Socialism Ascendant

The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
7. I heard a young man relate this college confrontation with his professor, a committed socialist:

“Professor, I got a D on the exam, and I admit I deserved it.”

He turned to the class, and asked, “Anyone get an A?”

When a young lady raised her hand, the student continued, “This is my friend, Karen, she studied a lot harder than I did, and she did a much better job than I did in picking parents,…but I think, professor, that you should change both of our grades to B. That would be educational justice!”

What an excellent deconstruction of socialism!

8. “Just for fun, find a Marxist professor- who scoffs at the idea that people work less if they lose the incentive of money- how he would feel if his name were not put on the academic articles he published. Instead the articles would be published under the name of another academic who needed the recognition more than he did. After all…he would still have the satisfaction of having written the articles….His completely reasonable response would be that he earned’ the right to have his name on those articles, and denying him that measure of earned success is viciously unfair. Exactly.” Arthur Brooks, “The Road to Freedom,” p. 26.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
The Right brought this on itself with its shallow, simplistic, ignorant, pseudo-libertarian approach to capitalism.

It's all someone else's fault though, dittos, you betcha.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.
Both sides of the aisle are fully engaged in globalism/corporatism. Not just the right.
You're better than that.
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
The partisan zombies on both ends take 0% of the blame and give 100% to the other. So yes, we agree that they both have their hands in this.

But right now, on this issue, the Left is able to sell socialism so easily because the Right has done so much damage to capitalism.

Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
I see you scrambled to fix that post.

You're so emotional.

Get me out of your head, hon.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

Public School graduates evidently usually know what socialism is & recognize that unregulated capitalism is bad.

They also learn not be be lying fucks that worship a fat assed orange liar & con man.
Every time you show the lack of courage of a fence-sitter....expect to be called on it.

Get it, gutless?
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
I see you scrambled to fix that post.

You're so emotional.

Get me out of your head, hon.

You're the guest who brings nothing to the party.......a debate free-loader.

Instead of wasting time on threads that actually require thought, go back to your job as seeing-eye man for a blind dog.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

Public School graduates evidently usually know what socialism is & recognize that unregulated capitalism is bad.

They also learn not be be lying fucks that worship a fat assed orange liar & con man.

Clean up your language: you're not home with the folks.
My side of the fence is described clearly in the first line of my sig, sweetie. I made it as simple as I could for you.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, comfy Safe Space in which I can hide.

Nor do I need one. I'm happy to take it from both ends.

Grow a spine for a change.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
I see you scrambled to fix that post.

You're so emotional.

Get me out of your head, hon.

You're the guest who brings nothing to the party.......a debate free-loader.

Instead of wasting time on threads that actually require thought, go back to your job as seeing-eye man for a blind dog.
I made a clear point, and you went drama queen. Again.

There ya go. Let it all out. Have a good cry.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

Public School graduates evidently usually know what socialism is & recognize that unregulated capitalism is bad.

They also learn not be be lying fucks that worship a fat assed orange liar & con man.

Clean up your language: you're not home with the folks.
Quit lying
Change your avi to "Gutless"
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
I see you scrambled to fix that post.

You're so emotional.

Get me out of your head, hon.

You're the guest who brings nothing to the party.......a debate free-loader.

Instead of wasting time on threads that actually require thought, go back to your job as seeing-eye man for a blind dog.
I made a clear point, and you went drama queen. Again.

There ya go. Let it all out. Have a good cry.


You wanna try again?


...if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.”America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
When you grow up.

Just have two rubber stamps made up, Gutless....

1. "They're both wrong!!"

2. "They're both right!"

Imagine the time that'd save could spend your time painting the fence you sit on.

Change your avi to "Gutless"
I see you scrambled to fix that post.

You're so emotional.

Get me out of your head, hon.

You're the guest who brings nothing to the party.......a debate free-loader.

Instead of wasting time on threads that actually require thought, go back to your job as seeing-eye man for a blind dog.
I made a clear point, and you went drama queen. Again.

There ya go. Let it all out. Have a good cry.


You wanna try again?


...if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.”America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.
I'm sure that's all really interesting 'n stuff.

No one gets triggered like you get triggered.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

Public School graduates evidently usually know what socialism is & recognize that unregulated capitalism is bad.

They also learn not be be lying fucks that worship a fat assed orange liar & con man.
You worship a homosexual who looks like a poop emoji and is married to a transsexual.
....if the Democrats have their way.

1.There is the obvious explanation for so very many government school grads desiring socialism for this once great nation: the explanation is government schooling, owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc.

It isn’t about education, it is designed to indoctrinate…..and they're pretty good at it.

2. Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively
A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.
Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. Here is the crux: Government school grads have no idea as to what they support.

Santayana was correct about those who don’t study history, proven here: “Marxist theory predicts the immiseration of the proletariat and subsequent revolution from below. This never happened in America. Labor confronted capital throughout the late nineteenth century, often violently, but American democracy and constitutionalism withstood the clash. Socialist movements remained minority persuasions. When Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1912, he topped out at 6 percent of the vote.

Socialism is in vogue because no one is sure what it is. The classic definition of abolishing private property, a planned economy, and collective ownership of the means of production no longer applies. More people today believe that socialism means "equality" than "government control."

Six percent told Gallup that socialism is "talking to people" or "being social." The same Gallup poll that found 40 percent of the public has a positive view of socialism, however you define it, also discovered large majorities in favor of the free market leading the way on innovation, the distribution of wealth, the economy overall, and wages, and smaller majorities for free-market approaches to higher education and health care. Americans are very bad socialists.” America's Best Defense Against Socialism

4. “… their most prominent spokesmen frame their domestic agendas in the language of the welfare state and social democracy, even as they celebrate, excuse, or defend socialist authoritarians abroad. Sanders told NPR in March, "What I mean by democratic socialism is that I want a vibrant democracy." Okay, then—who doesn't? The following month he told Trevor Noah that socialism "means economic rights and human rights. …… To be a democratic socialist means that we believe—I believe—that human rights include a decent job, affordable housing, health care, education, and, by the way, a clean environment." Ibid.

5. But…..Sanders is a Marxist/Communist. “The DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2


404 test

Socialism is Communism not quite strong enough yet.
Bet they didn’t tell you that in government school.

Public School graduates evidently usually know what socialism is & recognize that unregulated capitalism is bad.

They also learn not be be lying fucks that worship a fat assed orange liar & con man.

Clean up your language: you're not home with the folks.
Quit lying you almost sound like an adult.

But....I never lie...and you forget to provide any lie.

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