Socialism For Dummies... aka... Cortez and Her Adoring Bubble Heads...

I just read a comment in a CNN comment thread that said, “Trump won’t stop until he turns us into a socialist country.”
How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.

This comment proves your ignorance. You have no idea what you're saying.
You have obviously NO CLUE as to the relationships, dependencies and consequences of Middle Eastern geo economic politics.

And of course you do, right? So explain why we should have got involved over there. In your own words, not some cut and pasting. Explain also why we're constantly at war when the constitution says war can only be declared by congress and when was the last time congress declared war.
It's taking Trump a little time to get us out of obamas jacked up wars in the middle east. But, through diplomacy, he's slowly getting it done.

That's no explanation why you think I'm a fool though. You're just putting your hope on trump doing the right thing. Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I myself think he's an ignoramus and out of his league. But that's my opinion. Anyway, if it takes a declaration of war by congress to go to war, why are we always at war and with no declaration from congress?

Wars have been outlawed by the UN charter. We have signed and ratified the UN charter. We cannot declare war on anyone.
a point will be reached when the capitalist system will burst asunder and at this stage the knell of capitalist private property sounds. the expropriators are expropriated!
we need socialism in America to help all those people who immigrate to america to escape socialism
Which of these positions qualifies as socialism?

did a stint working cs for an ins co that did medicare part b. About 3 times a week we got a call where the person told us they weren't dead. The government, with no proof, declared them dead and cancelled their ins. Imagine 350 million people having their ins run by the government...

how do you guarantee a job? do you force people to hire others? do they get a job with the government?

schools are over funded now, that's why it costs so damn much

most of us already have paid sick leave, how is this political?

what kind of house? who determines who gets what?

Justice reform isn't bad. ending the war on drugs and demilitarizing the cops is good

Illegal alien injustice

green energy has failed us every time we put money into it, so yea, lets do more, I'm sure they won't donate to certain pols...

dems won't pass that

funny, since leftists openly hate Vets.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Shouldn’t all good, productive people be “afraid” of those who promise to steal more from America’s Best to give more free shit to bottom feeding filth....etc?

What kind of free shit are you hoping they give you?
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.

Government programs that assume the control of the means of production are socialism, even if they "help some people" at the expense of other people.

You Stalinists are liars by your nature, so you employ euphemisms such as "single payer" and try to lie that you are not socializing medicine. But you are, it is socialized medicine. The means of production are controlled by the state.

It is in fact socialism, regardless of your blatant lies.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Shouldn’t all good, productive people be “afraid” of those who promise to steal more from America’s Best to give more free shit to bottom feeding filth....etc?

What kind of free shit are you hoping they give you?

Read through my post’ll find I hate beggars like you. I pay my own’s the American thing to wouldn’t understand.
Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

Works great until you run out of other people’s money

Such as Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen?

Oh, but Barry was furthering the goals of ISIS and Al Qaeda, so those were necessary, da Comrade?
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Shouldn’t all good, productive people be “afraid” of those who promise to steal more from America’s Best to give more free shit to bottom feeding filth....etc?

What kind of free shit are you hoping they give you?

Read through my post’ll find I hate beggars like you. I pay my own’s the American thing to wouldn’t understand.

You’re all talk, BROKELOSER, and you’re sure as hell not a real American.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

You obviously don't understand what socialism is. I am socialist. The U.S. is socialist and has been since FDR. Social Security and Medicare are popular socialist programs.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

Comrade shit fer brains, the government as exclusive provider of particular services IS controlling the means of production, you fucking retard.
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.
The problem with most if not all her ideas is she does not understand that all these things need to be paid for. IF you could get Americans to concede that all of it was needed you would still need to convince them that they would need to agree to be taxed at 50%. There would be no sliding scale it would need to be 50% no matter if you make $10.00 or $10,000,000.00. Hard to do when everyone is complaining that they are not getting enough of a tax cut. Some cities are suing the government because their citizens are not getting enough of a break so that the city can raise taxes.
Getting rid of ICE is about as smart as saying we need to get rid of all police and let people do whatever they want.

In short you can label it socialism, communism, complete lunacy. It really does not matter the label.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?

You sir, are what is known as "a fucking liar."

Very common for a Marxists like you.

Trump pays more taxes in any given quarter that you have paid in your entire life.

The IRS under the Obama regime illegally released Donald Trump's taxes right before the election in another of the many ways they rigged the election. Remember Comrade? But it didn't work because Trump paid every cent that he was supposed to pay under the law.

{A leaked copy of Donald Trump’s 2005 tax return shows that he and his wife Melania would have paid very little in federal income taxes that year. But his final income tax rate ended up being 24 percent due to a supplemental tax for the wealthy designed to ensure their use of loopholes doesn’t totally eliminate what they owe, according to a review of the document by accountants for CBS MoneyWatch.}

A Trump tax return revealed -- here's what accountants think of it
Nice try numb nuts

But no, Government programs that help people is not socialism.

Sure it is. It uses taxpayer money to do it all. It takes our hard earned money to support welfare, Medicaid, grants and anything else it decides to use it for.

It will work great till you run out of other peoples money.

Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

Works great until you run out of other people’s money

It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?
According to the IRS, he does, moron.

Shitflinger won't mention details. When Obama released Trump's taxes as a means of rigging the election, it backfired on them.
Sure it is. It uses taxpayer money to do it all. It takes our hard earned money to support welfare, Medicaid, grants and anything else it decides to use it for.

It will work great till you run out of other peoples money.

Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

Works great until you run out of other people’s money

It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?
According to the IRS, he does, moron.
Prove it

I already did, lying fuck.

That was just one of MANY things the Obama regime did to tamper with our election.

Obama belongs in prison.
Takes hard earned money to support unnecessary wars

While the invasion of Iraq as it was done (imo) was a mistake, except if you recall, Iraq invaded Kuwait.....which other wars were unnecessary?
You make broad claims based on little or no information. Do you have access to ALL the intel the CIA and Pentagon has?

The problem with idiots and their stance on "war" is that they would oppose a war to protect US borders as well.
None of the so called Socialist countries you morons point to as success stories would exist without Americas military as their backup, freeing up their money for luxuries like free stuff for all.

What's really funny is your ignorance

Shitflinger isn't ignorant, he's lying - maliciously.

How was Iraq invading Kuwait any of our business? This is why America is broke, although a handful of multibillionaires and corporations get even more wealthy on these unconstitutional wars.

How was helping Al Qaeda conquer Egypt our business? Yet Obama did. Ditto Yemen and Libya.
Since there's so many low IQ democrats and millennials that really don't understand what socialism is, thankfully we can dumb it down to their level so hopefully they can understand...

The thread premise is rightwing idiocy on a number of different levels.

The topic is a ridiculous preach to the choir fallacy – no one advocates for ‘socialism.’

The topic further displays conservatives’ ignorance as to what ‘socialism’ actually is.

And the topic exhibits the dishonesty common to most conservatives as they attempt to propagate the lie that Democrats are ‘socialists’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The reprehensible right is engaging in its unwarranted attack on Ocasio-Cortez not because of a fear of ‘socialism’; rather, she’s being attacked because she represents what conservatives truly fear: an intelligent, successful Hispanic woman illustrating an America changing for the better, a more inclusive, diverse America – and an America where a majority of Americans reject the fear, bigotry, racism, and hate that conservativism represents.

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