Social-Economic Degeneration in the United States: Causes and Factors


Apr 23, 2009
(First Draft)

In the decades since the passing of the American Gilded Age, we have seen the degeneration of the American people and society on a number of levels. Physical degeneration has been manifest in the growing myopia epidemic with its numerous contributing factors, in the once-unthinkable epidemic of morbid obesity, and in more mundane areas, despite our eugenic progress in reducing the prevalence of a number of genetic conditions through a combination of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, embryonic selection, and genetic counseling. Social degeneration has been manifest in growing crime rates, the growing prevalence of gratuitous sex and violence in pop culture, and the decline of the family unit. Signs of our economic collapse are numerous and plainly obvious.

How, then, can we identify and combat the causes of this degeneration and preserve both out People and our Republic? Clearly, we must take measures to identify those social groups which have been and continue to prove themselves of a parasitic and cancerous nature and find ways of either reforming them or eliminating them form the American populace. We must identify the genetic and environmental factors behind the physical degeneration of the American Volk and find solutions to these problems. We must determine, if education has proven insufficient, how we can either aid in the betterment of the nutrition and environment of the average citizen or find ways to not only cease such contraselective policies as reward these groups and individuals for the burden they place upon the most fit and productive members of society, but also seek to limit their effect and, if necessary, their numbers.

We must make full use of our growing scientific knowledge to improve the form and fitness of our progeny, to combat disease and weakness in all its forms, and to preserve ourselves. We must make full use of social pressure and also the State (as well as more libertarian and softer methods of affecting social and individual behavior through the initiation of a system of a new system of rewards and hardships designed to mould the individual and society at large to a more perfect form) to better mould society to a fitter and more egalitarian form. And we must take measures to salvage the American economy and, with it, the hopes of a lasting American nation. It is imperative for all American citizens to consider, privately and in public, the best means of achieving these necessary ends.
In the decades since the passing of the American Gilded Age, we have seen the degeneration of the American people and society on a number of levels. Physical degeneration has been manifest in the growing myopia epidemic with its numerous contributing factors, in the once-unthinkable epidemic of morbid obesity, and in more mundane areas, despite our eugenic progress in reducing the prevalence of a number of genetic conditions through a combination of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, embryonic selection, and genetic counseling. Social degeneration has been manifest in growing crime rates, the growing prevalence of gratuitous sex and violence in pop culture, and the decline of the family unit. Signs of our economic collapse are numerous and plainly obvious.

Is this the cause of the general public's desire for degeneracy or the fraction of the population that actually forces degenerate filth upon the public?

It is the hollywood elitist who produces anti family garbage, elitists who certainly do not represent the majority population, as a matter of fact it seems they hate the general public.

Why do these pinko's consistently dump millions$$$ into vile celebrations of degeneracy and saturate their own controlled media with promotions of only more vulgarity, when it is a basic fact that family based "G-rated" entertainment earns by far and away the most return? The answer- it is not "capitalists" who have a monopoly on dinosaur media, it is the remnants of the curse of humanity known as royalty--- the marxist, the socialist, the rich elitist.
That study demonstrated that a PG-rated film was
three times more likely to gross $100 million at the box office than an R-rated film. As a result, G and PG
movies became a more prominent part of the entertainment landscape between 1993 and 1996. Recently
however, the production of R-rated films has increased again from a low of 99 in 1994 to an all time high of
169 in 1997. PG and G releases dropped by 25% to a total of 48 pictures the same period.
Since the Motion Picture Association of America introduced the movie ratings system in 1968, nearly
60% of all films released by Hollywood have been rated R. Studios defend their actions with claims that these
types of movies make the most money. The study released today completely debunks those assertions.
According to The Dove Foundation study, Michael Medved’s 1992 exhortation still rings true.
“Making wholesome movies is not only good citizenship, it’s good business.”

Of course, some stories by their very nature will require an R-rating (“Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private
Ryan” stand as two prominent examples), but savvy studio heads will always try to strike a balance between
such efforts and family fare targeted at general audiences. Hollywood’s record of featuring more “adult” Rrated
movies than releases in all other categories (G, PG, PG-13, and NC-17) makes no economic sense
whatever. Studio executives can explain this history with reference to the tendency of “mature” material to
win major awards, critical praise, and peer respect, but they cannot justify the continuation of the trend in
terms of economic self interest.
What, exactly, are you proclaiming to be bullshit? That preimplantation genetic diagnosis is possible? That the rates of certain genetic diseases have fallen as a result of screening and selective abortions? That the American economy is in the can? That it was once unimaginable that there would be an 'obesity epidemic'? That there has been a marked increase in sex and violence in pop culture in the last 60 years? That a common language is necessary for the existence of a common society (both by definition, as recognized by all sociobiologists, and by basic reasoning)? That the family unit is no longer considered near-sacred in much of American culture? That it is now necessary for both parents to work in the average American family?

Tell me, which fundamental and demonstrable facts are so unacceptable and at odds with your delusions that you declare them to be 'bullshit'?
Is this the cause of the general public's desire for degeneracy or the fraction of the population that actually forces degenerate filth upon the public?

