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Social Security won't be able to pay full benefits by 2034, a year earlier than expected due to the pandemic

Correct. Why waste it on securing the SS program when we can waste it on green energy bullshit. I mean........what's more important?
If thats the question, how about your wars, your handouts to big business, your tax cuts for the rich, your great wall of Mexico, Your only real reason to exist is the transfer of all the wealth in this country to the top/ all the rest is trimming for votes, nothing else. Your party is a joke. Lets throw in your attempted overthrow of our demacracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Your party is made up of hate driven idiots who have no clue and vote against their best interest.
If thats the question, how about your wars, your handouts to big business, your tax cuts for the rich, your great wall of Mexico, Your only real reason to exist is the transfer of all the wealth in this country to the top/ all the rest is trimming for votes, nothing else. Your party is a joke. Lets throw in your attempted overthrow of our demacracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Your party is made up of hate driven idiots who have no clue and vote against their best interest.

First off the cost for the wall was about what we spend on less than one month on food stamps. Very few businesses get handouts. Taking less money from people who created that money is not a handout. Wars? The protection of this country is outlined as a duty by the federal government in our Constitution.

We don't have government transfer any money to the top. They don't do that--you do; not just you, but every single one of us.

Sometime next week, and likely several times next week, you are going to do just that, transfer your money to the top. You may stop at McDonald's for a fish sandwich combo, pay your cable bill, your cell phone bill, buy gasoline from those evil multi-billion dollar oil companies, go grocery shopping, but one way or another, you are going to willingly transfer your money to the top.

So if you're upset of this transfer to the top, charity starts at home. Quit giving the rich all your money. The Amish and Quakers don't give any of their money to the top!

And if you are not a hypocrite, nice talking to you on this internet since you'll be getting rid of it to stop giving your money to the rich all the time.
1. Removing the cap will not put any of the 1%ers in the poor house. Their lifestyle will not be affected. They would pay the same PERCENT of their income as the rest of us pay instead of getting an undeserved tax break, i.e. close that loop-hole.

2. No one is stealing anyone's money, should Buffett pay a lower percentage of SS tax than his cleaning lady?

3. Run on eliminating SS, see how many votes you'd get, I double-dare you.

1. So in other words you want to steal money from other people to pay for your retirement. That is fucking shitty. How about you paying for your own retirement?

2. If the government takes my money and gives it to little shits like you then that sure as hell is stealing.

3. Don't bitch to me because these stupid weak politicians don't have the courage to do the right thing and do away to this Ponzi scheme.
When you raise the ceiling what happens? Those that hit the ceiling pay more, so how can you say we are not sending the bill to anybody? When you pay more in taxes (no matter how it's done) you send the bill to somebody else. And unless those who pay above current ceiling contributions get more, than they are funding the program for the rest of us.
When we remove the cap we all pay the same percentage of our incomes. Yes the top incomes pay more, so what? The top income brackets got tax cuts from Trump and they were a disaster, the Debt exploded. If you don't come up with a way to "fix" SS & Medicare the GOP is dead, I'd switch parties and vote dem just top burn the greedy bastards.
1. So in other words you want to steal money from other people to pay for your retirement. That is fucking shitty. How about you paying for your own retirement?

2. If the government takes my money and gives it to little shits like you then that sure as hell is stealing.

3. Don't bitch to me because these stupid weak politicians don't have the courage to do the right thing and do away to this Ponzi scheme.
1. No one is stealing anything, we'd all pay the same percentage of our incomes.
2. The government took my money too, now they owe me SS. Either you fix it or I'll vote democrat and then watch your fucking taxes.
3. SS worked well for 85 years. Now it needs a "fix". If the GOP won't fix it the dems will. Choose, who do I vote for?
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1. No one is stealing anything, we'd all pay the same percentage of our incomes.
2. The government took my money too, now they owe me SS. Either you fix it or I'll vote democrat and then watch you fucking taxes.
3. SS worked well for 85 years. Now it needs a "fix". If the GOP won't fix it the dems will. Choose, who do I vote for?

Did you bother to even read the article? SS is going broke.

The thing that you are confused about is that you being a stupid uneducated Libtard you think it is great that the government steals our money and gives us back a rinky dink pension.

In the places where people have been allowed to opt out of SS they have done much better than this stupid Social Security plan. Like in Texas.

It is too bad that sorry people like you can't take care of your own life and have to have the friggin government do it for you.

The government should not be in the business of managing our retirement because they fuck it up just like they fuck up everything else they touch.

