Socialism is an Epic Failure for Europe and the World

Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?

Since you are sufficiently stupid to accept a 50%+ tax rate then there is no point in further discussion. You simply are not equipped to understand.
You are sufficiently stupid to accept paying on average 10000 dollar for healthcare in your country, while I pay about 5000. Taxes are not a punishment. They are just another way to fund services.
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Under socialism people strive for mediocrity. Under free-market capitalism they strive to be a success. Glad your proud that you and your wife are welfare sponges. What is your tax rate?50%? 60%?
Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?
50% huh. Mine is about 16%. I have good health care and paid vacation as well. Two bonuses per year. But I get to save my $$$ spend it on what I want, and the government stays the hell out of my life. I have a vehicle that I can actually afford to put gas in if I want to take a transcontinental drive. I can go less than two miles and be in forest that I can hunt in. I have shotguns, rifles and an assault weapon. Also, I have a gigantic yard and property that I can enjoy mowing the grass knowing it will all be mine. Paid for my college with the GI Bill. Served my country in uniform don’t you know. In the final nation is proud and great. We thrive on individualism and self-worth. Your government owns you. You sacrifice your freedom and productivity in order to wet nurse off the government teet.
My mother in law had what you consider good health care to. She was an RN, the head nurse in a prison for the criminally insane. Had her own house, savings and all the trimmings. Thing was at 55 she was forced into early retirement because of a bad back. Long story short, she died 8 years later. Without a house, savings and trimmings to pay for the medical expenses the insurance didn't cover anymore. Would not happen were I live. As to the rest. I don't have the land you have. I live in a very densely populated country. But I have my own house, drive a 3 year old Mercedes and although my taxes are high I don't have anything near the costs for services that you have to make.
I pay for my own health care. What’s the price of gas where you are? I will guess you live in Netherlands, Germany, or Belgium...possibly Denmark. I make enough I can provide for my own services. Private. Based on what I want from the free market. I like keeping more of my own $$$ and not giving it over to the government to squander.
Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?

Since you are sufficiently stupid to accept a 50%+ tax rate then there is no point in further discussion. You simply are not equipped to understand.
You are sufficiently stupid to accept paying on average 10000 dollar for healthcare in your country, while I pay about 5000. Taxes are not a punishment. They are just another way to fund services.
Taxes are a burden.
Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Destruction of middle class?

Are you describing California?

Yes, they are falling to socialism. It will be a shithole not before long.
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Under socialism people strive for mediocrity. Under free-market capitalism they strive to be a success. Glad your proud that you and your wife are welfare sponges. What is your tax rate?50%? 60%?
Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?
You couldn’t survive in the United States. You would actually have to provide for yourself and your family.
My friend this year I worked about 800 hours in overtime alone. I work harder then most Americans.
Because you have to pay all them taxes. I’m salaried employee. I don’t get paid overtime.
Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Hollywood limousine liberals want to push socialism on rest of society...but keep their lifestyle, and all the spa’s in the south of France that comes with it. They just have their pilots crank-up the private jet.
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Under socialism people strive for mediocrity. Under free-market capitalism they strive to be a success. Glad your proud that you and your wife are welfare sponges. What is your tax rate?50%? 60%?
Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?
50% huh. Mine is about 16%. I have good health care and paid vacation as well. Two bonuses per year. But I get to save my $$$ spend it on what I want, and the government stays the hell out of my life. I have a vehicle that I can actually afford to put gas in if I want to take a transcontinental drive. I can go less than two miles and be in forest that I can hunt in. I have shotguns, rifles and an assault weapon. Also, I have a gigantic yard and property that I can enjoy mowing the grass knowing it will all be mine. Paid for my college with the GI Bill. Served my country in uniform don’t you know. In the final nation is proud and great. We thrive on individualism and self-worth. Your government owns you. You sacrifice your freedom and productivity in order to wet nurse off the government teet.
My mother in law had what you consider good health care to. She was an RN, the head nurse in a prison for the criminally insane. Had her own house, savings and all the trimmings. Thing was at 55 she was forced into early retirement because of a bad back. Long story short, she died 8 years later. Without a house, savings and trimmings to pay for the medical expenses the insurance didn't cover anymore. Would not happen were I live. As to the rest. I don't have the land you have. I live in a very densely populated country. But I have my own house, drive a 3 year old Mercedes and although my taxes are high I don't have anything near the costs for services that you have to make.
I pay for my own health care. What’s the price of gas where you are? I will guess you live in Netherlands, Germany, or Belgium...possibly Denmark. I make enough I can provide for my own services. Private. Based on what I want from the free market. I like keeping more of my own $$$ and not giving it over to the government to squander.

Here's a link that says Americans fare poorly in health care and mortality rates compared to Europeans. Not much good having a low tax rate when medical bills can drive you into the poor house.

Americans Far Less Healthy, Die Younger Than Global Peers, Study Finds
Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Destruction of middle class?

Are you describing California?

Yes, they are falling to socialism. It will be a shithole not before long.

That, is their goal. Trust that. Run down dilapidated cities, tent cities. Blame it all on capitalism, pose as Robin Hood. Seduce the gullible with promises of free handouts. Those handouts, will be rationed. No more choices. No more toilet paper, except for what they may give you in your ration.

Yes, feudalism. Rich, and the screwed with zero opportunity.
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Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Destruction of middle class?

Are you describing California?

Yes, they are falling to socialism. It will be a shithole not before long.

