Socialism vs Capitalism Controlled Experiment - Look No Further than Korea

Look, if you're one of those dummies who doesn't know Econ101 and here to denounce anything but anarcho-capitalism, shove it, I'm not interested.

Anarcho-capitalism is the logical conclusion of economics.
One is a form of gov't, the other of economics. Anarchy works about as well as communism.

I never heard about 100 million people being killed under anarchy. Have you?
Anarchy has never been tried, and never will be.

Sure it has. There was no state prior to 3000 BCE. Yet, there were cities and towns.

There have been a number of societies with no formal state, like Medieval Ireland and Scotland. Gaul before the Roman conquest, was also a stateless society.
So what did their patriarchs and matriarchs refer to? Chiefs, kings etc etc...
It wasn't.

Compared to the disaster of North Korea, it sure was.

Even today, Korea has smaller government than the USA, even if it's not necessarily freer nation.

Govt Spending in Korea (trading economics % of economy - the statistic might not be aggregated).

So, was it the 10% of government spending, or the 90% (roughly) of private sector that made Korea successful?

I will take my bets.

Now we have proven that capitalism works not only better than socialism, but also that it works, while socialism doesn't work.
Socialism works, you just don't like it.

And I couldn't care less but don't give us any bullshit about SK being a free market paradise.
Start with Nordic nations.

Ah, you mean countries that are populated by white people. Are you a racist?
All the successful modern countries. Including yellow Japan and S. Korea. Even here, despite being an unfair GOP hypocrisy.
Anarcho-capitalism is the logical conclusion of economics.
One is a form of gov't, the other of economics. Anarchy works about as well as communism.

I never heard about 100 million people being killed under anarchy. Have you?
Anarchy has never been tried, and never will be.

Sure it has. There was no state prior to 3000 BCE. Yet, there were cities and towns.

There have been a number of societies with no formal state, like Medieval Ireland and Scotland. Gaul before the Roman conquest, was also a stateless society.
So what did their patriarchs and matriarchs refer to? Chiefs, kings etc etc...

Chiefs were not able to wield force against other members of the tribe. People followed their decisions voluntarily. The state is the monopoly on coercion. No king, no state.
Compared to the disaster of North Korea, it sure was.

Even today, Korea has smaller government than the USA, even if it's not necessarily freer nation.

Govt Spending in Korea (trading economics % of economy - the statistic might not be aggregated).

So, was it the 10% of government spending, or the 90% (roughly) of private sector that made Korea successful?

I will take my bets.

Now we have proven that capitalism works not only better than socialism, but also that it works, while socialism doesn't work.
Socialism works, you just don't like it.

And I couldn't care less but don't give us any bullshit about SK being a free market paradise.
Start with Nordic nations.

Ah, you mean countries that are populated by white people. Are you a racist?
All the successful modern countries. Including yellow Japan and S. Korea. Even here, despite being an unfair GOP hypocrisy.

These countries are all largely capitalist.
And we're back to the dupe brainwash that socialism is communism, not just well regulated capitalism with perhaps some utilities nationalized, and a good safety net, and ALWAYS...

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM after O-Care was passed....
It wasn't.

Compared to the disaster of North Korea, it sure was.

Even today, Korea has smaller government than the USA, even if it's not necessarily freer nation.

Govt Spending in Korea (trading economics % of economy - the statistic might not be aggregated).

So, was it the 10% of government spending, or the 90% (roughly) of private sector that made Korea successful?

I will take my bets.

Now we have proven that capitalism works not only better than socialism, but also that it works, while socialism doesn't work.
Socialism works, you just don't like it.

And I couldn't care less but don't give us any bullshit about SK being a free market paradise.
Start with Nordic nations.
Tiny controlled groups. Not massive countries.

And not that socialist either... also they worked far better under much more capitalism oriented system, which ALL OF THEM utilized 100 years ago. Right now these countries are in big trouble because all of the socialist programs, which the kids will have to foot the bill for, it's the liberal way.
And we're back to the dupe brainwash that socialism is communism, not just well regulated capitalism with perhaps some utilities nationalized, and a good safety net, and ALWAYS...

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM after O-Care was passed....

Communism is socialism...
Compared to the disaster of North Korea, it sure was.

Even today, Korea has smaller government than the USA, even if it's not necessarily freer nation.

Govt Spending in Korea (trading economics % of economy - the statistic might not be aggregated).

So, was it the 10% of government spending, or the 90% (roughly) of private sector that made Korea successful?

I will take my bets.

Now we have proven that capitalism works not only better than socialism, but also that it works, while socialism doesn't work.
Socialism works, you just don't like it.

