-----also involving music, song and dance------dramatizations of stories (classical stuff-----I am not referring to Bollywood now---also good-----but not the big shot classical stuff.) Bollywood is kinda a Broadway, Hollywood knock off.
Because you inflict suffering on the children of those who suffered in the Holocaust. And I'm not just talking about the six million Jews--though they were Hitler's prime target. There were also the five million others--Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, gays, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, J Witnesses, etc. And the millions of civilians who died in the Nazi war machine. And the millions of freedom-loving soldiers, from around the world, who defeated the Nazis. You piss and spit on all their graves, just because the Jews are more successful than you are personally. That's what causes your pathological hatred. I don't know if you're joking or serious, but either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself Sunni-Man.
I am not sticking up for the nazis nor am I consumed with hatred.

Of course there were millions of people who died during WWII

And yes, many people, including jews, died because of the actions of the nazis.

I just dispute many points expressed in the official narrative of the so called holocaust.

Especially the exaggerations and outright lies perpetuated by the zionist Jews about this alleged historical event. ....... :cool:

you are very influenced by your "culture" sunni------you engage in PROJECTION----you EXTERNALIZE-----your own traits. Because you depend on a book that is a pile of shit and a "prophet" who was a liar, murderer, thief and rapist-----you MUST believe that all people do what that load of pig turd did-----ie lie and cheat.
What do you expect from a grown man who spends every single day of his life trolling message forums and spreading hatred of Jews, Blacks and Gays? He's a miserable lowlife who uses the internet to spread lies and hatred to let out the frustration he has over being a failure in life.
Why the personal attack Toastman??

We are just discussing an alleged historical event that may or may not have happened.

And posting derogatory comments towards other posters adds nothing to the discussion. ..... :cool:

Because you inflict suffering on the children of those who suffered in the Holocaust. And I'm not just talking about the six million Jews--though they were Hitler's prime target. There were also the five million others--Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, gays, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, J Witnesses, etc. And the millions of civilians who died in the Nazi war machine. And the millions of freedom-loving soldiers, from around the world, who defeated the Nazis. You piss and spit on all their graves, just because the Jews are more successful than you are personally. That's what causes your pathological hatred. I don't know if you're joking or serious, but either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself Sunni-Man.

Your arrogant like the rest of your kind. You atheist jews killed more in Russia and Poland than Hitler ever thought of. The biggest mass murderer of all time was a atheist jew, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, and if you think for one minute WWII was Hitler against the Jews, it was Germany against the commie Jews.
"There's no business like "Show" business!!
You mean "Shoah" business. ...... :cool:

Show business involves a literary form----which is DRAMA--
and usually includes music and dance. Civilized societies
develop characteristic forms. -----they are highly developed
in the far east including amongst Hindu, Chinese and Japanise
society and the form that developed in the Americas over the '
past few centuries.....especially the form called the "MUSICAL"
are sublime.
Shoah refers to genocide-----a form that became highly developed
in Christian society for a time but in the past 1400 years is most
developed in muslim society in which genocide is highly prized
as pleasing to the muslim deity and is even now being further
developed in the name of the deity pile of excrement in their sky-
--called "JANNAH"

There's no business like show (Shoah) business.

terrific song. "There's no Business, Like Show Business"------terrific song-----My high school did the play "annie get your gun" when I was a Junior ------believe it or not---I played the violin (not well---in fact barely) in
the school orchestra for that play-----It was written ---ie the song-----by Irving Berlin----a jew----like me ------well---not entirely like me----he had lots of talent in music. There have been lots of jews with talent in music-----I am not one of them. Music and song have been very important to jews (and other civilized people) for millennia I was surprised to learn how important it is in HINDU culture and
religion. Hindus have something like musical plays too-----also involving music, song and dance------dramatizations of stories (classical stuff-----I am not referring to Bollywood now---also good-----but not the big shot classical stuff.) Bollywood is kinda a Broadway, Hollywood knock off.

By show business I am referring to the Shoah, Holocaust business.

the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

The buildings they say were gas chambers were air raid shelters, they weren't in any way appropriate for gas chambers.
Well, Captain Knowledge, I was stationed in Munich, 13 years after the war and 12 miles Southeast of Dachau. When the wind blew from the Northwest, the stench was terrible. Our Quartermaster laundry was at Dachau and when I caught laundry detail, I would pay someone $25 to take my place. At that time I made $100 a month so it was worth a weeks pay. I have been to Dachau dozens of times and anyone who said ovens were non-existant is a goddamned lying piece of shit.
What do you expect from a grown man who spends every single day of his life trolling message forums and spreading hatred of Jews, Blacks and Gays? He's a miserable lowlife who uses the internet to spread lies and hatred to let out the frustration he has over being a failure in life.
Why the personal attack Toastman??

