Socialism Ascendant

"It seems the Republican message, hate and fear of SOCIALISM doesn't fly, ...."


Exactly what I wrote!
Democrats formerly tried to hide that they were pro-socialism….y’know, when they pretended they were Americans.

Now, socialist is keen, but maybe not ready to admit that they are out-and-out communists.

1. After trying to deny yours is the socialist party, now you're admitting it.

2. There is no difference between socialism and communism, other than the guns. Both endorse the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

3. After your doctrines required over 100 million slaughtered to enforce their achievement, you claim "most of our citizens are too smart to fall for this rhetoric."


You can't deny that these are the facts.

4. As the saying goes, 'within each of us we carry the seeds of our own destruction.' It is equally true of this once great nation produces mindless drones like you, out to advance socialism, communism, totalitarianism.

The facts you're blind to:

“During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

…there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

…socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???

1. Most democrats and liberals want SOCIALISM similar to Norway and Finland. 2 of the happiest countries in the world!

2. you keep insisting that democrats and liberals want to be like russia or china. That is a lie.

3. if SOCIALISM (like china?) is so bad.....why is china
A. so militarily powerful
B. an economic power that will soon overtake the US?

seems like it is working for them

and they have less crime!

and pretty much most of the same freedoms....

I would think that you would be happy in a country that persecutes liberals.

4. Why are all MAGA items made in china?

It's not just socialism/communism your party desires.....

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

That's a mouth full; I can smell it right now.

And yet, you didn't respond to question #4: Why are all MAGA items made in China"

Your ilk slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to support Leftism.....socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, Modern Liberalism, ....

....and hats are your greatest problem????

If we leave a window open at either side of your head....would the wind gusts be measurable on the Beaumont Scale?

Need an anemometer be used?

You still haven't answered the question.

My ilk served during WW I [US Army], WW II [US Navy] and I served during the Vietnam Conflict [US Navy].

What did you serve [cocktails in a dive bar?].

I can see why you'd rather change the subject, as the socialism/communism that you espouse is indefensible.

But I won't allow it.

At some future date I may tell you of the ways my family has served this nation, but it has nothing to do with the fact that the positions we each take are:

a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now either stick to the subject, or slither off.
Did America's socialism start with these words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights...?

Socialism has nothing to do with equality.

Thankfully, Republicans were able to pry the slaves out of Democrat hands.

A reminder, this is your party:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

....and this.....

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

Quite a disgusting anti-American bunch.

Don't you agree?
When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.
When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.

What a sophomoric attempt to change the subject.

Stupid attempt, ever for you.

The list is what Democrats have proposed and stand for.

Whether or not they keep their commitments is a statement about how much Liberals/Democrats can be counted on for the truth.

When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.

What a sophomoric attempt to change the subject.

Stupid attempt, ever for you.

The list is what Democrats have proposed and stand for.

Whether or not they keep their commitments is a statement about how much Liberals/Democrats can be counted on for the truth.


PoliticalChic's great-grand mother, when seeing the first horseless carriage yelled out, "Get a horse"; her grandmother standing on the hill at Kitty Hawk mocked the Wright Brothers and called out, "it'll never fly"; her mom watching JFK's speech on putting a man on the moon, told little PC, that man is liar, men will never walk on the moon.

Thus the education of PC ended, except for the few months she spent at Columbia Continuation Middle School before her expulsion.
When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.

What a sophomoric attempt to change the subject.

Stupid attempt, ever for you.

The list is what Democrats have proposed and stand for.

Whether or not they keep their commitments is a statement about how much Liberals/Democrats can be counted on for the truth.


PoliticalChic's great-grand mother, when seeing the first horseless carriage yelled out, "Get a horse"; her grandmother standing on the hill at Kitty Hawk mocked the Wright Brothers and called out, "it'll never fly"; her mom watching JFK's speech on putting a man on the moon, told little PC, that man is liar, men will never walk on the moon.

Thus the education of PC ended, except for the few months she spent at Columbia Continuation Middle School before her expulsion.

It appears that your attempt to get over my having ripped you a new one, is to default to what passes for humor among the less intellectually equipped.

It is one more mistaken choice you've made this day.

