Socialism and Environmentalism: A History


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. For ever action, an equal and opposite reaction.

That's not only true in physics, but its expression can be found in political philosophies, as well.

When the industrial revolution burst upon the scene, and, as it had just begun to raise standards of living, it also produced chaos, filth, danger and a degree of misery in local environs. In fact, so much dirt and detritus that there were folks who imagined a calmer, more pastoral existence...a certain communal harmony.

2. There was a widespread desire for a socialist utopia, where "can't we all just get along" was the motto and the aim: a childish notion in which every person want the same things and is willing to give and take.

It could be framed as "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

And some still believe that to be a possibility....those for whom knowledge and experience never seem to serve as a prism through which to see the world.

3. Taking their cue from Jean Jacques Rousseau, they accepted the idea that primitives lived a much happier life- a simpler one- getting along with each other and kinship with nature, and that modern man has left those behind.
And, again....some simpletons still believe same.

In any case, many elites of the time, such as English poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey, were in the forefront of the movement, and planned to begin a socialist utopia in America...
" Pantisocracy(... meaning "equal or level government by/for all") was a Utopian scheme devised in 1794 by the poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey for an egalitarian community. It is a system of government where all rule equally. They originally intended to establish such a community on the banks of the Susquehanna River in the United States,..."
Pantisocracy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. Reality reared its ugly head when Coleridge found that Southey had no intention of putting his personal wealth into the communal pot, and that the whole 'community' would only be 5-6 acres.
Kaufman, "No Turning Back," p.46-47

4. Some got a lot further with the dream:

"Robert Marcus Owen(/ˈoʊən/; 14 May 1771 – 17 November 1858) was a Welsh social reformer and one of the founders of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. In 1824, Owen came to America to invest the bulk of his fortune in an experimental 1,000-member colony on the banks of Indiana's Wabash River, called New Harmony. New Harmony was to be a utopian, or ideal/perfect, society."
Robert Owen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. Owen's view was pretty much the same as Liberalism, communism, and all the rest: Living together with nature, and sharing, would "remove all causes for contest between individuals" and "cleanse human society of evil." "Heavens on Earth : Utopian Communities in America 1680 - 1880," Mark Holloway, p. 80.

b. New Harmony, Indiana began in 1926....and fell apart by 1830.
Meh, I see the parrallel. It ultimately comes down to liberals, aka communist, have very little personal drive or ambition to separate themselves from the pack. So it's all about the ' collective' which requires less social effort and or responsibility.

Meh, I see the parrallel. It ultimately comes down to liberals, aka communist, have very little personal drive or ambition to separate themselves from the pack. So it's all about the ' ollective' which requires less social effort and or responsibility

Drivel drivel and more drivel from you. What'd you get for Christmas? A drivel kit? Try using your spell kit with your drivel kit.
Meh, I see the parrallel. It ultimately comes down to liberals, aka communist, have very little personal drive or ambition to separate themselves from the pack. So it's all about the ' ollective' which requires less social effort and or responsibility

Drivel drivel and more drivel from you. What'd you get for Christmas? A drivel kit? Try using your spell kit with your drivel kit.

Lucky for those here at USMB, I'm using my phone this morning at the inlaws

Lucky for those here at USMB, I'm using my phone this morning at the inlaws

OK why is it lucky that you are using your phone at the inlaws? Hell I didn't even know you were married.

Thanks for asking. While the majority of Americans were sold a bag of goods twice, and now want a redux, I like being the voice of communist opposition.

Lucky for those here at USMB, I'm using my phone this morning at the inlaws

OK why is it lucky that you are using your phone at the inlaws? Hell I didn't even know you were married.

Thanks for asking. While the majority of Americans were sold a bag of goods twice, and now want a redux, I like being the voice of communist opposition.


That's the reason we are lucky you are using your phone? Well okeydokey then. Makes about as much sense as the other stuff you write.
Nothing if you support anti-business agendas under the pretense of saving the environment

You like drinking polluted water and breathing polluted air. Doing that is what you consider "taking one for the team". Right?
What's wrong with keeping the environment clean?

Nothing if you support anti-business agendas under the pretense of saving the environment

True, but the enviro movement is not only pursuing an agenda of anti-business. It is also pursing a Marxist one world government ruled by a very small elite. Surprisingly many people can't see this.
What's wrong with keeping the environment clean?

Nothing if you support anti-business agendas under the pretense of saving the environment

True, but the enviro movement is not only pursuing an agenda of anti-business. It is also pursing a Marxist one world government ruled by a very small elite. Surprisingly many people can't see this.

You people will say just about anything to protect the profitability of polluting.
Clean air, water, soil is an American necessity.

You pro-pollutionists can go play internationally with conservative anti-environmental club worldwide. Wait, that would make anti-environmentalism a worldwide fascist corporatist plot.
What's wrong with keeping the environment clean?


1. Somehow, the easily led have been convinced that owners of property are less inclined to maintain same than a distant, impersonal bureaucrat, a vassal of big government.

a. "Ownership is not only a right, it is a duty.Ownership obligates Use your property as if it had been entrusted to you by the people."
Oswald Spengler

Once one has accepted the propaganda, as you have, a reason by government to co-opt private ownership....and that corresponds to liberty, has been established.

2. 'A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity.

Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral.'
Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.

Thus the push by socialism, communism, Liberalism, to disguise itself as the only way for "keeping the environment clean."

3. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.

Now do you understand, comrade?
The above two posts are examples of individuals who fit the description of useful idiots...perfectly.

Make that the two above the one above....
What's wrong with keeping the environment clean?


1. Somehow, the easily led have been convinced that owners of property are less inclined to maintain same than a distant, impersonal bureaucrat, a vassal of big government.

a. "Ownership is not only a right, it is a duty.Ownership obligates Use your property as if it had been entrusted to you by the people."
Oswald Spengler

Once one has accepted the propaganda, as you have, a reason by government to co-opt private ownership....and that corresponds to liberty, has been established.

2. 'A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity.

Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral.'
Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.

Thus the push by socialism, communism, Liberalism, to disguise itself as the only way for "keeping the environment clean."

3. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.

Now do you understand, comrade?

Do you want me to repeat the question?
Nothing if you support anti-business agendas under the pretense of saving the environment

You like drinking polluted water and breathing polluted air. Doing that is what you consider "taking one for the team". Right?

Think this through, you actually imagine that those opposed to government taking property rights are any more in favor of "drinking polluted water and breathing polluted air" then you are????

It is classic misdirection by your taxation, regulation, convincing folks like you to accept absurd arguments....

Do you own anything?

"You didn't buy that...someone in government bought it for you...."
Would you believe that, too?
If you pollute the water on your property, and it flows downstream to do harm on someone else's property...

...whose property rights need to be protected by the Government?

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