Socialism For Dummies... aka... Cortez and Her Adoring Bubble Heads...

This nation has no socialist policies. Without SS and Medicare 99 percent of people could not retire. Last I checked i paid into my SS my whole career. Now I cash my checks with no thought other than i earned it. SS is one of the greatest things this nation has ever done.
If it helps the working man it's bad. If it helps a ceo well it's awesome. Things haven't changed.
Since there's so many low IQ democrats and millennials that really don't understand what socialism is, thankfully we can dumb it down to their level so hopefully they can understand...

The thread premise is rightwing idiocy on a number of different levels.

The topic is a ridiculous preach to the choir fallacy – no one advocates for ‘socialism.’

The topic further displays conservatives’ ignorance as to what ‘socialism’ actually is.

And the topic exhibits the dishonesty common to most conservatives as they attempt to propagate the lie that Democrats are ‘socialists’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The reprehensible right is engaging in its unwarranted attack on Ocasio-Cortez not because of a fear of ‘socialism’; rather, she’s being attacked because she represents what conservatives truly fear: an intelligent, successful Hispanic woman illustrating an America changing for the better, a more inclusive, diverse America – and an America where a majority of Americans reject the fear, bigotry, racism, and hate that conservativism represents.

"preaching to the choir" isn't a fallacy, dumbass. It's a cliche way of saying you're wasting your breath.

Everything in your post is wrong.
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism

You obviously don't understand what socialism is. I am socialist. The U.S. is socialist and has been since FDR. Social Security and Medicare are popular socialist programs.

No, the US has socialist programs. It is not itself socialist. Two different things.
This nation has no socialist policies. Without SS and Medicare 99 percent of people could not retire. Last I checked i paid into my SS my whole career. Now I cash my checks with no thought other than i earned it. SS is one of the greatest things this nation has ever done.

Sorry, but I fail to see how anything you said in your post supports your opening premise. Telling us how great you think something is is NOT an argument that it isn't socialist.

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