Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

Does it matter that she misrepresented who she is to the American pubic?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You don't need a vote to express an opinion, or even influence the voters.

But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

The fact that you may be butthurt about a politics term doesn't make it go away. I mean it's got a Wiki entry; you could look it up. But I did point out how the OP intentionally morphed the term into something else for the title here. There must be something there y'all are mortally afraid of.

The fact remains, a Senate candidate does not present herself to "the American public"; she presents herself to the voters of the STATE. What anybody in the other 49 states thinks is irrelevant as they have no vote and would not be her constituents.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.

--- And? People support and oppose political measures all the time, how is that relevant here?

It is relevant because you are limiting public interest to state voters, which is never the case, particularly for offices which have national influence.

"Politics term" :auiqs.jpg:

OK Hunior, why don't you essplain to the class how you're going to vote in a New York statewide election if you live in Florida. Or Oregon. Or Illinois. After that you can essplain how that candidate needs to appeal to the voters in Idaho. Or Nebraska. Or Alabama.

I'm sorry your lunchbox has no marshmallows today.

As I said, one needs no vote to express an opinion, even one that may influence the voters of a specific state.
Socialist NY Senate candidate challenged over claims of being an immigrant, Jewish

This candidate completely remade herself but it the era of "truth isn't truth" and "alternative facts" does it even matter?

A Democratic Socialist candidate for New York Senate faces questions after reports emerged that she falsified her biography, including claims about being an immigrant and Jewish, while her previous work shows she was a Christian conservative advocate.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a young and hip socialist who would move the party further to the left. She also received an endorsement from the New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

But Salazar came under fire last week after an expose in Tablet magazine, which examined Salazar’s claims about her biography.​

Does it matter that the OP directly misrepresents its own topic in the first word of its title?

This just in ---- a Senate race is only for the voters of a single state. That's who she or any candy "represents" herself to. They don't present themselves to "the American public" --- they present themselves to the voters of that state.

In this case that state is New York. Hence it's none of my business or yours, as we don't have a vote.
Nor should we.
Oh please all the ticky tack crap you guys toss about Trump, it's just funny seeing how you guys dismiss this.....Why do you guys lie about your background? is this called ethnic fluidity? One day a Jew the next a muslim..........

What, you mean where Rump claimed to be Swedish because he can't admit to being German? I haven't even brought that up.

Now me, I've never lied about my background. That's the difference.
But maybe the OP needs an edumacation on how state elections work, ya think?

Read the poll "question". I put "question" in quotes because it's invalid.

Nonsense. Lies matter to the American public, and by titling herself a "Democratic Socialist" - an oxymoron if there ever was one - she represents a national move by the Democrats that needs to be pointed out.

The fact that you may be butthurt about a politics term doesn't make it go away. I mean it's got a Wiki entry; you could look it up. But I did point out how the OP intentionally morphed the term into something else for the title here. There must be something there y'all are mortally afraid of.

The fact remains, a Senate candidate does not present herself to "the American public"; she presents herself to the voters of the STATE. What anybody in the other 49 states thinks is irrelevant as they have no vote and would not be her constituents.

In terms of state elections, I seem to recall Bloomberg of NYC pouring cash into failed gun control campaigns in Virginia and other states, just as a handy example.

--- And? People support and oppose political measures all the time, how is that relevant here?

It is relevant because you are limiting public interest to state voters, which is never the case, particularly for offices which have national influence.

"Politics term" :auiqs.jpg:

OK Hunior, why don't you essplain to the class how you're going to vote in a New York statewide election if you live in Florida. Or Oregon. Or Illinois. After that you can essplain how that candidate needs to appeal to the voters in Idaho. Or Nebraska. Or Alabama.

I'm sorry your lunchbox has no marshmallows today.

As I said, one needs no vote to express an opinion, even one that may influence the voters of a specific state.

And I'm sorry you skipped reading class. The poll question --- AGAIN --- makes reference to a New York Senate candidate, representing herself to the "American public". That faux pas is not going away.

Hell I never even heard of her until this thread. I don't live in New York, so I have no need to.
"Access" is irrelevant here. You and I could look up the speeches of the candidate for dogcather in Port Fart Idaho if we wanted but it wouldn't give us a vote in that race nor would that candidate have any need to explain to us how he was going to catch dogs in Port Fart.
I don't see of any way to change my questionnaire but your reaction to what you've termed as my faux pas is rather enlightening. Politics is not a subject I've spent any significant amount of time studying but my assumption was that many national political career begin at the local level however more to the point was whether locally or nationally does the American public care about our politicians fabricating their background.

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