That, is their goal. Trust that. Run down dilapidated cities, tent cities. Blame it all on capitalism, pose as Robin Hood. Seduce the gullible with promises of free handouts. Those handouts, will be rationed. No more choices. No more toilet paper, except for what they may give you in your ration.

Yes, feudalism. Rich, and the screwed with zero opportunity.

Can you make the next pin?
Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Destruction of middle class?

Are you describing California?

Yes, they are falling to socialism. It will be a shithole not before long.

That, is their goal. Trust that. Run down dilapidated cities, tent cities. Blame it all on capitalism, pose as Robin Hood. Seduce the gullible with promises of free handouts. Those handouts, will be rationed. No more choices. No more toilet paper, except for what they may give you in your ration.

Yes, feudalism. Rich, and the screwed with zero opportunity.

Can you make the next pin?

All those programs are catastrophic failures. In tune to 150 trillion dollars. But hey, MUH FREE STUFF!
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Under socialism people strive for mediocrity. Under free-market capitalism they strive to be a success. Glad your proud that you and your wife are welfare sponges. What is your tax rate?50%? 60%?
Both me and my wife work. Worked all my life. My tax rate is a bit over 50 percent. Now can you match my examples?
50% huh. Mine is about 16%. I have good health care and paid vacation as well. Two bonuses per year. But I get to save my $$$ spend it on what I want, and the government stays the hell out of my life. I have a vehicle that I can actually afford to put gas in if I want to take a transcontinental drive. I can go less than two miles and be in forest that I can hunt in. I have shotguns, rifles and an assault weapon. Also, I have a gigantic yard and property that I can enjoy mowing the grass knowing it will all be mine. Paid for my college with the GI Bill. Served my country in uniform don’t you know. In the final nation is proud and great. We thrive on individualism and self-worth. Your government owns you. You sacrifice your freedom and productivity in order to wet nurse off the government teet.
My mother in law had what you consider good health care to. She was an RN, the head nurse in a prison for the criminally insane. Had her own house, savings and all the trimmings. Thing was at 55 she was forced into early retirement because of a bad back. Long story short, she died 8 years later. Without a house, savings and trimmings to pay for the medical expenses the insurance didn't cover anymore. Would not happen were I live. As to the rest. I don't have the land you have. I live in a very densely populated country. But I have my own house, drive a 3 year old Mercedes and although my taxes are high I don't have anything near the costs for services that you have to make.
I pay for my own health care. What’s the price of gas where you are? I will guess you live in Netherlands, Germany, or Belgium...possibly Denmark. I make enough I can provide for my own services. Private. Based on what I want from the free market. I like keeping more of my own $$$ and not giving it over to the government to squander.
I'm guessing you aren't looking at the data. You spend fully half more on healthcare. That is out of pocket PLUS taxation. This for a lower life expectancy and less availability to the general populace. The free market you are touting DOUBLED the cost. Who's exactly squandering money here?
Not for the rich socialists. The utter destruction of the middle class.

That is the goal.

Destruction of middle class?

Are you describing California?

Yes, they are falling to socialism. It will be a shithole not before long.

That, is their goal. Trust that. Run down dilapidated cities, tent cities. Blame it all on capitalism, pose as Robin Hood. Seduce the gullible with promises of free handouts. Those handouts, will be rationed. No more choices. No more toilet paper, except for what they may give you in your ration.

Yes, feudalism. Rich, and the screwed with zero opportunity.

Can you make the next pin?

All those programs are catastrophic failures. In tune to 150 trillion dollars. But hey, MUH FREE STUFF!

In social security and medicare, youre just getting money back that you put in during your life.
Past efforts to privatize them in the past have failed, and such efforts will continue to fail.
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..

The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
Yet, the right wing prefers the common offense and general warfare over the express enumerations in our own Constitution.
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..

Capitalism and free-market is... “individual liberty.”
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Socialism… Forcing other people to pay for your shit
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
To each his own... I could not live there.
The only reason socialism even took hold in Western Europe was because of the Cold War and the military protection provided by the United States. Europe is allowed to live in freebie world (education, medical care) until they flame-out because of unrestricted immigration that will overtake the races and cultures of Europe. NATO Alliance members need to pay their fair share and cut back on socialist nanny states.
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World
And of course you know this because of your extensive travels in Europe?
I'm European, my wife is American I'll point out some of the differences.
-Everybody here has access to GOOD healthcare. There are no credit card checks. No 20 forms to fill in when you get admitted into the hospital. No pharmacy technician calling your insurance company if you need to fill in a prescription. Doctors that make house calls. Physical therapists that make house calls. Nurses that make house calls. There is no ophiod addiction epidemic because doctors here don't prescribe them like they are M and M's. As a result we have higher life expectancy, and less health problems throughout our lives.
-College debt does NOT exist here. School is near free until college level at which point it cost's around 2000 euro's a year. For those who aren't college material, high school is a trade school.
- I have 3 month paternity per kid to take before the kids twelfth birthday. 20 days of payed vacation for which I get what amounts to double pay around June. 7 official payed holidays a top of that.
-Payed sick leave by the employer for the first 2 weeks after which the government picks up the tab. If I get really sick or disabled, or unemployed for that matter I get enough money to live comfortable if not luxuriously.
- The price for that is high taxes, but I can say without reservation that few Americans can reach the level of security I have..
Socialism… Forcing other people to pay for your shit
Capitalism.. Financing it and putting it on the Peoples' Debt.

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