Social Security says 6.5 million americans over 112 years old ! No - it's illegals stealing IDs

Protectionist, you are at point emotionally and mentally that almost any hard working immigrant is a better buy for the US than you.

They are here.

They will stay.
Protectionist, you are at point emotionally and mentally that almost any hard working immigrant is a better buy for the US than you.

They are here.

They will stay.
What's YOUR vested interest ? Hiring for cheap labor ? Democrat wanting more VOTES ? Church needing to fill empty pews ? Unions needing members (and their dues$$$) ? Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers?readers ? Racist ethnocentrist orgs wanting more Hispanics ?
Keeping families together and making sure that those who want and can contribute to America will have the opportunity.
Keeping families together and making sure that those who want and can contribute to America will have the opportunity.
The families can be together in THEIR country without invading ours. And while here, it is to their home countries that they are contributing ($123 Billion/year in remittances$$$ + Billions more in welfare relief). As for what they are contributing to the US, that would be millions of unemployed US workers (the ones you claim to be so concerned about).

Here's what else they "contribute" >>>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
The GOP leaders in congress, mcconnell and juan beaner, both support amnesty. They proved it a week or so back.
FALSE! That wasn't a proof of support for amnesty. The whole thing is much more complicated. Nice try though.

More complicated.?? So explain it to us. I say you can't. All the GOP leaders are raking in huge corporate bribes for supporting amnesty. Most obvious thing in the world.
Horse crap, son. We had plenty of illegals in the school system in East Texas where I was school board president, and they and their parents were fine folks as any of the citizens.

They are not going anywhere.
Keeping families together and making sure that those who want and can contribute to America will have the opportunity.

They can keep their family together in their own country. And 99% of these invaders have no intention of contributing to America. They are illiterate losers and their "dream" is go on welfare and live off the white man.
Horse crap, son. We had plenty of illegals in the school system in East Texas where I was school board president, and they and their parents were fine folks as any of the citizens.

They are not going anywhere.

You were school board president? HAHAHAHA. You ain't got the brains god give a motherless shoat!!!
This is just about messy'll be old news in a few weeks.
:lol: Yep, I was, and that you don't like it or believe it makes it even sweeter to me. The future is not for folks like you, SS or Protectionists. Your time is over or never even appeared. Ese?
Immigration reform is only fraud in the mind of the morally insane person.
Those who advocate what they eupemistically, and ludicrously call "Immigration reform" (as if it was making things better) are the immoral ones. You advocate the invasion & plunder of the USA for $123/Billion/year by remittances + tens of Billions$$ more in human services payouts.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012 Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

You consort with the Mexican thieves who pillage the US economy and treasuries to attain their # 1 source of income, while throwing the US worker under the bus, as well as all the American people, with respect to all the harms I listed in Post # 26.

You are traitor to this country, aiding and abetting the invaders of it, after hundreds of thousands of US military lost their lives in World War II defending this country from invasion, you now facilitate precisely that, in addition to the international burglary of it. Mexico alone ripping $25 Billion/year in the remittances$$$ alone (the Vikings would be envious).
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Many in the GOP support immigration reform.

SS is right that a problem exists and needs to be fixed.

You support fraud, Jake?
He does, as well as the invasion of the USA by millions of foreigners, and the pillaging of US wealth.

Most people work hard for their money and would find good use for it rather than sending it to Washington. Jake supports a system where taxpayers are robbed and defrauded
Many in the GOP support immigration reform.

SS is right that a problem exists and needs to be fixed.

You support fraud, Jake?
He does, as well as the invasion of the USA by millions of foreigners, and the pillaging of US wealth.
:lol: You are a clown, son.
Only a clown would call a 68 year old person "son". So, what is this post then ? Are you saying that the countries who are invading the US with their cheap labor "troops" are not pillaging the US ? Maybe your problem is you are oblivious to what's going on.

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012 Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

Well, that's no surprise if you watch only liberal media, which deliberately withholds massive amounts of information from you (which is why liberals are so ignorant). And which is why thy can never get better than a 5% grade on my Islamization Quiz. Some are so ignorant they don't even know what the word Islamization means.
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Many in the GOP support immigration reform.

SS is right that a problem exists and needs to be fixed.

You support fraud, Jake?
He does, as well as the invasion of the USA by millions of foreigners, and the pillaging of US wealth.

Most people work hard for their money and would find good use for it rather than sending it to Washington. Jake supports a system where taxpayers are robbed and defrauded
He also supports a system where taxpayers are robbed and defrauded by illegal aliens coming here, and cashing in on US tax $$$, by way of false documentation and the anchor baby racket. Immigrants suck up more US tax $$$ than native-born citizens do.

He also supports the same immigration which plunders $123 Billion/year out of the US economy, then reinserted into the economies of immigrants' countries (top ones > Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

Jake is probably oblivious to all this. A typical liberal sheltered from truth by liberal media, and sitting around not knowing how much he doesn't know. If he's not, than he's a traitor.

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