Socialism and the purpose of government

Governments seldom "evolve" in the direction of freedom and liberty. They almost always go in the other direction, like Venezuela.
Most of Europe was governed by hereditary monarchies, but no longer. Most governments of South America are far less tyrannical today than they were 100 years ago.
Europeans were freer under monarchy than they are now under democracy. They paid far lower taxes - 5% or less, and there was almost no regulation. They didn't even have conscription. The king was subject to law just like any commoner.

Voting is not the measure of freedom. It's the measure of mob rule.

Democracy: The God That Failed | Hans-Hermann Hoppe
There is no real government in Somalia, have you ever thought about moving there?
Typical leftist argument.

It is not a argument, it is a suggestion. You claim that things are better without a central government, well we have a country right now that is in that state of being. Do you think things are better there than they are here under this central government?

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Somalia has multiple governments that wage war on each other. It's a feudal state, not an anarchy.

Anarchy is like socialism in that neither have ever existed in the true form...just varying degrees

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Anarchy actually did exist. Prior to the rise of the state, farming communities existed for thousands of years with no formal government. Most tribes in North America no formal government.

They all had rules and figures of authority, things that cannot exist in anarchy. Remember anarchy is the absence of authority, so even a tribal elder removes a tribe from anarchy.

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It is NOT the job of government to Social Engineer and try to install Communist concepts such as Economic and Social "Justice". That means GOVERNMENT is picking winners and losers and they are using people's predicaments to grow, create dependency, and further control the populace. It is a POWER GRAB veiled in altruism.

The government had been using the tax code for social engineering for as long as we have had one.

Most do not complain about it oddly enough

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Typical leftist argument.

It is not a argument, it is a suggestion. You claim that things are better without a central government, well we have a country right now that is in that state of being. Do you think things are better there than they are here under this central government?

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Somalia has multiple governments that wage war on each other. It's a feudal state, not an anarchy.

Anarchy is like socialism in that neither have ever existed in the true form...just varying degrees

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Anarchy actually did exist. Prior to the rise of the state, farming communities existed for thousands of years with no formal government. Most tribes in North America no formal government.

They all had rules and figures of authority, things that cannot exist in anarchy. Remember anarchy is the absence of authority, so even a tribal elder removes a tribe from anarchy.

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Again, anarchy is the absence of government, which if the organized monopoly on the use of force. According to your definition, a boy scout troop is a government.

Wrong. Geronimo was not the head of government. No one had to do what he said.
When colonists first settled the US Wild West they established laws to rule themselves and judges and sheriffs to enforce them. If you wanted to keep your land or cattle from being taken by others you needed the protection only a gov't could provide.
They already had government. All they brought it with them. The Indians lived there for thousands of years with no formal government. They had no means of enforcing laws other than social pressure.
They brought it with them because they choose to. The Indians had chiefs and councils and, no doubt, had rules for proper conduct. Just because they weren't written down doesn't mean they weren't formal. Don't underestimate social pressure, if you were expelled from the tribe you'd be forced into the wilderness on your own, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Your prospects for survival would be few.
Governments seldom "evolve" in the direction of freedom and liberty. They almost always go in the other direction, like Venezuela.
Most of Europe was governed by hereditary monarchies, but no longer. Most governments of South America are far less tyrannical today than they were 100 years ago.
Europeans were freer under monarchy than they are now under democracy. They paid far lower taxes - 5% or less, and there was almost no regulation. They didn't even have conscription. The king was subject to law just like any commoner.

Voting is not the measure of freedom. It's the measure of mob rule.

Democracy: The God That Failed | Hans-Hermann Hoppe

When colonists first settled the US Wild West they established laws to rule themselves and judges and sheriffs to enforce them. If you wanted to keep your land or cattle from being taken by others you needed the protection only a gov't could provide.
They already had government. All they brought it with them. The Indians lived there for thousands of years with no formal government. They had no means of enforcing laws other than social pressure.
They brought it with them because they choose to. The Indians had chiefs and councils and, no doubt, had rules for proper conduct. Just because they weren't written down doesn't mean they weren't formal. Don't underestimate social pressure, if you were expelled from the tribe you'd be forced into the wilderness on your own, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Your prospects for survival would be few.
They brought it with them because the federal government mandated that they bring it with them. Failure to obey the federal government meant the arrival of federal troops.

Government is the organized monopoly on the use of force. Anything else is not government.

Chiefs did not have the power to force anyone to do anything. Their directions were followed out of respect for their wisdom.
Again, anarchy is the absence of government, which if the organized monopoly on the use of force. According to your definition, a boy scout troop is a government.

Wrong. Geronimo was not the head of government. No one had to do what he said.

A boy scout troop is a form government, there are leaders and there are rules to be followed if you wish to remain in the troop.

The same conditions existed under Geronimo.
Again, anarchy is the absence of government, which if the organized monopoly on the use of force. According to your definition, a boy scout troop is a government.

Wrong. Geronimo was not the head of government. No one had to do what he said.

A boy scout troop is a form government, there are leaders and there are rules to be followed if you wish to remain in the troop.

The same conditions existed under Geronimo.
wrong. Being a member of a scout troop is entirely voluntary. It's not government in the formal sense.
When colonists first settled the US Wild West they established laws to rule themselves and judges and sheriffs to enforce them. If you wanted to keep your land or cattle from being taken by others you needed the protection only a gov't could provide.
They already had government. All they brought it with them. The Indians lived there for thousands of years with no formal government. They had no means of enforcing laws other than social pressure.
They brought it with them because they choose to. The Indians had chiefs and councils and, no doubt, had rules for proper conduct. Just because they weren't written down doesn't mean they weren't formal. Don't underestimate social pressure, if you were expelled from the tribe you'd be forced into the wilderness on your own, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Your prospects for survival would be few.
They brought it with them because the federal government mandated that they bring it with them. Failure to obey the federal government meant the arrival of federal troops.

