Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Hey mr vermin, I don't call the government helping those they put out of work socialism. Our governments main job is taking care of the people. Now if and when this blows over and if things don't get back to the way they are supposed to run, I might agree with you.

"Our governments main job is taking care of the people."

It would appear their first job is to inform the donor class of an impending pandemic and get their insider trading taken care of while keeping the info from the people. You really think this goes back to the unstable societal house of cards scenario as before?

Capital will get bailed out with socialism yet again. The people? Meh.
Concentrated capital is your govt, and yeah.
Because you commie fucks give away your power to government. You goose-steppers are too pussy and too stupid to keep power for yourselves. In fact, the first thing you want to do is rid the people of equal access to force. You're fucking idiots.

Now, get the fuck out of here, you worthless shit.

From Reagan on, utterly bipartisan.
From Reagan?

dude, it goes way back.


Dude see The Powell Memorandum.

There has been a concentrated effort to explode FedGov spending for decades. Calvin Coolidge was the last responsible president.

No it is not, that is when the recent trajectory of the redistribution of societal wealth to the top was embarked upon and pursued bipartisanly over time.
Hey everyone.

How has socialism worked out for the Coronavirus so far.

New York, a left wing bastion seems to be taking it on the chin pretty hard.
It would appear their first job is to inform the donor class of an impending pandemic

if you have evidence of that I will pay you $10,000. Bet??

If you cared about evidence you'd already know, it's all in the public domain regardless of how you'll continue to deny it. Don't need your money. Horses to water, same phenomenon. Intelligence Committee members. Cheers.
Capitalism crashes cyclically.

you mean when liberal govt interferes with capitalism it crashes - right?
I'll leave that nonsense to you partisanshitheads who are half way to understanding to quibble over.

libcommie govt owned or guaranteed 75% sub prime and Alt A mortages in 2008. Do you think that caused the crash or capitalism? Afraid to even try???
Why are you partisanshitheads always so hysterical?
Trump mentioned an ownership of the business for bailing them out.

Yes he did but he don't know much. His Republican conservative advisers will talk him out of it.
He knows nothing and he will heel for the donor class just as they all do. Capital will be subsidized as it always is.
???? the donor class is mostly Democratic and they hate Trump a lot. What planet have you been on??
You poor poor thing, you sound like a television.

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