You never asnswered my question. How about you taking care of your retirement and I take care of mine and we leave the fucking government out of it? What are you afraid of Moon Bat? Are you afraind that you spend all your money on pot and not have enough for retirement? Are you that sorry?
Did you bother to even read the article? SS is going broke.

The thing that you are confused about is that you being a stupid uneducated Libtard you think it is great that the government steals our money and gives us back a rinky dink pension.

In the places where people have been allowed to opt out of SS they have done much better than this stupid Social Security plan. Like in Texas.

It is too bad that sorry people like you can't take care of your own life and have to have the friggin government do it for you.

The government should not be in the business of managing our retirement because they fuck it up just like they fuck up everything else they touch.

You never answered my question. How about you taking care of your retirement and I take care of mine and we leave the fucking government out of it? What are you afraid of Moon Bat? Are you afraind that you spend all your money on pot and not have enough for retirement? Are you that sorry?
1. I read the article, all of them.
2. SS is NOT going broke, it is going "insolvent" meaning it will only pay 76% of promised benefits, unless its "fixed".
3. I've been a republican longer than your parents have. I'm a retired engineer, so I'm smarter than you.
4. TX did NOT opt out of SS, 3-counties did, DUH.
5. Making the government fully fund SS, after stealing from the the SS trust fund is justice. What kind of moron are you?
6. SS has worked well for 85-years. It needs to be fixed.
7. The government made that decision back in 1935 when SS was created. The SS deduction was taken from my pay, now I want my FULL PROMISED SS BENEFIT. You think you can opt out of SS? Maybe you need to get a fucking job before lecturing retirees.
1. I read the article, all of them.
2. SS is NOT going broke, it is going "insolvent" meaning it will only pay 76% of promised benefits, unless its "fixed".
3. I've been a republican longer than your parents have. I'm a retired engineer, so I'm smarter than you.
4. TX did NOT opt out of SS, 3-counties did, DUH.
5. Making the government fully fund SS, after stealing from the the SS trust fund is justice. What kind of moron are you?
6. SS has worked well for 85-years. It needs to be fixed.
7. The government made that decision back in 1935 when SS was created. The SS deduction was taken from my pay, now I want my FULL PROMISED SS BENEFIT. You think you can opt out of SS? Maybe you need to get a fucking job before lecturing retirees.

I am a retired Engineer. A real one with a current PE license. I worked 30 years for an aerospace company, The biggest one. None of my fellow engineers are dependent upon the fucking government for their well being. What kind of engineer are you, a sanitation engineer? You were a janitor with the title of sanitation engineer? That would explain a lot of your stupidity.

Social Security is not justice. It is the fucking government stealing our money. Only a stupid shithead would want to put something as important as their retirement in the hands of a idiot government bureaucrat.

I could have done so much better if the government hadn't taken that 7.5% and my employer 7.5%. That was despicable of the government to steal my money like that with the promise of a rinky dink pension if I lived to collect it.

Maybe you couldn't but you are a Moon Bat that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground if you think the government will take care of you.

Those districts in Texas that opted out of SS did a lot better than the poor people that didn't have a choice.

It is really pathetic that you are a big government dumbshit.
I am a retired Engineer. A real one with a current PE license. I worked 30 years for an aerospace company, The biggest one. None of my fellow engineers are dependent upon the fucking government for their well being. What kind of engineer are you, a sanitation engineer? You were a janitor with the title of sanitation engineer. that would explain a lot of your stupidity.

Social Security is not justice. It is the fucking government stealing our money. Only a stupid shithead would want to put something as important as their retirement in the hands of a idiot government bureaucrat.

I could have done so much better if the government hadn't taken that 7.5% and my employers 7.5%. That was despicable of the government to steal my money like that with the promise of a rinky dink pension if I lived to collect it.

Maybe you couldn't but you are Moon Bat that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground if you think the government will take care of you.

Those districts in Texas that opted out of SS did a lot better than the poor people that didn't have a choice.

It is really pathetic that you are a big government dumbshit.
1. LOL!! I also have a PE license (civil). You work on the 737 Max?
2. Agreed that given a choice I would have opted out of SS, but since I'm owed a benefit, I want the full benefit, not 76% of it
3. We agree SS was not a good deal, my 401k was a much better one, but we had to pay SS retiree benefits, you should know that?!
4. I just want my full SS check thank you. The government can do that, they've done it for 85-years
5. Your whining gets us no where. Where are we supposed to get our full SS checks if we don't "fix" SS? DUH.
1. LOL!! I also have a PE license. You work on the 737 Max?
2. I agree that given a choice I would have opted out of SS, but since I'm owed a benefit, I want the full benefit, not 76% of it
3. We agree SS was not a good deal, my 401k was a much better one, but we had to pay SS retiree benefits
4. I just want my full SS check thank you. The government can do that, they've done it for 85-years
5. Your whining gets us no where. Where are we supposed to get our full SS checks if we don't "fix" SS? DUH.