At the heart of your error is the suggestion that socialism is an advance for society.
Au is coercion, theft, violence by the collective against the individual.

Your ability and your views are both of the jungle, the savagery of 'might makes right.'

Please, no more of your attempts at cleverness, in fact, save everyone from the boredom of future posts.
Be assured, if you were to stop'd be the only one to know it.
The battle to restore sanity to the Democrat Party appears to be losing to the insane wing.....

"Socialism debate roils Democratic primary
A fierce debate over socialism has erupted among Democrats, with several centrist presidential candidates warning that progressive proposals on health care and the environment that have dominated the primary are a surefire way to get President Trump reelected.

Three low-polling contenders — former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Sen. Michael Bennet (Colo.) and former Rep. John Delaney (Md.) — are unloading on socialism or taking shots at “Medicare for All” and the Green New Deal, which have gone mainstream in the Democratic Party since being embraced by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren(Mass.), as well as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.).

...they were booed mercilessly by the liberal crowd.

Now they’ve become targets for the party’s energized left wing, including Ocasio-Cortez, who encouraged Delaney to “sashay away” from the race after he said that Medicare for All would result in hospital bankruptcies and cost 150 million Americans access to health insurance."
Socialism debate roils Democratic primary

"Whom The Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad."

....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
What is it about 47% that is so mystical? Romney referred to it too. I do like the "talking to people" definition. Approved of in all 57 states.
When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.

What a sophomoric attempt to change the subject.

Stupid attempt, ever for you.

The list is what Democrats have proposed and stand for.

Whether or not they keep their commitments is a statement about how much Liberals/Democrats can be counted on for the truth.


PoliticalChic's great grandmother, when seeing the first horseless carriage yelled out, "Get a horse"; her grandmother standing on the hill at Kitty Hawk mocked the Wright Brothers and called out, "it'll never fly"; her mom watching JFK's speech on putting a man on the moon, told little PC, that man is liar, men will never walk on the moon.

Thus the education of PC ended, except for the few months she spent at Columbia Continuation Middle School before her expulsion
Last edited:
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

This is the aim of the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives, here, in America:

"European Union: A Massive Expansion of Top-down Powers
...calling for a massive expansion of top-down powers of the European Commission. Her proposals would substantially increase the role of Brussels in virtually all aspects of economic and social life in Europe — all at the expense of national sovereignty.

... a comprehensive "European Rule of Law Mechanism" to ensure the primacy of EU law over the national laws of EU
member states. She warned that there would be financial consequences for member states that refuse to comply.... She called for a change in rules so that the EU could act even without the unanimous consent of EU member states.

  • "What you've seen from Ursula von der Leyen today is an attempt by the EU to take control of every single aspect of our lives. She wants to build a centralized, undemocratic, updated form of Communism that will render [obsolete] nation state parliaments, where the state controls everything, where nation state parliaments will cease to have any relevance at all."
    European Union: A Massive Expansion of Top-down Powers
When does the banning cars and airplanes go into effect? Why would Trump allow that? Must be part of Trump's plan to stop illegal immigration; I mean if they can't drive or fly to the border, bingo, no more illegal immigrants. That Trump can out-wit anyone.

What a sophomoric attempt to change the subject.

Stupid attempt, ever for you.

The list is what Democrats have proposed and stand for.

Whether or not they keep their commitments is a statement about how much Liberals/Democrats can be counted on for the truth.


Another stupid Trumpette who thinks the NGD calls for elimination of cars & air travel.
Did America's socialism start with these words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights...?

Socialism has nothing to do with equality.

Thankfully, Republicans were able to pry the slaves out of Democrat hands.

A reminder, this is your party:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

....and this.....

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

Quite a disgusting anti-American bunch.

Don't you agree?

Slaves wwere also pried from the hands of Republicans. I see you are another ignorant POS who thinks Democrats were for slavery ignoring that slavery was basically regional.

Replacing ICE

The EC is out of date & no longer needed. 2016 proved it was flawed.

Replacing private insurance with single payer.

Trump is trying to pack the USSC & you love it. McConnell pissed on the Constitution to pack the USSC. You loved it.

We have a safety net now. This approach enourages employment. I am not surprised you can't understand it.