We are just discussing an alleged historical event that may or may not have happened.

And posting derogatory comments towards other posters adds nothing to the discussion. ..... :cool:

Because you inflict suffering on the children of those who suffered in the Holocaust. And I'm not just talking about the six million Jews--though they were Hitler's prime target. There were also the five million others--Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, gays, Soviet POW's, political dissidents, J Witnesses, etc. And the millions of civilians who died in the Nazi war machine. And the millions of freedom-loving soldiers, from around the world, who defeated the Nazis. You piss and spit on all their graves, just because the Jews are more successful than you are personally. That's what causes your pathological hatred. I don't know if you're joking or serious, but either way, you should really be ashamed of yourself Sunni-Man.

Your arrogant like the rest of your kind. You atheist jews killed more in Russia and Poland than Hitler ever thought of. The biggest mass murderer of all time was a atheist jew, Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, and if you think for one minute WWII was Hitler against the Jews, it was Germany against the commie Jews.

I already read your islamo Nazi literature----as a child-----it could have been before you were born-------I grew up in a town ----semi-rural/suburban. It included railroad passage------and flophouses at the edges of town and something like whore houses (rooms for rent by the hour) Near those places the drunks lay about and the place was
littered with that which goes for reading material amongst those of your ilk. I read anything into which I stumbled as a kid------including the smut of your "culture" which you continue to quote to this day. My mom helped me out. She wrote a kind of "permission" slip for me to take "adult books" out of the library when I was ten -------in that town an "adult book" was anything with a reading level over the 8tb grade-----there was actually no porn there. I would estimate your islamo Nazi stuff at about grade 6th reading level--------it was easy for me at age ten----which was----in my school---fourth grade- fifth grade

the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

The buildings they say were gas chambers were air raid shelters, they weren't in any way appropriate for gas chambers.
Well, Captain Knowledge, I was stationed in Munich, 13 years after the war and 12 miles Southeast of Dachau. When the wind blew from the Northwest, the stench was terrible. Our Quartermaster laundry was at Dachau and when I caught laundry detail, I would pay someone $25 to take my place. At that time I made $100 a month so it was worth a weeks pay. I have been to Dachau dozens of times and anyone who said ovens were non-existant is a goddamned lying piece of shit.

Lying is what shit does. When you talk to shit----expect lies. There are several piles of shit who post here.
So many loads of shit object to anti----holocaust denial laws and even INSIST jews invented them. The same people parrot the very same propaganda written by Nazi war criminals way back in the mid thirties --------when they initiated
the BIG COVER-UP -------Adolf, himself, noted that the BIG COVER-UP worked out well for the Turks who went so far as to have anti - holocaust truth laws. ----actually terming reference to the Turkish genocide of Armenians
a "A CRIME AGAINST THE STATE"-------which in shariah is tantamount to BLASPHEMY. some things never change

the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

The buildings they say were gas chambers were air raid shelters, they weren't in any way appropriate for gas chambers.
Well, Captain Knowledge, I was stationed in Munich, 13 years after the war and 12 miles Southeast of Dachau. When the wind blew from the Northwest, the stench was terrible. Our Quartermaster laundry was at Dachau and when I caught laundry detail, I would pay someone $25 to take my place. At that time I made $100 a month so it was worth a weeks pay. I have been to Dachau dozens of times and anyone who said ovens were non-existant is a goddamned lying piece of shit.

Lying is what shit does. When you talk to shit----expect lies. There are several piles of shit who post here.
This is 59 minutes of 6 reels of film taken at concentration/extermination camps by US Army photographers in real time. Anyone who denies these events is lying to themselves.

Nazi Concentration Camps

Published 1945
Usage Public Domain
Topics nazi, war, world war II, concentration camp

**This film contains extremely graphic scenes of human suffering, please exercise caution when viewing.**

Compilation footage of Nazi concentration camps in the immediate aftermath of World War II. The footage was gathered by the US Department of Defense as part of the effort to conduct war crimes trials.

This copy was dubbed from a video copy at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.

National Archives Identifiers:

ARC: 43452
NAIL: 238.2

Nazi Concentration Camps Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

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