Social civil war, brought to you by 24/7 propaganda and the filthiest politicians in U.S history


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Yeah, we seem to be there. That or the media and others remain hopeful. They're really pushing this. At some point you have to call things as they are, who are the internal enemies of the American people?

"News" media. Especially the left in every way: Wow, just the CNN headlines they sport on the TV screen. Mixed messages, and nearly always propaganda. They market hatred, division and political story lines. They sell stress and unhappiness, look around you for the affects. They explain how white people are evil, men are toxic, Trump is who they desire him to be. "People of color" are victims, so in effect they're degraded and "kept in their place". They lie, and they clearly have bad intentions.

Social media & smart phones: Oh fuck yeah, let's be honest. You think smoking cigs. was a switch just wait. We're for sale in the form of data. The product is conflict, thought control, and censorship. This is the dehumanization of mankind. They're reducing people to snowflakes with dishonesty, and they teach dishonesty. Even their little pop-ups do this, it's not fun to watch.

Welfare & reparations: Here's a true story of black people and welfare. Welfare is the very reason the black community is in disarray. Women married welfare as opposed men, and the govt. throws them a bone to keep them in their place. Meanwhile black single parent households skyrocketed from 25%ish to 75%ish today. Welfare destroyed the family. So instead of men raising good children responsibly "they" commit crime & take drugs instead. So they're deprived of a family institution, and that rubs nature's core the wrong way. "They" learn to commit crime instead of being a responsible family men, and everyone suffers. The same applies to other races as well, but it's the black community that's taken the worst hit, and most continue to support those most responsible today.

And of course the politicians & media project responsibility for this. You know, cops are bad, criminals are victims, white and USA are evil. Nobody claims the justice system is perfect. Point being they lied to you and still do.

Politicians: What a real shit-hole this has become. College debt passed onto the middle-class? Male abortions on the public's dime? Selling hatred, division, victim roles yadda yadda, same as the media. They sell people's addresses, all because they happen to be Republican, which is clearly an act of violence. Then they take a shit on national TV claiming "the violence is Trump's fault". Free healthcare for the entire planet on the middle-class dime? More than a few of these politicians have evil in their eyes & speak with forked tongues. Some are running for POTUS. It's a bad time. These Democrats support eliminating the middle class, plain and simple. Even if they're too stupid to know it. Can't we all agree fuck off already?

A highly corrupt administration: Wholly shit what happened to our FBI? And why are Obama leftovers trying to circumvent the Trump admin. over politics when they're being paid to support and protect? Why was the IRS treating Republicans differently? How is it we turn a blind eye to conflict of interest and random shake-downs over politics? How is it Obama spied on the Trump campaign, and why are they trying to circumvent Trump's effectiveness?

The deep state and elite who are ultimately responsible. They're trying to break us down with over-population, diversity, and a culture of chaos. They desire to take our guns and destroy the family. The ultimate goal is drug addiction, cancer & poverty. All so they can line their pockets and control every thought and action.
The big news about this is the men are on trumps side and agrees with him who are the enemy

Ummm I wonder what the future will be when the men knows the deep state is guilty of high treason ?

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