Socialism Ascendant

School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

I remember in elementary school the day our teacher told the class the Pledge of Intelligence added two words: "under God".

Given the false pathos of conservatives today, and their efforts to divide our nation, they seem to have rejected the Sermon on the Mount and E pluribus unum.

I wonder how many school districts no longer refer to our nation as a melting pot?
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

I remember in elementary school the day our teacher told the class the Pledge of Intelligence added two words: "under God".

Given the false pathos of conservatives today, and their efforts to divide our nation, they seem to have rejected the Sermon on the Mount and E pluribus unum.

I wonder how many school districts no longer refer to our nation as a melting pot?

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

I'm certain that anyone who has seen your attempts at posting were already aware.
Case in point.... We pay $526/mo health/dental/vision/life.
If I lived in taxes would be approx. $1200/mo more.
9. “The good news is America contains antibodies against socialism. As Seymour Martin Lipset and Gary Marks wrote in 2000, "Features of the United States that Tocqueville, and many others since, have focused on include its relatively high levels of social egalitarianism, economic productivity, and social mobility (particularly into elite strata), alongside the strength of religion, the weakness of the central state, the earlier timing of electoral democracy, ethnic and racial diversity, and the absence of feudal remnants, especially fixed social classes."

The title of Lipset and Marks's book is It Didn't HappenHere. And as long as we uphold and defend the political and cultural elements that make America exceptional, it won't.”
America's Best Defense Against Socialism

10. “We stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom -- and we condemn the brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair.

Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence --- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”
2019 State of the Union: Read the full transcript - CNNPolitics

I certainly hope he is right.
So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?


School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

I remember in elementary school the day our teacher told the class the Pledge of Intelligence added two words: "under God".

Given the false pathos of conservatives today, and their efforts to divide our nation, they seem to have rejected the Sermon on the Mount and E pluribus unum.

I wonder how many school districts no longer refer to our nation as a melting pot?

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

I'm certain that anyone who has seen your attempts at posting were already aware.

You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk. You may baffle the biddable, but offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality.

We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists, it scares the biddable and 30%, + for - of voters, will always fall prey to the hate and fear mongers like you.
Postscript to post #46:

Something a foreign born person like you won't know, the motto of the United States is, e. pluribus unum. Every thread you've posted rejects this motto, and in fact you've never written anything in standard English, outlines are short forms, not expository arguments.
You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk. You may baffle the biddable, but offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality.

We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists, it scares the biddable and 30%, + for - of voters, will always fall prey to the hate and fear mongers like you.

I had a pretty good friend at work for a few years. He was Venezuelan. Nice guy.

We tried to warn him about socialism, too. But he promised that Chavez wasn't really a socialist and he was going back so he could be part of it.

Haven't seen him in a long, long time but last I heard, he was in Miami.

socialists are lying scum. And stupid.

Every last one of them

Even if they don't start out as murderous, totalitarian scum, they end up that way. ALL of them.

And every last one of them started out as a populist. for the people, etc, etc ad nauseam

If you went back and read about what Castro was saying during his time, what Lenin was saying, what Chavez was saying..... What ALL of them were saying --

They'd sound just like you. Not a bit of difference.

But this time, you're gonna do it right......... :auiqs.jpg:
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
IMHO, the appeal of socialism can be linked directly to the flaws in American politics. People are told how badly they are being treated, they see corporate excesses (e.g., raising drug prices without an obvious reason), people making extraordinary sums of money (e.g., corporate raiders putting people out of work by buying companies and closing factories), job insecurity, stagnant wages, raising costs, etc. and they need someone or something to blame. They are angry and angry people look for solutions outside the system. That is certainly Trump's and Bernie's appeal.

If we want to keep our system of capitalism we need to ensure it is following strict rules and those rules take into account that we are a nation of people, not just a nation of businesses.
IMHO, the appeal of socialism can be linked directly to the flaws in American politics. People are told how badly they are being treated, they see corporate excesses (e.g., raising drug prices without an obvious reason), people making extraordinary sums of money (e.g., corporate raiders putting people out of work by buying companies and closing factories), job insecurity, stagnant wages, raising costs, etc. and they need someone or something to blame. They are angry and angry people look for solutions outside the system. That is certainly Trump's and Bernie's appeal.

If we want to keep our system of capitalism we need to ensure it is following strict rules and those rules take into account that we are a nation of people, not just a nation of businesses.


socialism appeals to stupid people.

Hanlon's Razor, dewd (or dewdette)
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

I remember in elementary school the day our teacher told the class the Pledge of Intelligence added two words: "under God".

Given the false pathos of conservatives today, and their efforts to divide our nation, they seem to have rejected the Sermon on the Mount and E pluribus unum.

