

Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
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Because it sounds good............makes them feel good............they think they are dignified by saying it............Noble.............]

But it always fails..............Reality is a bitch.
Why is it so many leftwingers want socialism in America? Why do think it would work here when it has never worked anywhere?

Let me guess....their desire for freebies transcends any concern for the havoc it would wreck on America.

"Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried — And It's Been a Disaster | Ryan McMaken

Socialism has never worked whenever it has been tried so why are some people still for it? : CapitalismVSocialism

It's all about the power and money. Rich elitist socialists don't necessarily want free shit for themselves. If they can arrange for free shit to be handed out freely to others, then they benefit when socialist politicians are elected.
Why is it so many leftwingers want socialism in America? Why do think it would work here when it has never worked anywhere?

Let me guess....their desire for freebies transcends any concern for the havoc it would wreck on America.

"Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried — And It's Been a Disaster | Ryan McMaken

Socialism has never worked whenever it has been tried so why are some people still for it? : CapitalismVSocialism

Because, since they are losers in life, they want the government to take all of our stuff away, then we also will be losers like them. The only winners will be the Uber Wealthy Liberal Elite, that always ends up with billions of dollars, stolen from us, like in the old USSR, East Germany, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc, etc, etc. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals have won their battle...After that, the shooting starts as they(liberal elites demand that those workers have to work) start the population reduction, because no poor person can protect themselves. Dumbass liberals WONT study history and see how Socialism always ends in disaster.....

Socialism Always Ends in Disaster - Gold Telegraph
Why is it so many leftwingers want socialism in America? Why do think it would work here when it has never worked anywhere?

Let me guess....their desire for freebies transcends any concern for the havoc it would wreck on America.

"Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried — And It's Been a Disaster | Ryan McMaken

Socialism has never worked whenever it has been tried so why are some people still for it? : CapitalismVSocialism

It's all about the power and money. Rich elitist socialists don't necessarily want free shit for themselves. If they can arrange for free shit to be handed out freely to others, then they benefit when socialist politicians are elected.

Dont forget that Bernie the Socialist Sanders(darling of the lunatic left) owns 3 houses worth over $600,000 each, yet he wants everyone else to be minimum wage at $15.00 an hour, a livable wage. Is that livable for Bernie?
What's wrong with making sure the least among us have a place in the line, a piece of the pie? If pure capitalism were the answer, there wouldn't be so many poor folks in this very wealthy nation of ours. We have bankruptcies of the wealthy and corporate class who then go knocking on the door of big government demanding bailouts when they get in financial trouble. They for sure get the bailouts because the politicians they bought and paid for, are the very politicians who will now accommodate them. Looks like these bailouts are a form of socialism that help just a comparatively small percentage of people. And of course with the strings attached guys. You know where to find us next time you're in trouble. Obama helped them out like a good corporate socialist. That didn't stop rush and hannity from continuously rallying the troops and getting them worked up over obama and the democrats being commies, progressives etc. Guess their fan club of right winger eat this stuff up cuz they're still accusing Obama of being a socialist, commie, etc. It looks like capitalism is getting worse since we have fewer and fewer multibillionaires owning more and more a percentage of the nation's wealth to where the wealth inequality scale is something like 4 or 5 families and individuals owning more wealth than say, the bottom 50% of us. The way things are going, it could be one or two individuals having more wealth than the bottom 80% of us? It's possible. When is enough enough? When one guy owns more than the bottom 90%? My thoughts on the subject anyway.
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Why is it so many leftwingers want socialism in America? Why do think it would work here when it has never worked anywhere?

Let me guess....their desire for freebies transcends any concern for the havoc it would wreck on America.

"Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried — And It's Been a Disaster | Ryan McMaken

Socialism has never worked whenever it has been tried so why are some people still for it? : CapitalismVSocialism

I haven’t heard anybody calling for full on socialism where government controls all means of production. Have you? If so, who?
Why is it so many leftwingers want socialism in America? Why do think it would work here when it has never worked anywhere?

Let me guess....their desire for freebies transcends any concern for the havoc it would wreck on America.

"Real Socialism" Has Indeed Been Tried — And It's Been a Disaster | Ryan McMaken

Socialism has never worked whenever it has been tried so why are some people still for it? : CapitalismVSocialism

The onslaught of "democratic socialism" sophistry in....



