Social discord - tied to overpopulation?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Religious freedom debates, homosexuality, violent crime, poverty, and politics. All manifestations of overpopulation? I think so.

Effects of Overpopulation on the Environment and Society

"Social Problems

Overcrowding I don't know about you, but back in school I heard about experiments on Norway Rats that were put in overcrowded cages, and suffered many physical and behavioral problems. The same has been shown for Sitka Deer and for mice. Some folks think this is happening to people too.

It's a common observation that people in small towns are friendlier than people in cities. However, that's just a hunch for most of us. One recent study from U.C.Irvine found that less densely packed people are friendlier towards their neighbors. One specific finding was, "For every 10 percent decrease in population density, the likelihood of residents talking to their neighbors at least once a week jumps by 10 percent. And involvement in hobby-oriented clubs increases even more significantly -- by 15 percent for every 10 percent decline in density." "
Over population and congested population. Diversity and congestion will result in a violent people.

In small towns people are more likely to be like minded. They go to the same house of worship. They speak the same language. They have similar values and traditions. They have similar hobbies so they can form clubs.
Diversity destroys community. In small towns forcibly diversified they become two small towns still separate but having no interest in one another.

The normal response to population congestion is violence. Living things react to overpopulation by splitting. A new queen bee leads half the hive to form a new hive. Rats expand into another sewer. When expansion cannot occur congestion leads to violence. Rats eat other rats. The young are killed off at birth. Ants engage in massive wars.

Overpopulation is only a partial answer.
Over population and congested population. Diversity and congestion will result in a violent people.

In small towns people are more likely to be like minded. They go to the same house of worship. They speak the same language. They have similar values and traditions. They have similar hobbies so they can form clubs.
Diversity destroys community. In small towns forcibly diversified they become two small towns still separate but having no interest in one another.

The normal response to population congestion is violence. Living things react to overpopulation by splitting. A new queen bee leads half the hive to form a new hive. Rats expand into another sewer. When expansion cannot occur congestion leads to violence. Rats eat other rats. The young are killed off at birth. Ants engage in massive wars.

Overpopulation is only a partial answer.

Unless you are Japanese........

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