I wonder how many school districts no longer refer to our nation as a melting pot?

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

I'm certain that anyone who has seen your attempts at posting were already aware.

You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk. You may baffle the biddable, but offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality.

We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists, it scares the biddable and 30%, + for - of voters, will always fall prey to the hate and fear mongers like you.

1. "You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk."

Yet, I am never wrong.

That's what you mean, isn't it.

2. "...offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality."

Let's check.....see if you can find any errors in the OP:

Socialism Ascendant

...if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.”America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

You couldn't???? Not even one thing wrong????

So THAT'S the reason for the insipid vituperation you attempted.

"Truth is the mother of hatred."
By Ausonius

3. "We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists,...."

Why are you Leftists such cowards, afraid to stand up on your own four legs, but pretend, instead, that there is a whole crowd cheering you on.

So're just a lonely, lowly, simpleton.

4. And the Democrats?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Postscript to post #46:

Something a foreign born person like you won't know, the motto of the United States is, e. pluribus unum. Every thread you've posted rejects this motto, and in fact you've never written anything in standard English, outlines are short forms, not expository arguments.

1. "Something a foreign born person like you won't know, the motto of the United States is, e. pluribus unum."
Actually, birthplace aside, I am more of an American than you are.

2. There are three competing ideologies for the allegiance of mankind: Leftist, Islamist, and American.
  1. Islamist refers to those who wish to see as much of the world as possible governed by Sharia.
  2. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.]
  3. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
  4. The three ideologies are incompatible: any one of them succeeds at the expense of the other two. Dennis Prager, “Still The Best Hope”
11. What need be underlined is that Socialism is the very same as Communism in the end: both have the same endgame for society.

Manly: The Twenty Year Revolution:
The Communists and their Marxist cousins, the Socialists,

have worked for revolution since the advent of the New Deal

twenty-one years ago by infiltrating government offices, labor

unions, schools and colleges, churches, radio and television,

the movies, the publishing business.

As another attempt to hide the nature of the system is to pretend it is different from the system that slaughters some 100 million people, communism….it isn’t.

In an article on socialism in the Encyclopedia Britannica, Prof. G. D. H. Cole, a leading theoretician and historian of the British Labor Party, declares: The distinction between socialism as distinguished by various Labor and Socialist parties of Europe and the New World, and communism, as represented by the Russians and minority parties in other countries is one of tactics-and-strategy rather than one of objective. Communism is indeed only socialism pursued by revolutionary means and making its revolutionary method a canon of faith...."
In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels stated that communist ends can be attained "only by the forcible overthrow
of all existing social conditions."

Socialists are simply Communists sans grenades.

Although....the military wing of the Democrat Party, ANTIFA, blurs the line.
Postscript to post #46:

Something a foreign born person like you won't know, the motto of the United States is, e. pluribus unum. Every thread you've posted rejects this motto, and in fact you've never written anything in standard English, outlines are short forms, not expository arguments.

I really need a higher level of opposition than this......

The keep sending in the clowns......
IMHO, the appeal of socialism can be linked directly to the flaws in American politics. People are told how badly they are being treated, they see corporate excesses (e.g., raising drug prices without an obvious reason), people making extraordinary sums of money (e.g., corporate raiders putting people out of work by buying companies and closing factories), job insecurity, stagnant wages, raising costs, etc. and they need someone or something to blame. They are angry and angry people look for solutions outside the system. That is certainly Trump's and Bernie's appeal.

If we want to keep our system of capitalism we need to ensure it is following strict rules and those rules take into account that we are a nation of people, not just a nation of businesses.


socialism appeals to stupid people.

Hanlon's Razor, dewd (or dewdette)
Some are stupid, some are angry, some are ignorant, and some are hopelessly naive and idealistic. And some are none of those things. Of course, that can be said of any 'ism' so what's your point?
School has always been an indoctrination center. You just don't agree with what they are brainwashing them with now.

I remember in elementary school the day our teacher told the class the Pledge of Intelligence added two words: "under God".

Given the false pathos of conservatives today, and their efforts to divide our nation, they seem to have rejected the Sermon on the Mount and E pluribus unum.

I wonder how many school districts no longer refer to our nation as a melting pot?

So we can agree that the OP is beyond your ken?

I'm certain that anyone who has seen your attempts at posting were already aware.

You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk. You may baffle the biddable, but offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality.

We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists, it scares the biddable and 30%, + for - of voters, will always fall prey to the hate and fear mongers like you.

"We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists,....."

Watch me destroy you again.......

"2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate Booed for Denouncing Socialism

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers Sunday, June 2, 2019 at 4:00pm
John Hickenlooper: “If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,”

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper was booed while speaking at the California Democratic Party Convention on Saturday after he denounced socialism.