What's wrong with making sure the least among us have a place in the line, a piece of the pie? If pure capitalism were the answer, there wouldn't be so many poor folks in this very wealthy nation of ours. We have bankruptcies of the wealthy and corporate class who then go knocking on the door of big government demanding bailouts when they get in financial trouble. They for sure get the bailouts because the politicians they bought and paid for, are the very politicians who will now accommodate them. Looks like these bailouts are a form of socialism that help just a comparatively small percentage of people. And of course with the strings attached guys. You know where to find us next time you're in trouble. Obama helped them out like a good corporate socialist. That didn't stop rush and hannity from continuously rallying the troops and getting them worked up over obama and the democrats being commies, progressives etc. Guess their fan club of right winger eat this stuff up cuz they're still accusing Obama of being a socialist, commie, etc. It looks like capitalism is getting worse since we have fewer and fewer multibillionaires owning more and more a percentage of the nation's wealth to where the wealth inequality scale is something like 4 or 5 families and individuals owning more wealth than say, the bottom 50% of us. The way things are going, it could be one or two individuals having more wealth than the bottom 80% of us? It's possible. When is enough enough? When one guy owns more than the bottom 90%? My thoughts on the subject anyway.
Because the least of those among us have been doing nothing but sucking off Uncle Sugars tits. If pure capitalism were the answer, and it is, those that work get more than those that sit on their liberal lazy asses, as it should be. Once more history is right here. When I turned 18, I went to work at McD's at $2.10 an hour because I was going to college. I didnt like college and went full time at McD's but they wouldn't give me 40 hours so had to find another place to work. I became a short order cook at Bill Knapps, still making $2.10 an hour but after 1 year made a 15 cent pay raise because I knew all the positions of the kitchen and was able to handle the between shift of breakfast and lunch, alone. But then the wraskly liberals came in and said that $2.10 wasn't a livable wage, so they made it $2.25 in their liberal compassion. So now I was making what an entry level person was making who didnt know shit about the kitchen, but making the same as me. I felt very resentful to management, it wasnt their fault but the liberal government and decided to enter the Air Force to get skills to fix jets. After 9 1/2 years I left the Air Force, went to Home Depot for 3 years making 50 cents over minimum wage but learned all about home improvement and the stock market. When a position opened up in Saudi Arabia to fix F-15s at $70,000 tax free, I said good bye to Home Depot and used my Tax free status to rack up a lot of money in investments of Home Depot and McDonnell Douglas. Instead of me stewing about how unfair life is, because liberal victimhood kept me from succeeding, I took my God given talents of fixing jets to make a fortune and today have 3 PhDs....Working on my 4th. I have enlightened many of my friends, who also have opened their own businesses and are prospering too.....This biography about the pilgrims was the first attempt of bringing Socialism to the states before the United States was formed. Many liberals on this website will not read this, because it shows that their whole life has been one big lie. They live in denial. After you read this history, listen to Morgan Freeman(God) YouTube video and how he sees the United States. If he can do it, so can you..

The Pilgrim’s Failed Socialist Experiment
the seven-year contract signed July 1, 1620, before leaving Plymouth England, stipulated that the Pilgrims were to pool, for common benefit, “all profits and benefits that are got by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means of any person or persons…” It further noted “that at the end of the seven years, the capital and profits, viz. the houses, lands, goods and chattels, be equally divided betwixt the Adventurers and Planters…” During this time the colonists were to “have their meat, drink, apparel, and all provisions out of the common stock and goods of the said colony.” It doesn’t get more socialistic than this because the government divvied out the goods and loafers received the same as those who worked.
The first two years the result was shortages and starvation. About half the colonists died. No one did more than the minimal because the incentive to excel was destroyed. The industrious were neutralized. Bradford wrote of the scarcity of food “no supply was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any.” The socialist experiment Bradford added, “was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to the benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense….” In other words, socialism made strong men lazy.
After two years of such, with the survival of the colony at stake, they contemplated upon “how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery.” They opted to abandon the incentive killing socialist contract in favor of the free market. And so they “assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end…”
The effects were almost immediate. A delighted Governor Bradford wrote: “This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor… could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.” In other words, the free market is a much greater stimulus than governmental force.

What's wrong with making sure the least among us have a place in the line, a piece of the pie? If pure capitalism were the answer, there wouldn't be so many poor folks in this very wealthy nation of ours. We have bankruptcies of the wealthy and corporate class who then go knocking on the door of big government demanding bailouts when they get in financial trouble. They for sure get the bailouts because the politicians they bought and paid for, are the very politicians who will now accommodate them. Looks like these bailouts are a form of socialism that help just a comparatively small percentage of people. And of course with the strings attached guys. You know where to find us next time you're in trouble. Obama helped them out like a good corporate socialist. That didn't stop rush and hannity from continuously rallying the troops and getting them worked up over obama and the democrats being commies, progressives etc. Guess their fan club of right winger eat this stuff up cuz they're still accusing Obama of being a socialist, commie, etc. It looks like capitalism is getting worse since we have fewer and fewer multibillionaires owning more and more a percentage of the nation's wealth to where the wealth inequality scale is something like 4 or 5 families and individuals owning more wealth than say, the bottom 50% of us. The way things are going, it could be one or two individuals having more wealth than the bottom 80% of us? It's possible. When is enough enough? When one guy owns more than the bottom 90%? My thoughts on the subject anyway.
Noice text brick of logical fallacies, prog bromides, and garden variety sopishty.

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