Socialism Ascendant

12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

While I deeply appreciate all the hard work you put into this thread and the well thought-out responses to the usual monkeys-in-a-cage, poo-throwing dimocraps.....

We don't need to read a Master's Thesis on the topic of socialism to know that it has failed every time it has been tried.

Simple observation will tell you that. If you're literate which, it seems, most dimocrap scum are not. Or they wouldn't be so uninformed.

And even to the typical illiterate dimocrap scumbag; all they gotta do is look around.

Look at areas controlled by dimocrap scum -- Chicago -- 52 shot, 10 dead just this weekend. And the butt-ranger Smollett.

New Yawk, DeBlowsiahole. What a douche. The City is fillthier than it's ever been. And THAT is saying something.

Sang Frang -- Needles in the streets, human feces on the sidewalks, tents on any green patch they can find

LA is even worse, so is Seattle and so is Portland. All dimocrap scum controlled. While the elites live in gated, guarded, isolated and monitored enclaves, the normal people have to pay through the ass for -- Everything.

New Mexico, a haven for dimocrap scum for decades....... An 11 year old girl is practicing sliding into base at a park and gets a hypodermic needle stuck in her foot.

New Mexico Little League Field Littered With Discarded Syringes

Wonder what kind of diseases and viruses were on that thing.

I don't know if it's the system that is depraved and degenerate or if it's the people that advocate it that are depraved and degenerate scum. I suspect both are in play.

But no matter where socialism or dimocrap scumism goes, it brings disease, despair, poverty, filth, crime and corruption.

I don't mean one or two of those things. I mean ALL of those things.

dimocraps are scum. They aren't worth anything. They're oxygen thieves.

ALL of them
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

13. One of the many disguises socialists/communists use is to come up with new titles for totalitarianism:

The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).

Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.

From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

14. “”The Socialist International carries the torch for Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotzky, and Josef Stalin. Pay no attention to the desperate attempts by socialists to distance themselves from Stalin. For our purposes, it suffices to observe that every single tenet of the Socialist International is the exact opposite of the principles upon which America was founded, and which define the U.S. Constitution. DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at the Cards on the Table14758

Even if you are a government school grad, try to figure out what you stand for.

Then, see if the party you support fits that view.

Americans will find that view and the Democrat Party mutually exclusive.

While I deeply appreciate all the hard work you put into this thread and the well thought-out responses to the usual monkeys-in-a-cage, poo-throwing dimocraps.....

We don't need to read a Master's Thesis on the topic of socialism to know that it has failed every time it has been tried.

Simple observation will tell you that. If you're literate which, it seems, most dimocrap scum are not. Or they wouldn't be so uninformed.

And even to the typical illiterate dimocrap scumbag; all they gotta do is look around.

Look at areas controlled by dimocrap scum -- Chicago -- 52 shot, 10 dead just this weekend. And the butt-ranger Smollett.

New Yawk, DeBlowsiahole. What a douche. The City is fillthier than it's ever been. And THAT is saying something.

Sang Frang -- Needles in the streets, human feces on the sidewalks, tents on any green patch they can find

LA is even worse, so is Seattle and so is Portland. All dimocrap scum controlled. While the elites live in gated, guarded, isolated and monitored enclaves, the normal people have to pay through the ass for -- Everything.

New Mexico, a haven for dimocrap scum for decades....... An 11 year old girl is practicing sliding into base at a park and gets a hypodermic needle stuck in her foot.

New Mexico Little League Field Littered With Discarded Syringes

Wonder what kind of diseases and viruses were on that thing.

I don't know if it's the system that is depraved and degenerate or if it's the people that advocate it that are depraved and degenerate scum. I suspect both are in play.

But no matter where socialism or dimocrap scumism goes, it brings disease, despair, poverty, filth, crime and corruption.

I don't mean one or two of those things. I mean ALL of those things.

dimocraps are scum. They aren't worth anything. They're oxygen thieves.

ALL of them

Well, Edgey, I don't try to preach to the posts are for government school grads who have been deprived of the truth.

They've been 'taught' via the Mushroom Management technique: "Keep 'em in the dark, and feed 'em......manure."

