Social Security going bust


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare have testified before a House committee about looming financial challenges which could see funds run short by 2035.
Social Security relies on its trust funds to provide monthly benefit checks to around 70 million Americans.
But an aging population is pushing up the cost of the program as a smaller share of people are paying into it, and spending is outpacing income.
This means that if the funding gap is not resolved by Congress, future beneficiaries could receive $325 less per month. Medicare is also projected to run dry in 2036.

House Budget Committee chairman Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, said in his opening remarks on Thursday: 'My prayer is we unite - not as Republicans, not as Democrats - but as Americans.

'I won't get everything I want to solve it probably, they probably won't get everything they want, but we must do it or there will be an automatic cut.'

Maybe Biden and Schumer should not have wasted $1.75 TRILLION dollars on their bogus "inflation reduction act (scam)".
Maybe they should have spent $1.75 TRILLION to fix social security instead.
But the greedy corrupt Democrats don't care about social security.
Where did that $1.75 trillion go to?

{Inflation Reduction Act: Boosting Economy
The Inflation Reduction Act is a $1.75 trillion bill that aims to boost the economy, lower costs, and fight climate change.}
The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare have testified before a House committee about looming financial challenges which could see funds run short by 2035.
Social Security relies on its trust funds to provide monthly benefit checks to around 70 million Americans.
But an aging population is pushing up the cost of the program as a smaller share of people are paying into it, and spending is outpacing income.
This means that if the funding gap is not resolved by Congress, future beneficiaries could receive $325 less per month. Medicare is also projected to run dry in 2036.

House Budget Committee chairman Jodey Arrington, R-Texas, said in his opening remarks on Thursday: 'My prayer is we unite - not as Republicans, not as Democrats - but as Americans.

'I won't get everything I want to solve it probably, they probably won't get everything they want, but we must do it or there will be an automatic cut.'

Maybe Biden and Schumer should not have wasted $1.75 TRILLION dollars on their bogus "inflation reduction act (scam)".
Maybe they should have spent $1.75 TRILLION to fix social security instead.
But the greedy corrupt Democrats don't care about social security.
Where did that $1.75 trillion go to?

{Inflation Reduction Act: Boosting Economy
The Inflation Reduction Act is a $1.75 trillion bill that aims to boost the economy, lower costs, and fight climate change.}
Every time there's a Democrat is office you kids say that.

Hasn't happened yet.
Guess we better raise that cap huh?
^^^ this one failed math. You are going to need a shit ton more money than that fool. All you suckers get ready for the Social Security tax to get jacked up again. Already 16% of income and government morons still can't keep the scam from failing. 25% sounds about right, you suckers pay 25% for a few decades.
^^^ this one failed math. You are going to need a shit ton more money than that fool. All you suckers get ready for the Social Security tax to get jacked up again. Already 16% of income and government morons still can't keep the scam from failing. 25% sounds about right, you suckers pay 25% for a few decades.
Eliminating the cap goes one hell of a long way
Eliminating the cap goes one hell of a long way
Let's talk about that....^^^^^ Eliminating the Cap.

The current CAP is
Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 7.46.55 PM.png

If you eliminate the CAP, are you suggesting that the payout increases too?
Just asking.

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