Socialism For Dummies... aka... Cortez and Her Adoring Bubble Heads...

How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.

This comment proves your ignorance. You have no idea what you're saying.
You have obviously NO CLUE as to the relationships, dependencies and consequences of Middle Eastern geo economic politics.

And of course you do, right? So explain why we should have got involved over there. In your own words, not some cut and pasting. Explain also why we're constantly at war when the constitution says war can only be declared by congress and when was the last time congress declared war.
Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

While the invasion of Iraq as it was done (imo) was a mistake, except if you recall, Iraq invaded Kuwait.....which other wars were unnecessary?
You make broad claims based on little or no information. Do you have access to ALL the intel the CIA and Pentagon has?

The problem with idiots and their stance on "war" is that they would oppose a war to protect US borders as well.
None of the so called Socialist countries you morons point to as success stories would exist without Americas military as their backup, freeing up their money for luxuries like free stuff for all.

What's really funny is your ignorance

How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.
You're a fool.

That was the easy part, now explain why you think I'm a fool.
Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

While the invasion of Iraq as it was done (imo) was a mistake, except if you recall, Iraq invaded Kuwait.....which other wars were unnecessary?
You make broad claims based on little or no information. Do you have access to ALL the intel the CIA and Pentagon has?

The problem with idiots and their stance on "war" is that they would oppose a war to protect US borders as well.
None of the so called Socialist countries you morons point to as success stories would exist without Americas military as their backup, freeing up their money for luxuries like free stuff for all.

What's really funny is your ignorance

I agree. Iraq was a mistake but Kuwait was a UN mission. Not America's.
How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.

This comment proves your ignorance. You have no idea what you're saying.
You have obviously NO CLUE as to the relationships, dependencies and consequences of Middle Eastern geo economic politics.

And of course you do, right? So explain why we should have got involved over there. In your own words, not some cut and pasting. Explain also why we're constantly at war when the constitution says war can only be declared by congress and when was the last time congress declared war.
It's taking Trump a little time to get us out of obamas jacked up wars in the middle east. But, through diplomacy, he's slowly getting it done.
Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

While the invasion of Iraq as it was done (imo) was a mistake, except if you recall, Iraq invaded Kuwait.....which other wars were unnecessary?
You make broad claims based on little or no information. Do you have access to ALL the intel the CIA and Pentagon has?

The problem with idiots and their stance on "war" is that they would oppose a war to protect US borders as well.
None of the so called Socialist countries you morons point to as success stories would exist without Americas military as their backup, freeing up their money for luxuries like free stuff for all.

What's really funny is your ignorance

How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.
You're a fool.

That was the easy part, now explain why you think I'm a fool.
All leftist traitors are fools. You're not the only one.
How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.

This comment proves your ignorance. You have no idea what you're saying.
You have obviously NO CLUE as to the relationships, dependencies and consequences of Middle Eastern geo economic politics.

And of course you do, right? So explain why we should have got involved over there. In your own words, not some cut and pasting. Explain also why we're constantly at war when the constitution says war can only be declared by congress and when was the last time congress declared war.
It's taking Trump a little time to get us out of obamas jacked up wars in the middle east. But, through diplomacy, he's slowly getting it done.

That's no explanation why you think I'm a fool though. You're just putting your hope on trump doing the right thing. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I myself think he's an ignoramus and out of his league. But that's my opinion. Anyway, if it takes a declaration of war by congress to go to war, why are we always at war and with no declaration from congress?
And of course you do, right? So explain why we should have got involved over there. In your own words, not some cut and pasting. Explain also why we're constantly at war when the constitution says war can only be declared by congress and when was the last time congress declared war.

In other words, attempt to turn the tables so the ignorant don't have to do anything to defend their ignorance? I get it.
You want me to spend my day attempting to educate you so that you can deny whatever information I give you.....

You & your ignorant friend, RWer said the Iraq war was unnecessary. You are both wrong.

Your assignment is to read this entire article....just so you can talk from some kind of informed perspective. Pretty much the entire world condemned Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Our oil interests in Saudi Arabia were also at risk. The USA moved to protect it's interests with the approval of most of the world's powers.
Iraq Invades Kuwait |

Then, you explain what you know about Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, oil politics and Congressional war powers first.