Government is the organized monopoly on the use of force. Anything else is not government.

Chiefs did not have the power to force anyone to do anything. Their directions were followed out of respect for their wisdom.

The first definition of government....

: the act or process of governing specifically : authoritative direction or control
It is not a argument, it is a suggestion. You claim that things are better without a central government, well we have a country right now that is in that state of being. Do you think things are better there than they are here under this central government?
Why don't all the central-government-loving people move to Somalia and give them the "great benefit" of such a government?

Why do we have to move?

I would rather stay here and kill all the fucking commies. More fun.

Again, anarchy is the absence of government, which if the organized monopoly on the use of force. According to your definition, a boy scout troop is a government.

Wrong. Geronimo was not the head of government. No one had to do what he said.

A boy scout troop is a form government, there are leaders and there are rules to be followed if you wish to remain in the troop.

The same conditions existed under Geronimo.
wrong. Being a member of a scout troop is entirely voluntary. It's not government in the formal sense.

Being a resident of the Untied States is entirely voluntary.
When colonists first settled the US Wild West they established laws to rule themselves and judges and sheriffs to enforce them. If you wanted to keep your land or cattle from being taken by others you needed the protection only a gov't could provide.
They already had government. All they brought it with them. The Indians lived there for thousands of years with no formal government. They had no means of enforcing laws other than social pressure.
They brought it with them because they choose to. The Indians had chiefs and councils and, no doubt, had rules for proper conduct. Just because they weren't written down doesn't mean they weren't formal. Don't underestimate social pressure, if you were expelled from the tribe you'd be forced into the wilderness on your own, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Your prospects for survival would be few.
They brought it with them because the federal government mandated that they bring it with them. Failure to obey the federal government meant the arrival of federal troops.

Government is the organized monopoly on the use of force. Anything else is not government.

Chiefs did not have the power to force anyone to do anything. Their directions were followed out of respect for their wisdom.

The first definition of government....

: the act or process of governing specifically : authoritative direction or control
Here's the third definition:

Exercise of authority in a political unit; rule.
Read about common law. Methods for settling disputes were not created by the king.
Just because laws were not handed down by a king does not mean they lived in the absence of government or in a stateless society. The evolution of common law IS government. It IS the state.

The state is inevitable. Ignoring that reality does not solve the real problem. Accept that proven truth so we can all beat the shit out of the state and make it our bitch, not our master.

Over the centuries the common people developed their own system for setting disputes which was entirely separate from the central government. It evolved organically. It's the system of law mentioned in the Constitution: common law.
Again, you are not talking about anarchy or a stateless society. THAT IS a form of government. That IS a state.

It is not a argument, it is a suggestion. You claim that things are better without a central government, well we have a country right now that is in that state of being. Do you think things are better there than they are here under this central government?
Why don't all the central-government-loving people move to Somalia and give them the "great benefit" of such a government?

Why do we have to move?

I would rather stay here and kill all the fucking commies. More fun.

"Move to Somalia"...Another go-to cry of the leftist authoritarian....Golfing Gomer outs himself more and more as the totalitarian goon that he is by the post.

So, what you are saying is that the Fed government exerts control over what is produced by our farmers and ranchers, and that is a good thing?

Yes. That's what he's saying. Trumpsters aren't libertarians. They adore authoritarian government.

Being intelligent enough to recognize that .GOV has a role to play in society does not equate to "adoring authoritarian government".
You megalomaniacs (Libertarians) refuse to wrap your head around the simplicity.

Libertarians are "megalomaniacs"???

BL brings the best BS.

Literally every single self proclaimed “Libertarian” I know is the smartest guy in the room, every room...just ask them. They are all way too smart for Christianity and way too smart for the political parties that actually play in the game and matter.

And how does that make them "megalomaniacs"? Do you need a dictionary?

What else can I teach you?

meg·a·lo·ma·nia | \ ˌme-gə-lō-ˈmā-nē-ə , -nyə\
Definition of megalomania

1: a mania (see MANIA sense 2a) for great or grandiose performancean outburst of wildly extravagant commercial megalomania— The Times Literary Supplement (London)
2: a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
Being a resident of the Untied States is entirely voluntary.
No...REMAINING a resident is "voluntary". Being a resident happened without regard to our free will.

I think that is the main hang up between you two.


Fair point. Odd though as much as these people seem to think it sucks here under such an oppressive government that they do not leave for somewhere is almost as if there is not somewhere better.

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Again, anarchy is the absence of government, which if the organized monopoly on the use of force. According to your definition, a boy scout troop is a government.

Wrong. Geronimo was not the head of government. No one had to do what he said.

A boy scout troop is a form government, there are leaders and there are rules to be followed if you wish to remain in the troop.

The same conditions existed under Geronimo.
wrong. Being a member of a scout troop is entirely voluntary. It's not government in the formal sense.

Being a resident of the Untied States is entirely voluntary.
Right. it's "voluntary" in the same sense that handing your wallet over to a mugger is "voluntary" and paying protection money to Guido the leg breaker is "voluntary." We've already discussed your criminal's definition of the term.
It is not a argument, it is a suggestion. You claim that things are better without a central government, well we have a country right now that is in that state of being. Do you think things are better there than they are here under this central government?
Why don't all the central-government-loving people move to Somalia and give them the "great benefit" of such a government?

Why do we have to move?

I would rather stay here and kill all the fucking commies. More fun.


Somalia is the current example of a nation with no central government.

If not having a central government is the solution too all our problems, why is Somalia such a shithole?

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