Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
The simple fact that we have the treasury to support our citizens during this crisis is proof capitalism works.

So giving each citizen a thousand dollars is capitalism? HaHahahahahaHaha
Returning what the government took by force, yes.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG

This thread is an opportunity for capitalists to give their solutions. I haven't seen a single solution from them yet.
So you have no ideas, just whining and crying.


As I said in the OP, I'm looking for your ideas. So far, you haven't produced any.
What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

China should have done different, but I'm asking about our solution for now. Blaming China won't do much to get us through our current problem. How do you propose dealing with our problem today with all those capitalist solutions? Trump already said we would never be a socialist country because socialism is unAmerican. How can we get through this without being unAmerican?

Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?
Why did China spread misinformation when the virus first started to spread?

If you are upset about Trump comments then maybe you should be more concerned about China and the fact they caused all thos and if he said that ( Trump ) that is not misinformation but fact...

So tell me what is China solution to how to fix what they broke?

Last I checked I am not living under the rule of 'Gina's gubnit. Why has tRump blamed everyone else and spread misinformation about the virus.

Thank you for pointing out that tRump is just like China's leadership though, bravo!!!
when did he do that???

Blamed all Democrats and it is a hoax. Blamed Onama, blamed Clinton. The list is long.

and yet you cant post proof of a single one,,,

"Blamed all Democrats and it is a hoax. Blamed Onama, blamed Clinton. The list is long"

"and yet you cant post proof of a single one"

what with all the evidence over the last few weeks PROVING he blamed democrats and Obama I am curious as to whether you are just very stupid or a fkn conservative liar?

Don't be like your Orange creamsicle God/King google is your friend try it.
Lie? Are you saying the right and Trump supporters don't believe socialism is always bad? What capitalist solution do you think will work best?

look around you,,,any socialist system would result in starvation by now,,,

You either didn't understand the question, or you are trying to dodge the question. What is the capitalist solution today for Corona Virus?
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
I disagree, but that's not what I'm asking anyway. I'm asking for the solutions to the virus that all those thinking right wing capitalists have come up with. I haven't seen any.
The oremise itself isn't possible now. We are too nationally centralized because the fed gov is too big.
If it wasnt, it would be a more local matter.
People would have more interest in keeping people alive bevause more money would be at stake.
Information would be more correct because there wouldnt be an interest in making the govt and corporations look good.
Forced organization wouldnt be necessary because communities would want to curb the outbreak. If not, violations of NAP would happen.
There is NO possible "capatalism responses" to this as it isnt possible because the statists took over long ago.

Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
thats cronyism not capitalism,,,

So still no capitalist solutions. Imagine that.

they are all around you you ignorant twit,,,

But you can't point them out.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

You obviously don't understand capitalism.

And most who espouse it don't either.

The fact is that if things crash...they crash. That is just what happens.

Then, like a phoenix, they rebuild.

So, bail outs are not part of capitalism.

If anything, capitalism would say.....just let everyone get sick and see who walks away.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
The vaccines are currently under development and the materials necessary to fight Chinavirus are being produced in privately owned labs and factories.

Good old American energy and ingenuity hard at work and we do it all without the slavery of socialism, Comrade.

Cuomo Praises Trump for Helping Curb Coronavirus Outbreak

Hell, even the ISIS Queen is also praising the POTUS but feel free to continue whining, Snowflake:

Ilhan Omar praises Trump's 'incredible' response to coronavirus pandemic

Well no. Trump is forcing increased production. Government controlling volume. Imagine that.
I am asking you for CHINA GOVERNMENT solutions to how to fix what they broke and told you that you can not blame Trump and Trump is correct the Virus is and it spread is not his fault, so thank you for admitting he is not to blame for that...

Never said he was why is he blaming others that are not to blame for it and spreading misinformation?

Why did China spread misinformation when the virus first started to spread?

If you are upset about Trump comments then maybe you should be more concerned about China and the fact they caused all thos and if he said that ( Trump ) that is not misinformation but fact...

So tell me what is China solution to how to fix what they broke?

Last I checked I am not living under the rule of 'Gina's gubnit. Why has tRump blamed everyone else and spread misinformation about the virus.

Thank you for pointing out that tRump is just like China's leadership though, bravo!!!

You can search my posts and I have said Trump is no better than China when it come to lying but I bet if I search I can find many posters on the left that defended China when Trump was hitting them with Tariffs and thought they were more honest than Trump...

The fact is China broke it they should fix it and if Trump is a liar then you should be more concern where he got his nonsense from and it was China that started the misinformation and not him!

Hold your moron responsible for the continued spreading of that information. It is because he is either to stupid or lazy to look into it. Or he just gets his rocks off on being a liar just like the 'Ginese gubnit. Or both you choose.

I did not vote for Trump and let remember China claimed there was no threat, so why worry it is just the flu...

Fact is many of you on the left are trying to put blame on Trump and in your response you just stated he is responsible for what China started with the misinformation...

So let cut the nonsense because you are wanting to blame Trump for all this while excusing China for their failure...
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.
I've given you several and you keep ignoring them,,which makes you an ignorant dumbass,,,
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Perhaps you have noticed I have been screaming my head off about federal deficits ever since coming to this forum.

