Socialism For Dummies... aka... Cortez and Her Adoring Bubble Heads...

Well the invasion of Kuwait was under the direction of the UN.
IMO the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. We along with every other intelligence organization thought Saddam and WMD's.
Of course he sent them all the Syria but no one knew that so we invaded.

The UN was a face saving formality. Also, the UN's ability to "direct" much of anything has been waning in recent years. Right now they're desperately begging for cash.
We knew what the outcome would be.
Do you really believe the USA would not have defended SA and it's oil interests had the UN forbidden it?
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Wrong. We are afraid of the proliferation of ignorance among indoctrinated fools like yourself who are tools and fools for the very elitists and globalists you advocate for so willingly.

Your willful ignorance and the ease at which your kind are manipulated is what is feared fear.
Nations and freedom are lost this way.

That is not to say I 100% agree with everything Trump or the Republican party says or does.
Which of these positions qualifies as socialism?
Which of these positions qualifies as socialism?



No mention made who pays for all that.
No mention made who pays for all that.

The great irony is that they want the rich Corporations and Billionaires, who they demand give up all their wealth, to pay for it all.
Then where will it all come from? Unicorn Fairy Dollars?

Of course, they have no clue so they just think the government is the source of all wealth.
Even with Venezuela completely up their rears, they can't see reality.

Truly, these progressive, democratic socialists are either the dumbest fucktards ever conceived, or they are much more evil than is known.
I know some here would rather throw acid in their eyes than watch a video by PragerU, but they have great videos about this topic.

It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?
According to the IRS, he does, moron.
Prove it
He's been audited every year, dumbass.

Another poor white guy sticking up for the super rich is why America is still stuck in third world status when it comes to decent health care. If Trump's actually super rich, which I'm beginning to doubt.

When all else fails, blame the white guy. Am I right? Rich white people are the problem and don’t let anyone tell you differently!
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
Yeah, providing services isn't what it does. It controls prices and removes any incentives.
It also controls private property in some of it's forms.
The videos in post 65 really make a point.
The pure common sense will evade all the progs, dims and socialists naturally

But they refuse to see simple logic, undeniable evidence and truth.

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This isn't a case of "blank for dummies", hyphen Cortez is no dummy. She was an economics major and defeated a long time democrat who was slated for a leadership position. Democrats are really embracing this shit and we need to take it seriously even if the media ignores it. Democrats are going through a political crisis unlike any we have seen in the last fifty years and the media is pretending that it isn't happening.

Given AOC's exhibited level of economics knowledge, her degree is clearly as worthless as so many "degrees" are these days. Personally, I discount the value of ANY economics degree held by a Socialist, simply by definition, but in her case, every time she opens her mouth, she destroys the academic reputation of her alma mater.

As for her defeat of the incumbent in the primary, there are a few factors that should be assessed. First, the district in question is heavily minority, with about 50% of it being Hispanic. Second, her opponent apparently phoned in his campaign.

That being said, the fact that the head of the DNC has declared her "the new face of the party" and the deluge of donations her campaign has received from OUTSIDE her district means that we definitely have to take this shit seriously.

But I still think Democrats are idiots who don't understand what socialism really is.
It takes hard earned money to support freeloaders.

Works great till you run out of other people money.

Freeloaders like Trump who do not pay taxes?
According to the IRS, he does, moron.
Prove it
He's been audited every year, dumbass.

Another poor white guy sticking up for the super rich is why America is still stuck in third world status when it comes to decent health care. If Trump's actually super rich, which I'm beginning to doubt.

Explain and defend, please. This is not an assertion which is simply going to be accepted as fact. Prove it.
Since there's so many low IQ democrats and millennials that really don't understand what socialism is, thankfully we can dumb it down to their level so hopefully they can understand...

Clearly the only dummy is the OP..
Socialism is controlling the means of production and pricing

The Government providing services to citizens is not socialism
They are so afraid of Cortez. It's very amusing.

Nah. No on is afraid of Cortez and I doubt she wins anything.

Oh, she'll win her general election, because it's a heavily Democrat district in NY. A Republican is really going to win there? :eusa_hand:

In the general scheme of things, though, if these "Democratic Socialists" make headway in the national picture, it's because Republicans are morons who can't figure out how to sell capitalism, which is a no-brainer.
Republicans are socialists for the rich.

socialism is the monster hiding under our bed, our Chupacabra. it aint as bad as we think it is.
the core notion of socialism is that working people control production. the Soviet Union was the opposite of that, working people were slaves.
Most of the big socialists made their money through capitalism.

Ain't that kick?? LOL
Most of the big socialists made their money through capitalism.

Ain't that kick?? LOL

The "socialist" countries they always point to as their example and goal are also not really socialist. They have socialist programs underpinned by capitalism. The TRULY socialist countries, which have done away with that "eeeeevil" capitalism, are the ones the socialists always wave away as "not real socialism".
Cuba is developing a lung cancer vaccine, which means they can smoke all the cigars they want

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