You know what else is ironic if not telling? You same people condemn Trump for his "Isolationists" policies, but then in the same breath, say we shouldn't get involved in foreign affairs. You flip flop more than a beached whale.

I'm getting ready to go out to lunch, please complete this soon.
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Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

Comrade shit fer brains, the government as exclusive provider of particular services IS controlling the means of production, you fucking retard.
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.

Sure it is. It uses taxpayer money to do it all. It takes our hard earned money to support welfare, Medicaid, grants and anything else it decides to use it for.

It will work great till you run out of other peoples money.


Beggars like rightwinger honestly believe that Father Government has an infinite supply of cash which doesn’t come from taxpayers.
op and PATRIOTIC citizens should understand what socialism is and ISN'T... well as who the REAL enemy is!

Vladimir Putin began his rule in December 1999 by unveiling a memorial plaque to Yuri Andropov, who, as Soviet ambassador to Budapest, oversaw the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and who, as chairman of the KGB, established the Fifth Directorate, which was tasked with suppressing dissent and expanded the practice of “punitive psychiatry” whereby dissidents were committed to mental asylums. Early on in his presidency, Putin reinstated the music of the Soviet national anthem — personally picked by Stalin in 1944 — as the national anthem of Russia, and described the peaceful dissolution of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” The retuned symbols of Soviet rule were quickly followed by Soviet-like methods of keeping a grip on society, from state control of television to the elimination of electoral competition.

Putin’s Russia is becoming more Soviet by the day

Putin compares Lenin to a saint and the Soviet communist code to the Bible

Comrade shit fer brains, the government as exclusive provider of particular services IS controlling the means of production, you fucking retard.
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.

Sure it is. It uses taxpayer money to do it all. It takes our hard earned money to support welfare, Medicaid, grants and anything else it decides to use it for.

It will work great till you run out of other peoples money.

Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

Works great until you run out of other people’s money

It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?

$38 million in 2005 alone...will you and everyone you know pay $38 million in income taxes over the course of your lifetimes?
Do you even understand the definition of “freeloader”?
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

Comrade shit fer brains, the government as exclusive provider of particular services IS controlling the means of production, you fucking retard.
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.

Sure it is. It uses taxpayer money to do it all. It takes our hard earned money to support welfare, Medicaid, grants and anything else it decides to use it for.

It will work great till you run out of other peoples money.


Beggars like rightwinger honestly believe that Father Government has an infinite supply of cash which doesn’t come from taxpayers.

Rightwinger doesn't care. She's a socialist who thinks we should support every freeloader out there. And we should be happy to do so.

She's a Govt. tit sucker from way back.
The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

thank you. what kind of "dummie" gets fooled into appeasing Russia while demonizing their own national ideals...??

someone ought to explain the REST of the constitution, beyond the 2nd amendment, to these rabid dumbos...

ours is a democratic constitutional republic whose government is by the people, for the people!
To them

Giving money to the wealthy is PATRIOTISM
Giving money to working Americans is SOCIALISM

Your problem obviously is you don’t think the wealthy work. Some rich people worked hard for their money and they don’t need it ripped away and put into the hands of those who don’t want to work as hard. Socialism is for fools and anyone who supports this joke of a candidate is in dire need of a reality check.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Shouldn’t all good, productive people be “afraid” of those who promise to steal more from America’s Best to give more free shit to bottom feeding filth, illegal wetbacks....etc?
I agree. Iraq was a mistake but Kuwait was a UN mission. Not America's.

The USA's oil interests are AMERICA's problem. We are NOT going to wait for the UN to assure our access to oil.

Well the invasion of Kuwait was under the direction of the UN.

IMO the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. We along with every other intelligence organization thought Saddam and WMD's.

Of course he sent them all the Syria but no one knew that so we invaded.
It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?
According to the IRS, he does, moron.
Prove it
He's been audited every year, dumbass.

Another poor white guy sticking up for the super rich is why America is still stuck in third world status when it comes to decent health care. If Trump's actually super rich, which I'm beginning to doubt.

I have great healthcare.
It's just to damn expensive.

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