In particular, I have been railing against tax expenditures, which are massive government interference which have been totally distorting markets and add up to $1.4 trillion ever year.

Not every ten years. Every year.

If we were truly capitalist, those tax expenditures would not exist, and our economy would easily be able to absorb a multi-trillion dollar hit.

We would have a budget surplus, much less corrupt campaign finance, and lower tax rates for everyone.

So, yeah. Socialism is fucking us hard in the ass right now.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG

This thread is an opportunity for capitalists to give their solutions. I haven't seen a single solution from them yet.
So you have no ideas, just whining and crying.


As I said in the OP, I'm looking for your ideas. So far, you haven't produced any.

The answer is ask your Chinese Government to fix what they broke!

Why ask someone else to do it or are you saying China is not capable of fixing what they broke?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
What is your solution BULLDOG
: crickets: from BULLDOG :iyfyus.jpg:

I never claimed to have a solution. I'm just asking if you have any.
capitalism does have a solution and its happening around you as we speak,,,youre just to fucking stupid to see it,,,

Great. Point out how or where that is happening.
if you cant see it I can help you,,,but I can mock you for being an ignorant dumbass
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Perhaps you have noticed I have been screaming my head off about federal deficits ever since coming to this forum.

In particular, I have been railing against tax expenditures, which are massive government interference which have been totally distorting markets and add up to $1.4 trillion ever year.

Not every ten years. Every year.

If we were truly capitalist, those tax expenditures would not exist, and our economy would easily be able to absorb a multi-trillion dollar hit.

We would have a budget surplus, much less corrupt campaign finance, and lower tax rates for everyone.

So, yeah. Socialism is fucking us hard in the ass right now.
and its coming from both partys,,,
I disagree, but that's not what I'm asking anyway. I'm asking for the solutions to the virus that all those thinking right wing capitalists have come up with. I haven't seen any.
The oremise itself isn't possible now. We are too nationally centralized because the fed gov is too big.
If it wasnt, it would be a more local matter.
People would have more interest in keeping people alive bevause more money would be at stake.
Information would be more correct because there wouldnt be an interest in making the govt and corporations look good.
Forced organization wouldnt be necessary because communities would want to curb the outbreak. If not, violations of NAP would happen.
There is NO possible "capatalism responses" to this as it isnt possible because the statists took over long ago.

Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
thats cronyism not capitalism,,,

So still no capitalist solutions. Imagine that.
Because there isnt. Not now.

Finally an honest answer. Thank you.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Well, I like free-markets. I don't even like the term capitalism.

If you say capitalism and free-markets together, we don't have that.

The way wingers define capitalism today is all screwed up. What people are really doing is defending Keynesianism except they're saying the word capitalism. And there's really nothing about today's definition of capitalism that even hints at free-markets. Today's capitalism..which, again, is actually Keynesianism, isn't very different from socialism. Not really. As Keynesians there is a belief in central economic planning. A belief in deficit finance. A believe in inflationism. Those Keynesian beliefs are so far removed from free-market capitalism that it's laughable to call it that.

Really, to be arguing over capitalism and socialism is like pissing into the wind. Any defenses for capitalism I've read on here have basically amounted to a defense of Keynesianism.

Now if you had asked for free-market solutions versus socialism, then, it'd make for a useful discussion. But since you didn't, my prediction is that the thread's destiny is doomed to yet another exercise in redundancy.
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I disagree, but that's not what I'm asking anyway. I'm asking for the solutions to the virus that all those thinking right wing capitalists have come up with. I haven't seen any.
The oremise itself isn't possible now. We are too nationally centralized because the fed gov is too big.
If it wasnt, it would be a more local matter.
People would have more interest in keeping people alive bevause more money would be at stake.
Information would be more correct because there wouldnt be an interest in making the govt and corporations look good.
Forced organization wouldnt be necessary because communities would want to curb the outbreak. If not, violations of NAP would happen.
There is NO possible "capatalism responses" to this as it isnt possible because the statists took over long ago.

Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
They buy out politicians for govt to interfere. That isnt capitalism.
NAP is the non aggression principle.

Of course it is. Can't buy politicians with coupons.
Capitalism is LACK of govt
Good gawd

No it's not. Anarchy is lack of government.
look around you,,,any socialist system would result in starvation by now,,,

You either didn't understand the question, or you are trying to dodge the question. What is the capitalist solution today for Corona Virus?
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
no its not because the government didnt take over the company,,,all he did was tell them to make more and they will be paid for it,,,
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.
The oremise itself isn't possible now. We are too nationally centralized because the fed gov is too big.
If it wasnt, it would be a more local matter.
People would have more interest in keeping people alive bevause more money would be at stake.
Information would be more correct because there wouldnt be an interest in making the govt and corporations look good.
Forced organization wouldnt be necessary because communities would want to curb the outbreak. If not, violations of NAP would happen.
There is NO possible "capatalism responses" to this as it isnt possible because the statists took over long ago.

Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
They buy out politicians for govt to interfere. That isnt capitalism.
NAP is the non aggression principle.

Of course it is. Can't buy politicians with coupons.
Capitalism is LACK of govt
Good gawd

No it's not. Anarchy is lack of government.

anarchy is NO government and is the true right wing in this country,,,both dems and repubes are on the left side of the scale here,,,

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