They need every single bit of remediation I can provide, and I try to do so in context, with links, sources for them to check and documentation.

I certainly am happy when you have the time and interest to read same, and add to the threads, but you already know the facts.

Our benighted friends don't.

Let's give 'em all the help we can.

While I deeply appreciate all the hard work you put into this thread and the well thought-out responses to the usual monkeys-in-a-cage, poo-throwing dimocraps.....

We don't need to read a Master's Thesis on the topic of socialism to know that it has failed every time it has been tried.

Simple observation will tell you that. If you're literate which, it seems, most dimocrap scum are not. Or they wouldn't be so uninformed.

And even to the typical illiterate dimocrap scumbag; all they gotta do is look around.

Look at areas controlled by dimocrap scum -- Chicago -- 52 shot, 10 dead just this weekend. And the butt-ranger Smollett.

New Yawk, DeBlowsiahole. What a douche. The City is fillthier than it's ever been. And THAT is saying something.

Sang Frang -- Needles in the streets, human feces on the sidewalks, tents on any green patch they can find

LA is even worse, so is Seattle and so is Portland. All dimocrap scum controlled. While the elites live in gated, guarded, isolated and monitored enclaves, the normal people have to pay through the ass for -- Everything.

New Mexico, a haven for dimocrap scum for decades....... An 11 year old girl is practicing sliding into base at a park and gets a hypodermic needle stuck in her foot.

New Mexico Little League Field Littered With Discarded Syringes

Wonder what kind of diseases and viruses were on that thing.

I don't know if it's the system that is depraved and degenerate or if it's the people that advocate it that are depraved and degenerate scum. I suspect both are in play.

But no matter where socialism or dimocrap scumism goes, it brings disease, despair, poverty, filth, crime and corruption.

I don't mean one or two of those things. I mean ALL of those things.

dimocraps are scum. They aren't worth anything. They're oxygen thieves.

ALL of them

Well, Edgey, I don't try to preach to the posts are for government school grads who have been deprived of the truth.

They've been 'taught' via the Mushroom Management technique: "Keep 'em in the dark, and feed 'em......manure."

They need every single bit of remediation I can provide, and I try to do so in context, with links, sources for them to check and documentation.

I certainly am happy when you have the time and interest to read same, and add to the threads, but you already know the facts.

Our benighted friends don't.

Let's give 'em all the help we can.


While I deeply appreciate all the hard work you put into this thread and the well thought-out responses to the usual monkeys-in-a-cage, poo-throwing dimocraps.....

We don't need to read a Master's Thesis on the topic of socialism to know that it has failed every time it has been tried.

Simple observation will tell you that. If you're literate which, it seems, most dimocrap scum are not. Or they wouldn't be so uninformed.

And even to the typical illiterate dimocrap scumbag; all they gotta do is look around.

Look at areas controlled by dimocrap scum -- Chicago -- 52 shot, 10 dead just this weekend. And the butt-ranger Smollett.

New Yawk, DeBlowsiahole. What a douche. The City is fillthier than it's ever been. And THAT is saying something.

Sang Frang -- Needles in the streets, human feces on the sidewalks, tents on any green patch they can find

LA is even worse, so is Seattle and so is Portland. All dimocrap scum controlled. While the elites live in gated, guarded, isolated and monitored enclaves, the normal people have to pay through the ass for -- Everything.

New Mexico, a haven for dimocrap scum for decades....... An 11 year old girl is practicing sliding into base at a park and gets a hypodermic needle stuck in her foot.

New Mexico Little League Field Littered With Discarded Syringes

Wonder what kind of diseases and viruses were on that thing.

I don't know if it's the system that is depraved and degenerate or if it's the people that advocate it that are depraved and degenerate scum. I suspect both are in play.

But no matter where socialism or dimocrap scumism goes, it brings disease, despair, poverty, filth, crime and corruption.

I don't mean one or two of those things. I mean ALL of those things.

dimocraps are scum. They aren't worth anything. They're oxygen thieves.

ALL of them

Well, Edgey, I don't try to preach to the posts are for government school grads who have been deprived of the truth.