You elected a rapist, why not give them the vote?
Did America's socialism start with these words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights...?

Socialism has nothing to do with equality.

Thankfully, Republicans were able to pry the slaves out of Democrat hands.

A reminder, this is your party:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…

....and this.....

Not just refusing to finance a wall on the southern border….but tearing down existing barriers

Abolishing ICE

Scrapping the electoral college

Eliminating all private health insurance

Packing the Supreme Court

Lowering the voting age to sixteen

Banning cars and airplanes

Financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work’

Reparations for slavery

Reparations for drug dealers

Giving murders and rapists the vote

Quite a disgusting anti-American bunch.

Don't you agree?

Slaves wwere also pried from the hands of Republicans. I see you are another ignorant POS who thinks Democrats were for slavery ignoring that slavery was basically regional.

Replacing ICE

The EC is out of date & no longer needed. 2016 proved it was flawed.

Replacing private insurance with single payer.

Trump is trying to pack the USSC & you love it. McConnell pissed on the Constitution to pack the USSC. You loved it.

We have a safety net now. This approach enourages employment. I am not surprised you can't understand it.

You elected a rapist, why not give them the vote?

Excellent, RealDumb.....a post sans vulgarity!

Could you be growing up???

If so, here is the remediation you require....

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

BTW....the only rapist elected President was Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

Keep growing, lil' fella!
Capitalism is what really ended slavery.

THAT is a fact.

With Capitalism, slavery was a complete waste of time and money.

A worker, a paid worker, was incentivized to do his best lest he be removed and replaced. A slave did the least he could do that would avoid punishment.

A paid worker would often look for better and easier ways to accomplish his task, a slave couldn't care less.

A paid worker did his job and went home. His family was his responsibility. His housing, his food, his clothing, his medical care -- All his responsibility.

A slave owner had those responsibilities cast upon him.

Under Capitalism, people found ways to invent machines to do things better, faster and with less effort. Under slavery, there was literally no incentive to invent a Cotton Gin, a steam engine tractor, a locomotive, River Boats.

For a thousand years, there was no incentive (funny how that word keeps popping up) to do things better, faster, more efficiently. They just enslaved more people. If they ran out of foreign subjects of conquered lands to enslave, they started enslaving their own people. FACT

Capitalism is the greatest machine for the freedom of man ever invented. Every other system requires Masters and Servants -- ESPECIALLY socialism, the bane of humanity.

Think about it..... Setting aside from the moral repugnancy, think about how you would institute slavery today? In a modern society, it would be beyond stupidity. A free people are always better producers than slaves. Always.

And not until Capitalism did people start to realize that.

Capitalism is the best thing to ever happen to humanity. Nothing else is even close. Nothing
Capitalism is what really ended slavery.

THAT is a fact.

With Capitalism, slavery was a complete waste of time and money.

A worker, a paid worker, was incentivized to do his best lest he be removed and replaced. A slave did the least he could do that would avoid punishment.

A paid worker would often look for better and easier ways to accomplish his task, a slave couldn't care less.

A paid worker did his job and went home. His family was his responsibility. His housing, his food, his clothing, his medical care -- All his responsibility.

A slave owner had those responsibilities cast upon him.

Under Capitalism, people found ways to invent machines to do things better, faster and with less effort. Under slavery, there was literally no incentive to invent a Cotton Gin, a steam engine tractor, a locomotive, River Boats.

For a thousand years, there was no incentive (funny how that word keeps popping up) to do things better, faster, more efficiently. They just enslaved more people. If they ran out of foreign subjects of conquered lands to enslave, they started enslaving their own people. FACT

Capitalism is the greatest machine for the freedom of man ever invented. Every other system requires Masters and Servants -- ESPECIALLY socialism, the bane of humanity.

Think about it..... Setting aside from the moral repugnancy, think about how you would institute slavery today? In a modern society, it would be beyond stupidity. A free people are always better producers than slaves. Always.

And not until Capitalism did people start to realize that.