And I couldn't care less but don't give us any bullshit about SK being a free market paradise.
Start with Nordic nations.
Tiny controlled groups. Not massive countries.

And not that socialist either... also they worked far better under much more capitalism oriented system, which ALL OF THEM utilized 100 years ago. Right now these countries are in big trouble because all of the socialist programs, which the kids will have to foot the bill for, it's the liberal way.
If they do, it's because of the corrupt GOP world depression, and 7 years of mindless obstruction of typical solutions.
And we're back to the dupe brainwash that socialism is communism, not just well regulated capitalism with perhaps some utilities nationalized, and a good safety net, and ALWAYS...

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM after O-Care was passed....

Communism is socialism...
Only on the New BS GOP planet, dupe. Read and travel.

And liberal wikipedia?

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How dumb can you be? Very...

Poor kids...
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You are an uneducated revisionist. There were talks about unification and then the Soviet backed North invaded and nearly took the entire peninsula. The US was taken off guard and didn't want an armed conflict only 5 yrs after WW II.
Got a link?
I do.

A Pop Quiz on Korea

5. In accordance with a wartime agreement that the USSR would enter the war with Japan following the German surrender, Soviet forces invaded Korea in August, advancing to the 38th parallel by August 10. They could easily have occupied the whole peninsula. What did they do?

a. They accepted the Japanese surrender, provided arms to local communist forces led by Kim Il-sung, and withdrew within the year.

b. They consulted with their American allies, who requested that they stop their advance at the 38th parallel, so that U.S. forces could in the next month occupy the rest of Korea. The Soviets agreed to the U.S. proposal.

c. They proclaimed the Korean Soviet Republic and made plans for permanent incorporation into the USSR."
We eventually did the right thing and entered the war and pushed back the commies to the Chinese then the Chinese entered the war and it was fought to a stalemate. 10s of millions people were able to live under a free capitalistic government.
How much do you know about Syngman Rhee?
Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Soon after taking office, (July, 1948) Rhee enacted laws that severely curtailed political dissent.

"Many leftist opponents were arrested, and in some cases killed.

"On 26 June 1949, Rhee had his most serious political rival, Kim Gu assassinated; the assassin was described by the British historian Max Hastings as one of Rhee's 'creatures'.[28]

"It soon became apparent that Rhee's governing style was going to be authoritarian.[29]

"He allowed the internal security force (headed by his right-hand man,Kim Chang-ryong) to detain and torture suspected communists and North Korean agents.

"His government also oversaw several massacres, including the suppression of the Jeju Uprising on Jeju island, where South Korea's Truth Commission reported 14,373 victims, 86% at the hands of the security forces and 13.9% at the hands of communist rebels.[30]"
Socialism works, you just don't like it.

And I couldn't care less but don't give us any bullshit about SK being a free market paradise.
Start with Nordic nations.
Tiny controlled groups. Not massive countries.
Look, if you're one of those dummies who doesn't know Econ101 and here to denounce anything but anarcho-capitalism, shove it, I'm not interested.

Anarcho-capitalism is the logical conclusion of economics.
Anarcho-capitalism is infantile.

It's also nothing like what put South Korea on the map.
Much as communism is probably the most pathetic of the left wing attempts to solve political issues by mass murdering anyone who doesn't agree with them, the OP is simplistic and pathetic.

It ignores the West's support for a mass murdering dictator in the south, and the very likely fall of the idiots in the north if the sanctions were lifted.

Extremist idiots lose power in short order when the excuses they use for controlling the masses have gone away.
We've seen serious relaxations of communism in Vietnam, allowing capitalism to flourish in that country, and the extreme government of Iran is losing its grip on power quickly.

I call for a total removal of all trade barriers and sanctions except for weapons, knowing the commie fools that govern NK will last about a month once the population see what capitalism will bring them.

A nice DVD player and flat screen TV in every home will fuck the communist lot in 30 seconds.
Remove all trade barriers and flood the place with heavily discounted consumer goods tomorrow morning.
Kim ill haircut will be gone before July is out.

If you want him out before the second week in June, McDs needs to open a few branches in NK.
We eventually did the right thing and entered the war and pushed back the commies to the Chinese then the Chinese entered the war and it was fought to a stalemate. 10s of millions people were able to live under a free capitalistic government.
How much do you know about Syngman Rhee?
Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Soon after taking office, (July, 1948) Rhee enacted laws that severely curtailed political dissent.

"Many leftist opponents were arrested, and in some cases killed.