They've been 'taught' via the Mushroom Management technique: "Keep 'em in the dark, and feed 'em......manure."

They need every single bit of remediation I can provide, and I try to do so in context, with links, sources for them to check and documentation.

I certainly am happy when you have the time and interest to read same, and add to the threads, but you already know the facts.

Our benighted friends don't.

Let's give 'em all the help we can.


Could be worse.
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years should be labeled the three M Congress:

Last edited:
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

In the OLD days they indoctrinated them to be CHRISTIANS, to FEAR pot, gays, divorce and sex outside of marriage....

politicalmaroon wants to bring us back to THOSE days....

So if it is a choice between indoctrinating them to be nice or indoctrinating them to be rotten then I choose NICE!.....

cons want ROTTEN......
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

In the OLD days they indoctrinated them to be CHRISTIANS, to FEAR pot, gays, divorce and sex outside of marriage....

politicalmaroon wants to bring us back to THOSE days....

So if it is a choice between indoctrinating them to be nice or indoctrinating them to be rotten then I choose NICE!.....

cons want ROTTEN......

Link or lie?
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

In the OLD days they indoctrinated them to be CHRISTIANS, to FEAR pot, gays, divorce and sex outside of marriage....

politicalmaroon wants to bring us back to THOSE days....

So if it is a choice between indoctrinating them to be nice or indoctrinating them to be rotten then I choose NICE!.....

cons want ROTTEN......
Schools shouldn't be shoving any opinions down their throat.
Religion, gays, morality or any subjective notions.
Heck, I'm down for ending the learning curve at 10th grade and let the last 2 years be nothing but skills training.
Skills, facts and critical thinking.
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?

It's not just socialism/communism your party desires.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?

It's not just socialism/communism your party desires.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

That's a mouth full; I can smell it right now.

And yet, you didn't respond to question #4: Why are all MAGA items made in China"
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup

Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?

It's not just socialism/communism your party desires.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

That's a mouth full; I can smell it right now.

And yet, you didn't respond to question #4: Why are all MAGA items made in China"

Your ilk slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to support Leftism.....socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, Modern Liberalism, ....

....and hats are your greatest problem????

If we leave a window open at either side of your head....would the wind gusts be measurable on the Beaumont Scale?

Need an anemometer be used?
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.
Both are corporatist scum, who have done their share to destroy real laissez-faire.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
I know of no libertarian who believes in using tax policy (i.e. market aggression) as a supposed driver of the marketplace.....The "right" are every bit as big a bunch of socialist oligarchs as their alleged counterparts.
Not everyone is ready to secure employment in the 21st Century; I recall President Clinton speaking out about this new century, and along with VP Gore going to high schools where the wiring were being installed to be ready for the computer age.

Then we got GW Bush, and like Trump, the people saw what they didn't support.

In 2000, Gore/Lieberman won the popular vote over Bush/Cheney 50.9 million to 50.4 million, yet lost the election due to the Electoral College.

In the final count, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes. According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.

It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric, given the inability of the GOP to govern a nation of 300 + million diverse citizens - and especially now that autocracy leads and chaos have existed in the White House since Jan. 2017, and the Republican Congress which held The Majority for eight full years.

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?

It's not just socialism/communism your party desires.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

That's a mouth full; I can smell it right now.

And yet, you didn't respond to question #4: Why are all MAGA items made in China"

Your ilk slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to support Leftism.....socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, Modern Liberalism, ....

....and hats are your greatest problem????

If we leave a window open at either side of your head....would the wind gusts be measurable on the Beaumont Scale?

Need an anemometer be used?

You still haven't answered the question.

My ilk served during WW I [US Army], WW II [US Navy] and I served during the Vietnam Conflict [US Navy].

What did you serve [cocktails in a dive bar?].
Did America's socialism start with these words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights...?
12. Even with government schools as their tool, folks might catch on if they admitted that socialism is not any different from communism…..or Liberalism:

The center of all of those is the dominance of the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."

The Liberal Crackup
The Marxist definition of socialism is that it is a stepping stone to communism. What history has taught us is that no matter where a society is on that path, it is doomed.

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