Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
thats cronyism not capitalism,,,

So still no capitalist solutions. Imagine that.
Because there isnt. Not now.

Finally an honest answer. Thank you.
Because of statism.
As i said, your premise is ignorant.

You won't get a response.

This thread was doomed from the start.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
In time capitalism will invent and produce what we need assuming government stays out of the way

So you oppose the steps Trump has already taken?
I wish I had a pat answer to all your whining

but I dont

the helicopter money plan is very wrongheaded and I’m sorry that trump is doing it

but he’s working with many others in the government and the private sector in ways that you will never hear about much less give him credit for

Another right winger who admits capitalism is helpless in this kind of problem.
You have a severe reading comprehension problem
China should have done different, but I'm asking about our solution for now. Blaming China won't do much to get us through our current problem. How do you propose dealing with our problem today with all those capitalist solutions? Trump already said we would never be a socialist country because socialism is unAmerican. How can we get through this without being unAmerican?

Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?

Reread the OP. I asked for capitalist solutions for our Corona Virus problem So far, nobody has offered any.
Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?

Reread the OP. I asked for capitalist solutions for our Corona Virus problem So far, nobody has offered any.

You have been given numerous examples of how private industry is helping with this issue, and you ignore them all.

You are a blithering idiot hack troll.
Not sure what NAP is, but are you saying that our capitalist driven political system. (Capitalists buying politicians) has produced a situation that it can't fix, and that must rely on socialism to bail it out AGAIN?
They buy out politicians for govt to interfere. That isnt capitalism.
NAP is the non aggression principle.

Of course it is. Can't buy politicians with coupons.
Capitalism is LACK of govt
Good gawd

No it's not. Anarchy is lack of government.
Omfg. People purchase politicians for legislation in their favor. That isnt capitalism. By definition capitalism is an economic theory that the economy is ran by the private sector. Not the govt.
When they pay off pols, they do it to influence the market. To influence their profit margin.
Do you underatand now
I've told her that many times and she still doesnt get it,,,
Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?

Reread the OP. I asked for capitalist solutions for our Corona Virus problem So far, nobody has offered any.
Capitalism has made it possible for us to be ready to deal with a crises like this and 9-11 and all other difficulties we have faced down in history....the more bellyaching you and the liberal media do gives our side an advantage in November so keep it up.....
Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?

Reread the OP. I asked for capitalist solutions for our Corona Virus problem So far, nobody has offered any.
theyve been offered you just ignore them cause youre an ignorant dumbass,,,
Well let ask China for the solution and have them clean their mess up?

I mean they are not Capitalist, so hey let do as they did, right?

You don't want my answer because it has genocide in it and ending this failed experiment we call humanity!

You sound disoriented. Relax and then read the OP again. This thread is not about China. It's about us.

The thread is about China because it is their fault for why we have this Pandemic, so tell the board what are they doing to fix what they broke?

I mean they are not Capitalists, so what are their solutions?

No the thread has nothing to do with china. you are free to start one yourself though.

Well that where you are wrong because the Virus you want the U.S. to stop originated in China, so unless you are writing about another virus this had everything to do with China and yet you have not shown how China will fix this issue, and I wonder why?

Are you saying Socialism and Communism can not fix it either?

I mean you are mocking Capitalism while ignoring China could not even stop the spread of the virus...

So tell us how will China fix what they broke?

Reread the OP. I asked for capitalist solutions for our Corona Virus problem So far, nobody has offered any.

And my solution is to ask China seeing they broke the system with their virus!

Why will you not ask them?


You know they are unable to fix it just like every other country in the World and it will take a mixture of Capitalism and Government to fix what your beloved China broke...

It will take private corporations to find a vaccine with government funding...

How it has worked all this time you pathetic asd troll!
You either didn't understand the question, or you are trying to dodge the question. What is the capitalist solution today for Corona Virus?
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
no its not because the government didnt take over the company,,,all he did was tell them to make more and they will be paid for it,,,

He ordered it using a law from long ago allowing forced production increase for war efforts.
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
The vaccines are currently under development and the materials necessary to fight Chinavirus are being produced in privately owned labs and factories.

Good old American energy and ingenuity hard at work and we do it all without the slavery of socialism, Comrade.

Cuomo Praises Trump for Helping Curb Coronavirus Outbreak

Hell, even the ISIS Queen is also praising the POTUS but feel free to continue whining, Snowflake:

Ilhan Omar praises Trump's 'incredible' response to coronavirus pandemic

Well no. Trump is forcing increased production. Government controlling volume. Imagine that.
Well no, he has not yet but we are in a state of national emergency. You'd be bitchin' whatever his response but rational adults are praising his efforts. You are not and likely never have been among us and instead dutifully swallow whatever you are told:

Temporary policies adopted during a state of emergency are not "socialism"

Socialism is a permanent set-up. Leftists are going stretch crazy.

One thing Trump needs to do though (and quickly) is require housing companies to allow AUTOPAY. By not giving renter's the option of autopay, owners are forcing renter's to go out to banks, and handle large amounts of dirty dollar bills. This is a major cause of the spread of the coronavirus

Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic

Have you never heard of a check?
They can carry the virus too, and allowing them just creates another way of not doing autopay, which we should all be doing whenever possible.
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
no its not because the government didnt take over the company,,,all he did was tell them to make more and they will be paid for it,,,

He ordered it using a law from long ago allowing forced production increase for war efforts.
Houston distillery to make hand sanitizer to help bridge supply chain gap in Texas

Private company shifting from beer to hand sanitizer production here in Texas.

So you want more because I can produce it and have tired of your silly nonsense!

Now tell me why China Government is not doing more to fix what they broke and demand help from the rest of the world?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

The capitalist solution will be the reemergence of this country after this pandemic has run its course. As a liberal snowflake you want it now, but when historians will look back and they will see that the US grew past this pandemic while China slumped into a decade long stagnation.
There is nothing about capitalism which says the central government cannot come to the aid and defense of the people in a crisis.

If that were the case, capitalism would be against all taxation and fees.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
I think that being stuck in the house waiting for this shit to pass over makes all of your political BS seem so trivial and petty.
That's why I believe it's a planned bio-attack by the left.
Because even in a national emergency they can't bring themselves to stop being political assholes for one second.
I remember how great things were for 4 months after 911.
You pricks didn't dare try any shit then.
It was great.

Sure, but you think lots of crazy shit.

And you have not shown how socialism is producing your mystical solution.

I never made that claim, but Trump seems to think it's the best way to go. It's all he has done so far.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
The recent record stock market highs weren't bailouts, and didn't come from socialism.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
The recent record stock market highs weren't bailouts, and didn't come from socialism.

They were helped along by record government spending and trillion dollar deficits.

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