"On 26 June 1949, Rhee had his most serious political rival, Kim Gu assassinated; the assassin was described by the British historian Max Hastings as one of Rhee's 'creatures'.[28]

"It soon became apparent that Rhee's governing style was going to be authoritarian.[29]

"He allowed the internal security force (headed by his right-hand man,Kim Chang-ryong) to detain and torture suspected communists and North Korean agents.

"His government also oversaw several massacres, including the suppression of the Jeju Uprising on Jeju island, where South Korea's Truth Commission reported 14,373 victims, 86% at the hands of the security forces and 13.9% at the hands of communist rebels.[30]"

It appears you glossed over important parts of the wiki entry in order to support your narrative. The US refused to arm the SK, while the Soviets were arming the North to the teeth. NK was in not way willing to compromise and the North attacked!

"Both Rhee and Kim Il Sung wanted to unite the Korean peninsula under their respective governments, but the United States refused to give South Korea any heavy weapons in order to ensure that its military could only be used for preserving internal order and self-defense.[citation needed] By contrast, Pyongyang was well equipped with Soviet aircraft and tanks. According to John Merrill, "the war was preceded by a major insurgency in the South and serious clashes along the thirty-eighth parallel," and 100,000 people died in "political disturbances, guerrilla warfare, and border clashes".[31]

At the outbreak of hostilities on June 25, 1950, all South Korean resistance at the 38th parallel was overwhelmed by the North Korean offensive within a few hours. By June 26, it was apparent that the KPA would occupy Seoul."
And we're back to the dupe brainwash that socialism is communism, not just well regulated capitalism with perhaps some utilities nationalized, and a good safety net, and ALWAYS...

"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM after O-Care was passed....

Communism is socialism...
Only on the New BS GOP planet, dupe. Read and travel.

And liberal wikipedia?

Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Types of socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How dumb can you be? Very...

Poor kids...
Then there's the real world. Boy you dupes are confused. OK, let's call it democratic socialism or social democracy to keep you morons sane...
Much as communism is probably the most pathetic of the left wing attempts to solve political issues by mass murdering anyone who doesn't agree with them, the OP is simplistic and pathetic.

It ignores the West's support for a mass murdering dictator in the south, and the very likely fall of the idiots in the north if the sanctions were lifted.

Extremist idiots lose power in short order when the excuses they use for controlling the masses have gone away.
We've seen serious relaxations of communism in Vietnam, allowing capitalism to flourish in that country, and the extreme government of Iran is losing its grip on power quickly.

I call for a total removal of all trade barriers and sanctions except for weapons, knowing the commie fools that govern NK will last about a month once the population see what capitalism will bring them.

A nice DVD player and flat screen TV in every home will fuck the communist lot in 30 seconds.
Remove all trade barriers and flood the place with heavily discounted consumer goods tomorrow morning.
Kim ill haircut will be gone before July is out.

If you want him out before the second week in June, McDs needs to open a few branches in NK.
NK keeps all things out, not anyone else. Your scenario they never would allow. Totally evil and paranoid.
It appears you glossed over important parts of the wiki entry in order to support your narrative. The US refused to arm the SK, while the Soviets were arming the North to the teeth. NK was in not way willing to compromise and the North attacked!
Here's what you are leaving out:
"Rhee, who was afraid of a mass insurrection in Seoul, forbade the military from revealing the situation, and instead left the city with most of his government on June 27. At midnight on June 28, the South Korean military destroyed the Han Bridge, thereby preventing thousands of citizens from fleeing. On June 28, North Korean soldiers occupied Seoul.[citation needed]"
Why was Rhee afraid of a mass insurrection in Seoul? Because the overwhelming majority of his subjects knew he was a US puppet who helped prevent a united Korea from coming into being in 1945.
Syngman Rhee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The People's Republic of Korea (PRK) was a short-lived provisional government that was organized with the aim to take over control of Korea shortly after the surrender of the Empire of Japan at the end of World War II.

"It operated as a government from late August to early September 1945 until the United States Army Military Government in Korea was established in the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula by the United States of America.

"After that it operated unofficially, and in opposition to the United States Army Military Government, until it was forcibly dissolved in January 1946."
People's Republic of Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tiny controlled groups. Not massive countries.
Look, if you're one of those dummies who doesn't know Econ101 and here to denounce anything but anarcho-capitalism, shove it, I'm not interested.

Anarcho-capitalism is the logical conclusion of economics.
One is a form of gov't, the other of economics. Anarchy works about as well as communism.

I never heard about 100 million people being killed under anarchy. Have you?
Anarchy has never been tried, and never will be.
Yes it has. The Free Zone minimizes governmental interference is located next to Panama.


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