Socialism only works in 2 places: Heaven where they don't need it, & hell where they already have it


It works in all successful first world nations as long as it uses regulated capitalism. Oh'I see you don't know what you're talking about. What a toon.
SSi and Medicare work pretty fucking good
Single payer works pretty fucking good in every other first world developed country on earth
The food stamp program works
USPS works
FDA works well

wow, you're talking out of your ass!!!! Of course you don't believe in civlization so maybe you should go to somalia? You'd be happy.
Road gas taxes work well
Public schools educate 90% of our children
Public schools in other countries make up everyone of the top 10 best educational k through 12 educational systems on earth!
Our military works well
Our police force works well
Our first departments work well

WTF are you talking about?
that's just the truth. deal with it, snowflakes!

It works well in prison as well.

Everyone dresses the same, eats the same stuff, gets the same health care, and it's all free!

It is also a no gun zone where everyone is "safe" and every day is a gay pride day.

Prison is a liberal utopia.
Q: What exactly constitutes a developed socialist society?

A: The triumph of ideology over common sense. ...... :cool:
that's just the truth. deal with it, snowflakes!

What do you mean?

Socialism as a state system, or Socialism as part of a state system?

The UK NHS is Socialist and works well when it has the right amount of funding. I think it could work better if people's taxes were automatically assigned to the NHS rather than going through the govt. But when Labour are in power, it works well and is affordable. When the Tories are in power, it doesn't work well and it costs nothing.

The US has Socialist things. The police force, armed forces, infrastructure among many things. Does this not work? Do you think it would be better for people to take out insurance in order to get help from the police? How would the armed force function? Could I choose not to pay for the Armed Forces to go around the world invading people?
When are we socialist and when are we not?
  • At what level of personal income taxation are we socialist?
  • At what level of government spending to GDP ratio are we socialist?
  • At what level of government-owned means of distribution are we socialist?
This is a silly, shallow discussion until we're in agreement on details & definitions.

Looking forward to it, thanks.
When are we socialist and when are we not?
  • At what level of personal income taxation are we socialist?
  • At what level of government spending to GDP ratio are we socialist?
  • At what level of government-owned means of distribution are we socialist?
This is a silly, shallow discussion until we're in agreement on details & definitions.

Looking forward to it, thanks.
Socialism (in it's truest form) is total government control of all things. Hence, it is merely another form of dictatorship by a small elite.

History clearly shouts that dictatorship seldom works for the vast majority of people and in most cases, results in death and destruction.
When are we socialist and when are we not?
  • At what level of personal income taxation are we socialist?
  • At what level of government spending to GDP ratio are we socialist?
  • At what level of government-owned means of distribution are we socialist?
This is a silly, shallow discussion until we're in agreement on details & definitions.

Looking forward to it, thanks.
Socialism (in it's truest form) is total government control of all things. Hence, it is merely another form of dictatorship by a small elite.

History clearly shouts that dictatorship seldom works for the vast majority of people and in most cases, results in death and destruction.
Okay, so I'm looking for markers that we can identify.

For example, is Cuba socialist? Is England? And if England is socialist, how do you know?
that's just the truth. deal with it, snowflakes!

Well, since Hell and Heaven DON'T EXIST, you might have a point.

Neither do Socialism or Capitalism in pure forms. there's always a little capitalism in Socialist countries and a little Socialism in Capitalist countries. so why do we act like those are the only two choices on the menu?

You know, it's why we all had to pay to save the Banksters in 2008, because we Capitalize profits and socialize risk.

So if you want to look at countries that are more capitalist than we are, what you usually have are third world shitholes like Latin America.

If you want countries that are more socialist than we are, then you have the European countries, which are pretty socialist, and beyond that, places like Cuba or North Korea that kind of suck because we've been punishing them for decades for having too much socialism and taking rich people's shit.

For instance, the Capitalist Apologist like to point to South Korea vs. North Korea as an example of Capitalism vs. Socialism, but leave out the fact that the US spent hundreds of billions of dollars propping South Korea's dictatorships up before big corporations figured out how cheap those people will work for.
When are we socialist and when are we not?
  • At what level of personal income taxation are we socialist?
  • At what level of government spending to GDP ratio are we socialist?
  • At what level of government-owned means of distribution are we socialist?
This is a silly, shallow discussion until we're in agreement on details & definitions.

Looking forward to it, thanks.
Socialism (in it's truest form) is total government control of all things. Hence, it is merely another form of dictatorship by a small elite.

History clearly shouts that dictatorship seldom works for the vast majority of people and in most cases, results in death and destruction.
Okay, so I'm looking for markers that we can identify.

For example, is Cuba socialist? Is England? And if England is socialist, how do you know?
Cuba most certainly is, but England is not.
It definitely seems like conservatives are actively working to avoid the obvious bridge between capitalism and socialism, because they want to maintain a simple boogeyman.

The Democratic socialism of Europe is the obvious missing piece in the conversation.

Like many issues, this stuff exists on a continuum, gang. We're either going to be Democratic Socialism Lite or Democratic Socialism.
Tends to make a little more sense where there is no such thing as a monetary system.

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