“If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer,” Hickenlooper told the audience, prompting boos. “I was reelected in a purple state in 2014, one of the worst years for democrats in a quarter-century,” he continued to loud expressions of disapproval.

Following his speech at the convention, Hickenlooper, who has previously defended our economic system as “the only one that can sustain a strong middle class,” told the Hill that Democrats are making a mistake by embracing socialism..."
2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate Booed for Denouncing Socialism

Should I change my avi to "NeverWrong"???????

I may get tired of winning....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are an arrogant, divisive, sociopathic and bombastic jerk. You may baffle the biddable, but offer nothing to freethinkers and those grounded in reality.

We get the efforts to label the Democratic Party as Socialists, it scares the biddable and 30%, + for - of voters, will always fall prey to the hate and fear mongers like you.

I had a pretty good friend at work for a few years. He was Venezuelan. Nice guy.

We tried to warn him about socialism, too. But he promised that Chavez wasn't really a socialist and he was going back so he could be part of it.

Haven't seen him in a long, long time but last I heard, he was in Miami.

socialists are lying scum. And stupid.

Every last one of them

Even if they don't start out as murderous, totalitarian scum, they end up that way. ALL of them.

And every last one of them started out as a populist. for the people, etc, etc ad nauseam

If you went back and read about what Castro was saying during his time, what Lenin was saying, what Chavez was saying..... What ALL of them were saying --

They'd sound just like you. Not a bit of difference.

But this time, you're gonna do it right......... :auiqs.jpg:

I'd suggest you've been brainwashed, but the facts seem to be you are uneducated on Political Economy.***

*** Political economy

The current attack on the Democratic Party is built on a foundation of ignorance, hate and fear. This strategy by the 21st Century iteration of conservative Republicans, rejects the concept of a Social Contract,and makes the claim that government which provides social services is evil, always autocratic and never successful.

This is one of the many BIG LIES which the callous conservatives thrive on.
Socialism and Communism are an fantastic utopia at the beginning. Everyone is happy, everyone doing the jobs that they want, everyone living their lives.


The first year, maybe two are great. Then there's a shortage and someone needs to make up for that shortage.

Socialism and Communism ends in the government dictating everyone's lives.

You want to go to college or university? Sorry, your scores aren't good enough, you are going to be a farmer and you better produce or you will be replace. Of course, your body won't be found.

You want a job? Sure, here you go. You are now a janitor...clean this crap up.

You want a place to live? Sure, here's an apartment within walking distance of your new job. No, you can't have a car, you don't need it.

You are too stupid to get married although this person here is stupid too and we need cannon fodder so sure, get married, have a bunch of kids.

Just remember, this is all for the greater good. Do your job, produce more than you consume and all is well. Don't and we execute you plus we will bill your family for the bullet.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
IMHO, the appeal of socialism can be linked directly to the flaws in American politics. People are told how badly they are being treated, they see corporate excesses (e.g., raising drug prices without an obvious reason), people making extraordinary sums of money (e.g., corporate raiders putting people out of work by buying companies and closing factories), job insecurity, stagnant wages, raising costs, etc. and they need someone or something to blame. They are angry and angry people look for solutions outside the system. That is certainly Trump's and Bernie's appeal.

If we want to keep our system of capitalism we need to ensure it is following strict rules and those rules take into account that we are a nation of people, not just a nation of businesses.

The problem is one party seeks to privatize everything, seeking to limit and / or repeal governmental regulations and interference; the other side rejects lassiez faire capitalism and puts the protection of consumers and the earth's air, water and soil, which is alien to the profiteers.
Socialism and Communism are an fantastic utopia at the beginning. Everyone is happy, everyone doing the jobs that they want, everyone living their lives.


The first year, maybe two are great. Then there's a shortage and someone needs to make up for that shortage.

Socialism and Communism ends in the government dictating everyone's lives.

You want to go to college or university? Sorry, your scores aren't good enough, you are going to be a farmer and you better produce or you will be replace. Of course, your body won't be found.

You want a job? Sure, here you go. You are now a janitor...clean this crap up.

You want a place to live? Sure, here's an apartment within walking distance of your new job. No, you can't have a car, you don't need it.

You are too stupid to get married although this person here is stupid too and we need cannon fodder so sure, get married, have a bunch of kids.

Just remember, this is all for the greater good. Do your job, produce more than you consume and all is well. Don't and we execute you plus we will bill your family for the bullet.

You don't describe Socialism, you describe how Russia and China and other self proclaimed communist countries abused the idealism of Marx and became authoritarian; the masses were tehn under the thumbs of oligarchs,

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