Social Security is ours not Congress

If the Republicans fuck with Social Security they'll find out what Hillary Clinton found out when she pissed off labor.

About the only thing you an I can agree on. Message to both parties, don't fuck with Social Security.
kaz and prisonmike clearly do not understand how SS works.
I never said the government "invested" money, Missourian.. Those are your words.

You need to stop drinking, Missourian, and be honest. :lol:

Kaz, you still get an allowance and would not understand any explanation.
I never said the government "invested" money, Missourian.. Those are your words.

You need to stop drinking, Missourian, and be honest. :lol:

Kaz, you still get an allowance and would not understand any explanation.

You didn't explain anything.

Your welfare check comes from today's taxpayers, just like every other welfare check.

So how can one be welfare and the other not?

Jake doesn't know anything, has never successfully defended a position, because he can't.

Jake is a blatherer.
You have already said you don't believe me, Missourian.

Remember that you even think you are a mainstream American.

:2up: I know that cracks me up, too.

So get to reading.
Put the money back, Congress.


Welcome to govenrment, if you had your own account, this wouldnt happen, but since FICA has been general fund money since the 30s, its gonna happen.

It has not been a general money fund since the 30s. Soc Sec was a separate pot of money until Nixon (our worst Pres ever) made it part of the general fund and took the U.S. Dollar off the Gold standard.
You have already said you don't believe me, Missourian.

Remember that you even think you are a mainstream American.

:2up: I know that cracks me up, too.

So get to reading.

I've given you every opportunity to show off your expertise in this subject.

The only logical conclusion is...wait for it...that you are completely full of shit, which I have known for years, but may be a revelation to others.

I appreciate your cooperation in this object lesson in exposing your continued bullshittery.

I understand you'll want the last word, and you can have it. Unless it's a detailed explanation of the mechanics of the Social Security system, your failure will be complete.
I will check in with you Missourian, from time to time. When you have done your reading, we can talk. You have resisted clear explanations, so it is on you now.
This is what happens when you let a govt with no responsibility or accountability handle your money. If one had saved for themselves without a third party, govt, stealing your money, they would have 5-10 x the amount govt does. Not only that, you would be in charge of it after retirement and you could even will it to your kids, grandkids etc.
I love this.

What a bunch of far right and libertarian fools.

You must be thrilled knowing that Trump is committed to SS, medicare, and medicaid.

gipper has promised to stop posting because he admitted he failed.

Yeah we are higjly informed, we voted for him knowing his position on entitlements. I want changed, but if he can fix other stuff, i can wait on those
Seems to me Nitwit49.00 that before the elections you were hailing the stock market was going great while Obama was in office. Now you are saying that it isn't? Why the sudden change Nitwit?

Hey, moron.....I didn't say that I wanted Wall Street to fail......Let them gamble with those who are WILLING to gamble with the WS Casino........

Social Security is something that most of us have invested for 50 years of our lives and we do NOT want to use that money to gamble with......GWB tried to fuck us didn't work then and if right wingers try it now, you'll see a real revolution.
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Here is one looming fact that all of us I think can agree on. No one on this forum is knowledgeable enough to debate this on the merits one way or the other.

One does NOT have to be an expert on the SS administration to KNOW that the money placed aside for half a century by an individual (with FICA money taken out with every paycheck) is not to GAMBLE with just to please WS bankers....
Welcome to govenrment, if you had your own account, this wouldnt happen, but since FICA has been general fund money since the 30s, its gonna happen.
If we all had our own accounts, we would be only as good as the last recovery, and I will darned if I let any private bean counter get a commission on my money.
Obama cut SS and no one cared. What is different now?
The Pubs went right along with it, and when Obama restored it, the Pubs all cried. Simply politics.

Don't touche SS, any politician, who wants a career in politics.
Yes but they cut SS and no one said a word.
They cut the tax, then they restored it. SS checks were not cut. You are too stupid to lie and get away with it.
Everybody got paid after Obama forced the GOP to kneel. That's your problem, gipper, so deal with it.
If we all had our own accounts, we would be only as good as the last recovery, and I will darned if I let any private bean counter get a commission on my money.
Obama cut SS and no one cared. What is different now?
The Pubs went right along with it, and when Obama restored it, the Pubs all cried. Simply politics.

Don't touche SS, any politician, who wants a career in politics.
Yes but they cut SS and no one said a word.
They cut the tax, then they restored it. SS checks were not cut. You are too stupid to lie and get away with it.
Everybody got paid after Obama forced the GOP to kneel. That's your problem, gipper, so deal with it.
Oh damn Jake can't you get anything right...The Rs bent over for Big Ears.
Blame Trump's congress? The federal government has been stealing FICA taxes since Social Security was instituted. It was a freaking democrat who made the theft "legal". LBJ issued an order that the FICA taxes would be placed in the general fund. Along came decades of democrats who decided that people who never paid a dime into Social Security should be able to apply for benefits if some Dr. Feelgood signed a paper certifying that they were unable to work because of some physical or mental condition.
Put the money back, Congress.


I concur.

Social Security is a tax COMPELLED by fedgov.

But SCOTUS has ruled that it is a welfare type benefit subject to congress' discretion . And it may abolish and the Citizens will have no recourse.

Sad but true.

"Many people believe that Social Security is an “earned right.” That is, they think that because they have paid Social Security taxes, they are entitled to receive Social Security benefits. The government encourages that belief by referring to Social Security taxes as “contributions,” as in the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. However, in the 1960 case of Fleming v. Nestor, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that workers have no legally binding contractual rights to their Social Security benefits, and that those benefits can be cut or even eliminated at any time."


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As one who still works part-time AND on SS (and Medicare) I am paying taxes on those 2 benefits on every April 15th that comes around. SS is NOT welfare, you idiots.
Obama cut SS and no one cared. What is different now?
The Pubs went right along with it, and when Obama restored it, the Pubs all cried. Simply politics.

Don't touche SS, any politician, who wants a career in politics.
Yes but they cut SS and no one said a word.
They cut the tax, then they restored it. SS checks were not cut. You are too stupid to lie and get away with it.
Everybody got paid after Obama forced the GOP to kneel. That's your problem, gipper, so deal with it.
Oh damn Jake can't you get anything right...The Rs bent over for Big Ears.
Yep, as he twisted their tails. You don't really understand, do you?

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