Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?
Red Herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump's hypocrisy, not China.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

The usual, capital will receive socialism compliments of we the people for whom it is forbidden.
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
no its not because the government didnt take over the company,,,all he did was tell them to make more and they will be paid for it,,,

He ordered it using a law from long ago allowing forced production increase for war efforts.
and that is not socialism you ignorant twit,,,
well lets seee,,,
first off this is a lie and trump never said it,,

and a BIG factor you are leaving out is that the money he wants to hand out was all made in the free market capitalist system,,,,

so a thank you should be in order,,,

and you have also failed to show any socialist system that would have been even close ,,,,

Are you upset that Trump is giving out that capitalist money in socialist programs? Evidently Trump believes socialism is the answer to our problem. Those are the only steps he has taken.
its clear youre to ignorant to know thats not socialism,,,so theres nothing I can do to help but only to mock your ignorance,,,

Got it. You have no example of a capitalist solution to Corona virus.

BTW: What do you mean by solution.

Capitalism and socialism have no solution for cancer either.

What are you talking about.

I'm asking for a capitalist solution to deal with our virus problem.
how many more do you need???
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?
Red Herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump's hypocrisy, not China.

What ever you say Mall Lawyer!

The thread is actually not about Trump but CAPITALISM and how morons like you believe it will fail us and Communism like China Government will save us!

So tell the board what has China offered to do to fix the mess they made?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?

It was more like deny, lie, and blame someone else :)
make more stuff and sell it at a profit,,,
When is that going to happen? Trump is using the government to force increased production. That isn't capitalism.
that is for medical supplies in a time of need you ignorant fool,,,thats the purpose of government,,,

That is socialism.
no its not because the government didnt take over the company,,,all he did was tell them to make more and they will be paid for it,,,

He ordered it using a law from long ago allowing forced production increase for war efforts.

That's not socialism you dipshit. Does the government OWN the company?
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
thats cronyism not capitalism,,,

So still no capitalist solutions. Imagine that.

they are all around you you ignorant twit,,,

But you can't point them out.
You have been given numerous examples of how private industry is helping with this issue, and you ignore them all.

You are a blithering idiot hack troll.

What's typical is that there is no definition of help.

What does "helping" mean.

It's easy to be an asshole when you can keep moving the goalposts.
Help means coming up with a vaccine. This will be done by private institutions, perhaps with some government funding.

Help means providing medical attention and medical supplies. Again, private companies are doing this. The government is going to temporarily facilitate the coordination of supply to need. A form of nationalization, yes.

Beer companies are retooling to make hand sanitizer and donating it for free. THAT is capitalism in its rawest form.

Both public and private charitable organizations are under heavy strain as they provide help to people who have suddenly found themselves unemployed.

The NBA is donating money to pay all the hot dog slingers and other food vendors at their stadiums during the shutdown.

So there is a synthesis between private and public "help" during this crisis.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
We aren't. Not really.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
you just showed how we are capitalist,,,the dems and repubes jacked up taxs and regulations and those free market capitalist said fuck you and left,,,

so your socialist policies once again killed the free market and we are all paying the price,,,
Yes trump has used the republican playbook and failed. Regulation cuts, corporate tax cuts, tax cuts for the wealthy... Republicans are corporate socialists.

Trump got about 15% of what he wanted so you cant say capitalism failed. Do you understand??
Capitalism didn't fail, trump failed. Him and the republicans are corporate socialists, not capitalists. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy. That is not good capitalism.
FALSE! Trump's reforms have been beneficial to everybody, including low end workers. Blacks, Hispanics, and disabled are enjoying their lowest unemployment in US history. Women have lowest unemployment in over 70 years.

All workers are enjoying the highest median wage in US history, and more Americans are employed than ever before. Stockholders large and small have had their best returns, ever.

Too say Trump has favored the rich, is absurd.

And since you Brain, rated my comment about Trump and outsourcing as Funny, now you also are invited to show one example of Trump doing outsourcing.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
We aren't. Not really.
Well there ya go then.
It is an exaggeration to say Trump is going full socialist during this crisis.

Is he adopting some "socialist" policies? Yes. He is even enacting a little bit of universal health care for those affected by the virus. He is nationalizing the medical supply chain. He is throwing money out of a helicopter.

But private industry is doing most of the heavy lifting. And taking the biggest economic hit.

Sure, this might cost the federal government a trillion bucks. But private industry has already lost about six trillion.

Socialism does not create the wealth which is fueling this rescue. It will all come from the private sector in the form of taxes and fees.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
you just showed how we are capitalist,,,the dems and repubes jacked up taxs and regulations and those free market capitalist said fuck you and left,,,

so your socialist policies once again killed the free market and we are all paying the price,,,

You partisanshitheads can blame each until hell freezes over if you like, it won't matter at all. The people got what we sat on our asses and accepted. So you admit your capitalists turned to communism to increase profit margin growth to infinity. Lets say that again, the capitalists went to communists for a better return on capital's investment.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
The recent record stock market highs weren't bailouts, and didn't come from socialism.

They were helped along by record government spending and trillion dollar deficits.
If Obama hadn't weakened the military so drastically, there wouldn't have had to have been so much spending.
Where are all the Capitalist solutions?

Capitalist solution is to just carry on, let the virus spread and have a few million vulnerable people die off at home after hospitals get overloaded.
Not true. Capitalism is big on philanthropy.

Capitalism is about bottom line naturally driving the solutions, not charity.

I'm not talking shit about capitalism here, I'm just talking about the narrow limitations of what it's good at and why they do not well apply in the context of national emergencies with so many lives on the line.

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