So you say everything would be better for you without SS but yet you defend it.

What a fucking idiot. You just lost your credibility.
When we remove the cap we all pay the same percentage of our incomes. Yes the top incomes pay more, so what? The top income brackets got tax cuts from Trump and they were a disaster, the Debt exploded. If you don't come up with a way to "fix" SS & Medicare the GOP is dead, I'd switch parties and vote dem just top burn the greedy bastards.

Paying the same percentage is not paying the same amount. 10% of 50K is much less than 10% of 5,000,000.

This tax the rich nonsense can only go so far. Free college! Tax the rich. Free daycare! Tax the rich. Income inequality! Tax the rich. Infrastructure bill! Tax the rich. Better public education for lower-income people. Tax the rich. We can't tax the rich so solve every problem or create new social programs.

If thats the question, how about your wars, your handouts to big business, your tax cuts for the rich, your great wall of Mexico, Your only real reason to exist is the transfer of all the wealth in this country to the top/ all the rest is trimming for votes, nothing else. Your party is a joke. Lets throw in your attempted overthrow of our demacracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Your party is made up of hate driven idiots who have no clue and vote against their best interest.

You realize the great majority of the trillion a year collected in the filthy income tax comes from the highest earners, don't you? Like the top 2%. And that about half the people in the US don't pay anything into that trillion a year?

The rich pays the majority of the property tax in the US in addition to state income tax.

The Democrat Party is the party of scumbags with its support for the welfare state, high taxation and bloated government spending. Of course they are helped out most of the time by the Republicans.
So you say everything would be better for you without SS but yet you defend it.

What a fucking idiot. You just lost your credibility.
What part of "I paid into SS my working life" don't you understand, duh?
I said it would have been better w/o SS, but that decision was made for me by the government.
Tell me you are NOT getting an SS check, what kind of moron wants 76% of a promised benefit????????

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Paying the same percentage is not paying the same amount. 10% of 50K is much less than 10% of 5,000,000.

This tax the rich nonsense can only go so far. Free college! Tax the rich. Free daycare! Tax the rich. Income inequality! Tax the rich. Infrastructure bill! Tax the rich. Better public education for lower-income people. Tax the rich. We can't tax the rich so solve every problem or create new social programs.
Agreed the top earners would pay a little more, but the same percentage as the rest of us.
You whine about paying more to save SS, but don't put up any better ideas.
So your "SS fix" is do nothing and just print more money to cover SS?
Or is your "SS fix" to do nothing and retirees get 75% of promised benefits?
SS is not a program for "porch sitters" its a retirement program for workers that worked well for 85-years. You get out of it proportional to what you put into it. No one would be penalized, we would all pay the same percentage of income, instead of Warren Buffett paying less than his cleaning ladies.

No, the porch sitters are the problem. Those that work and contribute on average don't out what they put in. Those that didn't work or worked very little clearly get back more than they put in. The surplus when people die early goes to the porch sitters, not to those that paid in their entire lives. If we let people forgo the tax and save on their own you would truly see who is sucking the system.

Agreed the top earners would pay a little more, but the same percentage as the rest of us.

What are you talking about. They already pay the same percentage up to the maximum. Unless you are talking about raising the maximum benefit per month, they would be paying a lot more. As it stands, those collecting the maximum benefit still don't collect nearly all they contributed. This would exacerbate that problem and they would be further subsidizing others, not just paying their fair share.
No, the porch sitters are the problem. Those that work and contribute on average don't out what they put in. Those that didn't work or worked very little clearly get back more than they put in. The surplus when people die early goes to the porch sitters, not to those that paid in their entire lives. If we let people forgo the tax and save on their own you would truly see who is sucking the system.
True that porch sitters are a problem, but so are all those not in SS, like many government workers.
We get an agreed upon "pension", we pay in and see our monthly benefit grow until we retire.
No one gets more than their computed benefit.
Porch sitters don't get any benefits.
The "problem" was that when the baby boomers were all working and paying into the SS system they had a huge surplus. So big that the Feds "borrowed" it and put in an IOU. Now that the boomers retired and want their SS checks, SS is running short. The DC coxuckers had better pony up and fix SS.

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