Capitalism is the best thing to ever happen to humanity. Nothing else is even close. Nothing
Capitalism and slavery coexisted for millennia. Slaves were just another commodity to be bought and sold and a raw material to be used in farming or manufacturing. As workers, they were little different from serfs, peasants, factory workers. The capitalist was the master, they were the servant.
Capitalism and slavery coexisted for millennia. Slaves were just another commodity to be bought and sold and a raw material to be used in farming or manufacturing. As workers, they were little different from serfs, peasants, factory workers. The capitalist was the master, they were the servant.

Shows your stupidity.

Capitalism didn't become prevalent until the mid-19th Century. Before then, it was 'primitive'. In fact, it was mostly primitive until the early 20th Century

This is from a decidedly LEFTIST site. It's written in simple-minded terms that a leftist might be able to understand. It's why I'm posting it for you. Maybe you'll take an interest and actually become intellectually curious about something for once in your life.

I doubt it..... But here goes.

Now. Extrapolate

If you can

Unit 1: The Origins of Capitalism | Solidarity Federation

The Rise of Manufacturing
The spread of capitalism meant that the feudal economic system and the power of the aristocracy was in terminal decline by the late 17th Century. The establishment of mass production, based on the cottage industry, meant England was well on the way to becoming a capitalist and industrially-based society. As the 18th Century progressed, this transition was completed.

During the 18th Century, a primitive form of manufacturing developed, which differed from cottage production in that workers did not work from home, but rather from single premises, or factory, owned by the capitalist. However, this early manufacturing differed from its later form in that it still depended on human physical power with little use of machinery. As such, early 18th Century manufacturing can be seen as a link between domestic production, based on cottage industry, and capitalist production, based on the mechanised factory system.

At first, the move towards factory production was driven by cost. Centralised production spared capitalists the cost of distributing raw materials to individual workers. Further, as the factory system developed, it soon became clear that it gave capitalism much greater control over the workforce, establishing tighter organisation of work and workers and thus higher productivity.

Know who popularized the word? Of course you don't.....

Karl Marx in ' Das Kapital'

Until then, the word AND the system had no meaning.

socialism and Capitalism emerged at the same time.

Capitalism and slavery coexisted for millennia. Slaves were just another commodity to be bought and sold and a raw material to be used in farming or manufacturing. As workers, they were little different from serfs, peasants, factory workers. The capitalist was the master, they were the servant.

Shows your stupidity.

Capitalism didn't become prevalent until the mid-19th Century. Before then, it was 'primitive'. In fact, it was mostly primitive until the early 20th Century

This is from a decidedly LEFTIST site. It's written in simple-minded terms that a leftist might be able to understand. It's why I'm posting it for you. Maybe you'll take an interest and actually become intellectually curious about something for once in your life.

I doubt it..... But here goes.

Now. Extrapolate

If you can

Unit 1: The Origins of Capitalism | Solidarity Federation

The Rise of Manufacturing
The spread of capitalism meant that the feudal economic system and the power of the aristocracy was in terminal decline by the late 17th Century. The establishment of mass production, based on the cottage industry, meant England was well on the way to becoming a capitalist and industrially-based society. As the 18th Century progressed, this transition was completed.

During the 18th Century, a primitive form of manufacturing developed, which differed from cottage production in that workers did not work from home, but rather from single premises, or factory, owned by the capitalist. However, this early manufacturing differed from its later form in that it still depended on human physical power with little use of machinery. As such, early 18th Century manufacturing can be seen as a link between domestic production, based on cottage industry, and capitalist production, based on the mechanised factory system.

At first, the move towards factory production was driven by cost. Centralised production spared capitalists the cost of distributing raw materials to individual workers. Further, as the factory system developed, it soon became clear that it gave capitalism much greater control over the workforce, establishing tighter organisation of work and workers and thus higher productivity.

Know who popularized the word? Of course you don't.....

Karl Marx in ' Das Kapital'

Until then, the word AND the system had no meaning.

socialism and Capitalism emerged at the same time.

For a fan of capitalism you sure seem to love Marx. If you like his primitive vs modern capitalism distinctions you're welcome to use them. I guess I missed them in your original post.

Not everyone seems to agree with your designations though:
Rome during the last two centuries of the Republic and the first two of the Principate was an unequivocally capitalist society in the sense that it was based on the private ownership of property and the transaction of social relations through the market.​
The Roman economy at this time was based on slavery.

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