Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.
Trump cut corporate taxes, regulation, increased deficits drastically, hurt the economy with idiotic trade war.... And he couldn't hit 3% growth...
Cutting corporate taxes and deregulation are 2 of the reasons we have had a great economy, with record stock market highs.

Another reason is Trump's tariffs, inspiring business confidence and investing. Trade war has been going on for 30 years with 4 ex-presidents giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and flooding our stores with Made in China stuff. Only thing "idiotic" is thinking the continuation of that is a good thing.

What you call growth", is books cooked by Obama holdovers in the BEA. Actual growth is about 5-6%
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. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

trump stuff made in china - Google Search 4.png
trump stuff made in china - Google Search 3.png
trump stuff made in china - Google Search.png
No Trump is not a capitalist. .

you said Republican Play book, not Trump play book. Please think before you post. Thanks

for 7th time: Do you support AOC's communist revolution????
Yes trump has used the republican playbook and failed. Regulation cuts, corporate tax cuts, tax cuts for the wealthy... Republicans are corporate socialists.

Failed how exactly? What are you talking about? He was far from failing before this pandemic.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
you just showed how we are capitalist,,,the dems and repubes jacked up taxs and regulations and those free market capitalist said fuck you and left,,,

so your socialist policies once again killed the free market and we are all paying the price,,,

You partisanshitheads can blame each until hell freezes over if you like, it won't matter at all. The people got what we sat on our asses and accepted. So you admit your capitalists turned to communism to increase profit margin growth to infinity. Lets say that again, the capitalists went to communists for a better return on capital's investment.
you left out the free market side of capitalist,,and also the part where it was socialist policies they were running from,,,funny how china was more free market than the USA,, kinda puts it in perspective

and I'm not partisan,,,I dislike dems and repubes equally,,,
B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.
Trump cut corporate taxes, regulation, increased deficits drastically, hurt the economy with idiotic trade war.... And he couldn't hit 3% growth...
Cutting corporate taxes and deregulation are 2 of the reasons we have had a great economy, with record stock market highs.

What you call growth", is books cooked by Obama holdovers in the BEA. Actual growth is about 5-6%
The market climbed 149% under Obama. The blob’s market performance has been much less robust.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.

That's not the case.. Even SS/Medicare doesn't compare to the Green New Deal or the phony ass "Medicare for ALL" or "Universal Guaranteed Income", or TAXING stock/bank transactions proposals... That IS a federal AUTHORITARIAN TAKEOVER over most of our economy... INCLUDING the feeble minded visions of what our ENERGY supply should look like...

NO ONE in Congress can manage any of those... ALL of them TOGETHER -- would be a monumental crash and burn scenario... YET -- THAT is what 20 Dem Candidates were advocating recently...

And the Feds are not competent to even RUN CONGRESS... Don't want more of that...
bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

View attachment 313431 View attachment 313433 View attachment 313435
I refuted posts like that 4 years ago, when Hillary Clinton was doing the same lying (or ignorance) with her anti-Trump outsourcing TV ads.

They are BRAND LICENSING, not outsourcing. Took you 4 years to get unduped on that ? Wow.
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

Not thinking landed America where it is at this moment. Your free marketeer capitalists outsourced your jobs, economic security and production / manufacturing capacity / capability to communist workers so they could increase capital's profit margins via not paying capitalist workers capitalist wages, who foolishly contributed by mass consumption of communist made goods.

How is America capitalist at all?
you just showed how we are capitalist,,,the dems and repubes jacked up taxs and regulations and those free market capitalist said fuck you and left,,,

so your socialist policies once again killed the free market and we are all paying the price,,,

You partisanshitheads can blame each until hell freezes over if you like, it won't matter at all. The people got what we sat on our asses and accepted. So you admit your capitalists turned to communism to increase profit margin growth to infinity. Lets say that again, the capitalists went to communists for a better return on capital's investment.
you left out the free market side of capitalist,,and also the part where it was socialist policies they were running from,,,funny how china was more free market than the USA,, kinda puts it in perspective

and I'm not partisan,,,I dislike dems and repubes equally,,,

Who gave that to China? American capital. Yes, americans kept hearing "freedom" and lost all perspective, so we mass consumed and participated.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
The recent record stock market highs weren't bailouts, and didn't come from socialism.

They were helped along by record government spending and trillion dollar deficits.

Not to mention the CRIMINAL misuse and mismanagement of entitlement assets for SocSec and Medicare.. People were ROBBED of "excess" payroll tax for YEARS with NO liquid assets in the "Universal" trust funds to show for the theft...
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he can’t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White House’s—forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents we’re liberals—he punted and didn’t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But here’s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
Show one example of Trump offshoring jobs (outsourcing)

View attachment 313431 View attachment 313433 View attachment 313435
I refuted posts like that 4 years ago, when Hillary Clinton was doing the same lying (or ignorance) with her anti-Trump outsourcing TV ads.

They are BRAND LICENSING, not outsourcing. Took you 4 years to get unduped on that ? Wow.


And the explanation was just as lame then as it is today.

Your blob’s name is on stuff made in China. Are you saying he wasn’t aware and that he is suffering from impaired mental faculties? I agree with your assessment.
B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.

please tell us how those liberal policies survived during so many republican administrations.

Well, see, there's this group of people we call "Congress". And, see, they make laws and control spending. And often, a large number of them are leftist Democrats.

It's almost like we don't live in a monarchy, or something.
B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.
Trump cut corporate taxes, regulation, increased deficits drastically, hurt the economy with idiotic trade war.... And he couldn't hit 3% growth...
Cutting corporate taxes and deregulation are 2 of the reasons we have had a great economy, with record stock market highs.

What you call growth", is books cooked by Obama holdovers in the BEA. Actual growth is about 5-6%
The market climbed 149% under Obama. The blob’s market performance has been much less robust.
Looks like more unduping for you. I've been refuting these claims for years too. Obama's only year of economic record was his last (2016), and it was a pitiful failure. Even Obama holdovers in the Obama-rigged BEA admit that.

Before 2016, there was just ordinary post-recession recoil, that occurs no matter who is president.

Trump's economy has been continually booming, even top Democrats admit (only exceptions being the shutdown and Coronavirus, both not Trump's fault)
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.

It never ceases to amuse me when your illiterate ass presumes to call someone else "ignorant" while demonstrating YOUR (because "you're" means "you are") ignorance.

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