An interesting point to consider. It seems to me that it must be a combination of the two, for the peddlers of filth had to first find persons willing to receive it, and the demand they found and helped ferment necessitated the peddling of more filth. We see this in the 'evolution' of porn, from the softcore empire of Hugh Hefner to the hardcore industry and its reliance on interracial sex, then on lesbianism, then on 'gangbangs', bestiality, and anything else they could think of to remain more shocking than the last guy. In turn, society becomes more and more desensitized and it takes more and more to achieve the same effect.
It is the hollywood elitist who produces anti family garbage, elitists who certainly do not represent the majority population, as a matter of fact it seems they hate the general public.

Yet they have become ever more-accepted as society degenerates , much as the drug addict moves towards purer and more dangerous forms of a drug. It does not seem so simple as basic cause-and-effect, but rather it seems to be a vicious cycle- which makes it all the more difficult to halt.

Your reference to the Marxists is not wholly unfounded, given the rhetoric of the end of the family unit as such as part of the Marxist and neoMarxist
goal of reshaping society to suit their own ends.
What, exactly, are you proclaiming to be bullshit? That preimplantation genetic diagnosis is possible? That the rates of certain genetic diseases have fallen as a result of screening and selective abortions? That the American economy is in the can? That it was once unimaginable that there would be an 'obesity epidemic'? That there has been a marked increase in sex and violence in pop culture in the last 60 years? That a common language is necessary for the existence of a common society (both by definition, as recognized by all sociobiologists, and by basic reasoning)? That the family unit is no longer considered near-sacred in much of American culture? That it is now necessary for both parents to work in the average American family?

Tell me, which fundamental and demonstrable facts are so unacceptable and at odds with your delusions that you declare them to be 'bullshit'?

What am I claiming is bullshit? This:

In the decades since the passing of the American Gilded Age, we have seen the degeneration of the American people and society on a number of levels.

If you are going to participate in intelligent discussions you have to be willing to back up your position with data. You have to prove that American society and people have degenerated. All you are doing is making broad assertions in the hope that your position will make sense. As I never got past that the first sentence of your post the rest of what you are saying made no impression on me.
You say it's bullshit. I provided numerous examples that you're trying desperately to avoid addressing.
You say it's bullshit. I provided numerous examples that you're trying desperately to avoid addressing.

Like what?

Myopia? Do you have any proof that the population is more nearsighted than it was during your mythical gilded age? Is it remotely possible that this epidemic of morbid myopia is a result of better eye screening? Or even that it does not really exist, and that all you have here is the fact that more glasses are being sold because there are more people? Is it possible that the actual percentage of myopia is going down even though the number of people who are myopic is going up?

That is just your first "example." Supply data to back up your assertions if you want to have an intelligent discussion, all you are doing is spouting random noise in the hope that people will actually be deceived by your technique and think you are intelligent. It is not going to work in the real world, even if it does in your parent's basement.
Unlike you, I read peer-reviewed journals and studies and other respected sources on a number of subjects.

Need I link you once again to elementary reading regarding sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, comparative anatomy, ethology, genetics, evolutionary theory, and anything else you're too stupid to actually learn about before running your mouth, my feeble-minded friend?
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Me demanding that you back up your assertions is babbling about matters I know nothing of?

You cited 2 sources that show an increase in myopia between two separate, and unrelated, studies. (Your second citation is actually useless to this discussion, but thanks for the interesting read about a possible cure for myopia.) Neither of those makes the claim that you are trying to make, that this is a sign of degeneration in the US. Nor do they say anything about causation. Is the myopia increase a result of something in the environment, different screening methods, or even the result the Flynn effect? All you have done is point out some statistically interesting data, but it has little impact in proving your assertion.
Unlike you, I read peer-reviewed journals and studies and other respected sources on a number of subjects.

Need I link you once again to elementary reading regarding sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, comparative anatomy, ethology, genetics, evolutionary theory, and anything else you're too stupid to actually learn about before running your mouth, my feeble-minded friend?

Then you should try citing some peer reviewed journals instead of popular science magazines and books about fake science. Have you found any peer reviewed journals that accept articles about eugenics?
Do your own research regarding contributing factors regarding myopia or wait for the full text to be complete. The information's not hard to find.
Your probably not going to like this JB, but I think a compelling case could be made for the decline of religion in the U.S. correlating directly with the "degeneration of the American people and society on a number of levels".
I would add an increase in population that has contributed to a growing anonymousness of the individual is also a contributing factor.
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Yet is it religion (blind obedience to authority) in itself or certain socialpolicies that Western religion had come to embrace, such as the import of the family unit?

Aftre all, one can think of many instances of religion being of no great help in the formation of a more just society- just see the entire middle east or much of European history
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Do your own research regarding contributing factors regarding myopia or wait for the full text to be complete. The information's not hard to find.

Why should I do the research?

You are trying to use this questionable data to prove your point, and that means that you have to prove that the data is applicable. You claim to read peer reviewed journals, so you should be familiar with the technique. The authors propose other explanations to explain their data, and then provide evidence to show that that explanation is not the best one, and that the best explanation is the one they are proposing.

Then other people come along and attack their assumptions, and point out the flaws in their reasoning. That is the part I like. The original authors, or others who agree with them, then do the research to show that the challengers are wrong.

That puts the burden here on you. If you want to pretend to be a smart and informed person then you have to accept the process that proves you are capable of defending your position.

In other words, the fact that you do not want to do the research proves me right be default.

I linked to what you asked for. Once again, you're trying to play some silly semantic game because you find the facts unpleasant. You asked for evidence of an increase in myopia and I gave it, as well as linking to where you can find more information.

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